
Don't forget world history

i need $10 for better grammar patreon.com/Tante_hilda Reincarnate in another world and start a new life. There is a country full of imperialism, a world different from the world where he lives. The boy's hobby during his life was researching history and studying many heroes. However, the boy was unable to investigate the history of his favorites in the new world. There is a law that becomes a big wall. The boy is bound by the law that "history must not be replayed" , but the boy still spends his days thinking about the heroes of his previous world. One day, the boy made a prediction that a war with a neighboring country would soon occur. He told his two friends about his prediction and begged them to be careful, but someone overheard their conversation. This causes the boy and his best friend to leave the village in the worst possible way. He flees to a neighboring country and meets a person traveling with the boy, but that person is a hero in a past world that the boy also knows about. A story of historical exploration tracing the mysteries of this world in different worlds woven by a boy and the heroes of the past. What is history? What do people think? Through his adventures, he meets various people and gets to know their feelings. The boy uses his knowledge to face the darkness of this world.

Tante_Hilda · Fantasy
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24 Chs

“By continuing to aim through repeated thoughts and trials, we will reach the ultimate.”

 I don't understand this person even more.

 … No, I'm confused by what this person is saying. Is there such a thing as God in this world?

 Is this person really from the empire in the first place? This person's ideas are too heretical within the empire's education and national thought.

 No, maybe that's why he couldn't survive in the empire and had to choose exile.

 I told him that I wanted to know other countries, with the intention of testing this person.

 That is almost a taboo idea in this country. I haven't told anyone other than Haiku and Irene about this.

 Irene also has the idea of wanting to know about foreign countries, but no one but me and Haiku know about it.

 In other words, you can't say that he's not someone you're very close to.

 However, I dared to tell this person what I thought.

 I could tell from the flow of the conversation earlier that this person was neither a military official nor a villager.

 And from the fact that he was at this time, this person's appearance, and this location, it was clear that he was defecting.

 Thinking that it would be all right for the exiled person to express my true desires, I dared to answer in the manner I described earlier in order to ask if this person would be exiled, and if so, why.

 Even from this person's point of view, it's clear that I'm a heretic. This person probably said this.

 "Don't be ashamed of your thoughts. Be proud of your thoughts"

 It means more than admiration for the inquisitive spirit of knowing the unknown.

 After all, in this country, other countries are just other countries that should be invaded.

 Or perhaps it's a country just waiting to be colonized, one that will no doubt become part of the empire someday.

 Knowing such a country is meaningless.

 Therefore, there is no need to deliberately try to learn about such things, so we do not learn about the situation in other countries in school.

 I understood the weight of this word's meaning.

 But at the same time, a question arose and I asked it.

"I'm honored by your compliment. I myself know that my ideas are heretical. And yet you praised me. Maybe you were originally a civil servant? Or maybe you were a high-ranking person."

"Huh, that's what you think. Your insight and thoughts are interesting. Well, let's answer. The answer to that question is 'nobody.'"

 What do you mean... "nobody"? 

 Does that mean that this person is "nobody" because he is a defector from the empire?

 But I asked him if he was a civil servant or someone of a higher rank.

 However, this response. Don't ask implicitlyhinthintI wonder if she's pretending to be.

 If he was a highly educated civilian, he was in a position where he could obtain a certain amount of information about other countries. If he is in such a position, he will have a longing for other countries.

 However, I don't understand the basis for trying to defect to a dying country.

 It is only natural that empires will eventually rule the world. All the people of the empire know that most of the world is now controlled by the empire.

 ...Oh, wait. Am I brainwashed enough by the empire?

 I had blind faith in that information because the only source of information was the teachings of the empire. There is no guarantee that an empire will rule the world.

 However, due to this country's system and educational process, and the fact that they were pouring all their energy into the fight, they believed that the empire's world unification was just around the corner.

 …No, no. Does this mean that you will be taken into a part of imperialism? I have to try not to narrow the horizons of my thoughts.

"Hey, kid. What's wrong? You suddenly stopped talking."

 Ah, it seems like I've picked up a bad habit again.

"Sorry, I think I was just thinking about something and was in a daze. This happens often, so please don't worry about it."

"Hahaha. You're quite an interesting child. But be careful. Your thinking ability and insight are your charms, but at the same time, they seem to be your shackles. When you speak, you think over and over, trying to think more about the future than others, so you are creating your own unique space.This is exposing yourself to the possibility of being taken advantage of by the nobles. When you talk to someone, you try to think of every possible example, whether it's the best or worst way to do it, whether it's from the other person's point of view, and whether it's a common or exceptional point of view. Always keep thinking, and your shortcomings will disappear. Very few people can do this while talking, but there is hope for them. By continuing to aim, you will reach the highest."

 "Achieve Shikou by repeating Shikou and Shikou and continuing to do Shikou"? 

 ...What are you talking about? I'm sure it's "thinking and trying" since he was referring to the act of thinking and trying based on the flow of the conversation, but what does it mean to "achieve the goal by continuing to try"?

 Which one will be the last shikou? I think it's probably from the word "supreme" that it means "supreme"...

 The third example is the continuation of the act of continuing, and it also implicitly includes the words of continuing to aim for heights...maybe it's an "intention"?

 ...This person is amazing. While saying that my bad habits are not just bad, I have included everything in these few words about how I can improve them even more.

 I was thinking about how I could break this bad habit, but I thought, ``By continuing to think and try, and keep aiming, I can reach the ultimate goal.''

 ...That's a good word. I think it's a bit painful though. It's perfect for me right now.

 He is an incredible person who can immediately understand and point out my shortcomings. I can say this because I love historical figures.