
Chapter 6

Scarlett's parents were worried sick that she wasn't home yet. It was later than usual. " Dad, do you think she actually gave into it again?" Trevor asked with a slightly shaken tone. " I've been thinking the same, Trevor." Was the only reply he got. Marie had a look of terror in her eyes while her mother was pacing back and forth on the porch.

" I don't think I can handle that anymore Trev. I can't see her like that again. She-" " What are you talking about Marie?" Scarlett cut off her sister. " Nothing. I was just worried that you weren't home yet." Marie said as Scarlett approached her. " I was late because something interesting happened." She said with a bright smile.

Scarlett grabbed Marie's arm and noticed that she flinched. " Are you alright sweet cakes? " She was concerned. " I'm fine, Scar, just tired." Came her monotonous reply. But she was still curious, nonetheless, she shrugged the gut feeling and went to her room as Marie trialled behind with a faint smile. " So... What, or who was that interesting person? " Marie's tone was teasing and Scarlett laughed. Sure the person was special, a secret celebrity, she thought and laughed furthermore.

" You won't believe it, Marie... When I was rushing towards college today..." She trailed off telling Marie about Zander. They both were laughing, literally rolling on the floor when she impersonated Zander's reaction when he read the like letter. " So you mean he thought that you were the one who gave him the letter and then his balloon just got pricked by Brianna's needle? " Marie asked hysterically. Scarlett nodded as she continued from where she left out.

" ... So then he was like,' we're friends whether you like it or not! You just called me Zander!' And I was like, shoot!" Marie was smiling by the end, her sister had finally started coming out of her thick shell. She was glad that she met Zander, even if it was an accident. " So are you going to become friends with Zander? " She asked cautiously. " I don't think so sweet cake. I mean, he's such a nice person, like who invites an old man for movie night? But..." " But you just want to keep a low profile and shape your career..." Marie finished. She had to admit, she knew Scarlett like the back of her hand.

" Yes... I don't want anyone else, I have you and Trev to share everything with." She said with a beautifully affectionate smile. " That's right Scar, but you will need a friend by your side. Everyone needs one. Who knows, maybe you will find the best friend quality in Zander. I haven't even seen him and I already like him. Think about it. You do have Trev and me, but that's not enough." Marie patted her sister's head. Though she was only 16, sometimes she was really wise.

" Dinner's ready!" Their mother shouted from downstairs. " Are you going to think about making a friend?" Marie asked as they were descending the stairs. " I am." She replied curtly with a nod.

The dinner table was filled with amazing food that made Scarlett's stomach gurgle with happiness.

" So what are you thinking about? " Mr.Bailer asked Zander as his eyes were still on the small TV screen. So what if they were boss and employee? So what if they had a huge age gap? They were still amazing friends. " Uh, it's nothing," Zander said as he attempted to catch a popcorn he threw in the air, unfortunately, it landed on his right cheek instead of his mouth. A frown marred his face and decided to try again. " Nonsense! I can see that you are really pondering about something."

" Well... I met this really nice person today. She was really great, you know, but she didn't want to be friends with me. That's at least part of the reason." "And what about the other reason? " Mr.Bailer asked in a clipped voice. " Brianna. She gave me a like letter." Mr.Bailer's laughter filled the room. " Hey! Don't laugh! That's really rude, old man." He smirked since he knew that Mr.Bailer hated to be called 'old'.

That seemed to do the trick. He was quiet for a while. " If you don't stop with the 'old man' trick, then I'm not going to help you, boy." Was his answer. The man was witty and cunning." Fine!" Zander replied and his smirk fell off and shifted to the 'old man's' face instead. " Good. Just tell Brianna that you have a girlfriend. The usual trick, or..." He paused. " Or what?" Zander asked expectantly. " She is a really nice person, try to give her a chance." " Nah! I'm good. But thanks for the splendid offer." Zander snickered and got up. The conversation hung in the air, like an awkward, big bat.

The day was sunny and great. Scarlett had an extra jump to her steps, happy, that's how she felt. It was a great morning and less crowded. The incidents of the previous day came flooding to her. She giggled slightly as she remembered Zander's pale face.

She looked at the clear sky as she was walking and lost balance as she collided with someone again. She let out a frustrated groan. Her eyes widened at the sight of Zander crouching before her. " Hey. You alright?" He asked and she nodded. Her hands went to the books that had fallen from her hands. She was more alert this time and checked for her name before collecting the books that belonged to her.

Zander studied her every move. He felt that there was something unusual about her. Maybe it was her overly reserved nature, or it was something else. He couldn't put a finger on it. " I'm sorry." She said and started retreating. " Would you like to meet up after you're done with college?" Boy, he wanted to befriend her.

" I'll think about it, Zander." Was her only reply before she went for the sprint. She surprised him yet again. " So we are friends!" He yelled at her moving form. " Dream cafe at 4!" He yelled and was pretty sure that he saw her showing him a thumbs up.

Scarlett liked the idea of having a friend. But why not a girl? Her thoughts wandered, because they didn't make a move, she concluded. She was the kind of person who wanted people to initiate the talk, not the other way round. Not because she was self-centred, because she felt awkward, what if she gave them the wrong impression and they didn't want to talk to her ever again? That was the reason she lay low. One wrong impression and she would hate herself, but Zander made a move and she was grateful for that.

" Hi! I'm Tania Kerrington." A girl spoke stopping her train of thoughts, reasoning her socially awkward behaviour. " Hi." She waved back. The girl had chestnut hair and green eyes, her height was just as much as Scarlett. She just stood there, looking at her with admiration. " Can I be your friend? I really liked it when you stood up for yourself when people told you that you were too old for a freshman." Scarlett was amazed by what the girl said. " I... uh... sure." She said. " Oh, I'm Scarlett-" " Gracie Brown." The girl completed, taking Scarlett by surprise once again. " Don't freak out... I just made sure to know at least your name when I started fangirling you." Scarlett didn't know what to feel or what to say, tongue-tied, that's how she felt.

" Oh, and I'm glad that we both will be partners for the first class from now on," Tania said with a vibrant smile.

Could the day get any better for her? She had made two friends in one day and she was proud of herself.