
Chapter 5

Scarlett reached her class just in time, the professor was trailing behind her. She rushed inside and shuffled into one of the seats in the second row. " Good morning class." The professor's voice chimed. They all greeted her back and settled down, ready to start the first lesson of the day.

" Please open your textbooks to page 30. We will be starting with the second chapter, pick partners when I ask you to, for the group project. There can be only one group with 3 members since this class has an odd number of participants. so now please start flipping your pages." She said and a low murmur broke out as the sound of pages flipping filled the room.

Scarlett opened page thirty and was shocked to find an article about excavated items in the past 10 days. It had a chart towards the bottom which was hand-filled with details about numbers, weight and significant characteristics of the items mentioned above it. Whose book was this? Was this Trevor's or Marie's? She looked at the first page and saw a name she didn't recognize. 'Zander Alexis Miller' was written in very bold and neat handwriting. Who could it be?

It then struck her, it was the tall man with soft-looking brown locks and questionable eyes. So her books had been exchanged with his. Without remembering that she was in class she face-palmed herself and the sound resonated in the quiet room.

" Ms. Brown. Would you mind explaining what's going on?" The professor asked with a slightly annoyed tone. " I'm extremely sorry Mrs. Carter, my books got exchanged with a person that I bumped into earlier today. I'm so sorry." She whispered the last part with embarrassment.

The professor was one who was impressed with Scarlett's performance and involvement in the class. Never had she been spotted with questionable behaviour before. But she was strict in following the rules. " You may leave my class Ms.Brown. Please utilize this time to get back your textbook." She said.

Scarlett was outside the museum. If the book was important to the man, he would definitely be searching for it too. She flipped through the front pages for any other information on the person other than his name. But she wasn't in luck. She had only 30 minutes more to get back. If she couldn't find him she would be doomed for good.

" Hey!" She heard a distant call as she turned around disappointedly with only 15 minutes to spare. She looked around but couldn't find anyone, so she proceeded walking. " Hey! Girl! Wait!" There it was again! Where was this voice coming from? She looked around in a more scrutinizing way. She found a person walking down the museum stairs and waving at her. She was about to wave back and then decided against it.

He jogged up to her, " I'm sorry for the second time today. Thank you for deciding to search for me to return this, I could have been fired today, Scarlett." He said and her eyes bulged out when he said her name. Of course, she wrote her name on the first page. " Thank you as well, Mr.Miller. And I'm sorry as well." She said and switched the books faster than lightning and bolted for her college building. " You can call me Zander! I'm not that old!" He shouted and without a doubt, she heard all of it.

The rest of the day was a piece of cake. She laughed when she remembered how he shouted that he wasn't that old. She had to admit, he was a kind soul. She was sitting in the college cafeteria, sipping on some cold coffee as she opened the textbook she retrieved from Zander. She noticed a paper popping out of one of the pages, probably close to the last page. She pulled it out and opened the crinkled piece of paper.

Dear Zander,

HI! I know this might be awkward, but I think you should know this. It's extremely important. I am your colleague Brianna. Though I belong to another team, I've seen the way you work. It is extremely inspiring to see you working. I'm not aware if you know that I even exist. The reason I'm writing this because I don't have the courage to say it out loud. I get all flustered and shaken when I'm face to face with you. I really like you, Zander. I'd like to know your opinion about this. Please tell me how you feel.

I really like you, Zander...

With love?

Brianna xoxoxo

Her eyes crinkled with humour. Somebody had a fan! She had to give this to him. She wasn't sure how or when but it was his and he should get it. She folded the paper neatly and put it inside the book again and decided to get some studying done.

She looked at the time and it was almost 4. She picked up her things and started her long-short walk to the bus stop. She also kept a watch for Zander to give him the letter. Her strides were long and free, the place was empty and the cool evening breeze caressed her skin, sending chills in the places she was sweating.

Her eyes darted towards the entrance of the museum as she passed it, curiosity filled her and she walked towards the gates. Climbing the stairs, she walked into the beautiful museum. Her eyes looked around in amazement. She thought she spotted a familiar mop of brown hair and approached the person. " Of course Brianna, I'll look into the statistics of your team one I'm done with mine. See you tomorrow! Bye, Mr. Bailer. Remember to come to my house for our movie night." Who invites an old man for a movie night? He sure was something.

" Mr.Miller." she addressed him the same way deciding to see his reaction. He turned around and looked at her as if she was an alien. " Oh, Scarlett. What brings you here? Do I still have something that belongs to you?" He asked and she shook her head. " If you would please come with me for a second please." She said softly. She didn't want to give him Brianna's like letter in front of her, what could be more awkward than that?

" Uh-sure." He said as he scratched the place where his earlobe and neck met. They walked to the entrance and stopped. She simply slipped the paper out of her book and gave it to him. " What's this? A love letter? " He chuckled lightheartedly. " No, it's a like letter." She said to which he gave her a peculiar look. "Like letter?" she only nodded and motioned for him to open it and read it.

" So what, you like me? I thought you didn't even want me to know your name. " He laughed as his hands were unfolding the paper. She didn't say anything and stifled her own laughter, he would figure out soon.

He started reading it and instantly all the colour from his face drained and his jaw almost hit the floor. Now Scarlett laughed. Tears trickled down her cheeks as she laughed hard. " Don't laugh. she just stated how she felt." He said with a frown as he looked at her laughing without a care in the world. He saw it now, she was beautiful and vibrant. He wanted to be her friend, he saw himself having an amazing time with her as her friend.

He joined her as she laughed over and over again. Friends? " He extended his hand for a handshake, a very kindergarten kind of gesture, but who cared. She suddenly looked down with hesitation. " I have to go. Bye, Zander." She turned around and ran down the flight of stairs. " We're friends! Whether you like it or not! You called me Zander!" Oops, she let it slip. She bit her tongue and banged her head on her book as she glanced at Zander. He was grinning and waving at her. " See you tomorrow?" He asked, no he yelled. She didn't answer right away.

Her head was debating if she should say yes or no and decided to shake her head no. But Zander's grin didn't falter. " We'll see about that!" He waved and walked back inside as Scarlett walked to the bus stop.

She would have loved to become Zander's friend, but she was just being cautious. She didn't want to invite trouble for herself.