
Chapter 2

He fell asleep after a tiresome night of preparing an article about their newly excavated item. Being the head of a group of archaeologists wasn't as easy as it sounded. Although he loved his work dearly and adored it like the love of his life, he did get fed up at times.

Zander's soft snores were the only noise inside his decently big room. He didn't earn as much as his friends or his family, but nonetheless, he was a happy man. His journey in the land of sleep was interrupted when his phone blared in an earsplitting tone.

A nerve popped out near his forehead due to the irritation he felt from the loud blare. He shifted to a sitting posture and took the screaming device in his hand. His mood immediately changed as soon as he saw the name that flashed on the screen. He picked the call and placed the phone close to his ear. " Zander, honey! Were you sleeping? I'm so sorry. My poor baby, you must have been overworking yourself again. I think it's high time that I visit you. I'll have a talk with that boss of yours, he is just getting on my nerves." Zander couldn't help but laugh at the way his mother was talking.

He disagreed with his father when he fled from his city to pursue his dream, not to be pushed forcefully in the business world. All along his mother was the only one who supported him for who he was. She was such a good person at heart, so was his father, but not from this perspective. He was sure that one day they would definitely have a reunion, a reunion that he was eagerly looking forward to.

" Mom, it's ok. Don't worry, you know that I'm not a morning rise and shine kind of person." His mother wouldn't give up. She wanted to see him, after all, it had been close to seven months that they saw each other.

" I'm coming there honey, whether you like it or not. Wait, are you asking me not to show up because you live with a girlfriend I don't know about?" She asked and that threw him off the edge, literally, he fell bottom first on the floor. " Mom!" He whined. " I don't have time for a girlfriend just yet, plus, I'm only 25 years old." He finished. " You know honey, if you are... you know gay, it's ok. I'm there to support you. " Ok, that was it. " Mom, I'm a perfectly healthy male, but I just don't want to be tied down to any commitments just yet." He voiced out.

Zander would understand why his mother had said what she did, he was a social worker as well, especially for the LGBT community. He found peace in helping people find who they were and embrace themselves for that.

" Fine, so you're fine with me coming over?" She asked with a really hopeful tone. How could he even deny that cute little mother of his? " Of course you can. You're always welcome here mom." He said while he looked around his messy room.

" Oh, thank you so much, honey. I'll be there tomorrow. Bye!" her cheerful voice said and the line went dead even before he could answer.

His eyes fell on the wall clock and noticed that it was 8 o'clock already. He groaned out of frustration. He had to be at the museum by 9:30. How in the world was he going to do that? Well maybe if you get up and move fast you can his mind told him. So he did just that and left his house without eating anything.

The cab he booked came to a halt in front of the museum sharp at 9:00. He paid the money and made a run for the entrance. It wasn't easy since school children were standing almost everywhere. As soon as his foot stepped inside the building, he spotted his boss. His boss was an old man, very punctual, yet, very friendly, much like his own father. " Mr. Bailer!" He called out and the man turned around with a scowl. " Zander, you are 2 minutes too late." He stated and soon his scowl morphed into a crinkled smile. That made Zander's worried expression drop as well.

Peter Bailer looked at Zander with so much of adoration, he was one of the two youngsters in the archaeology business. He was proud of Zander for that, amazed by his interest and skills at the same.

The day went by in a breeze. Zander was relieved at noon. He went to the nearest shop to grab something to eat. He entered a very cozy cafe in the corner. He ate a very filling brunch and decided to go back home and do his work.

Zander's front door was already open and that creeped him out. Was there a burglar in his house? He stepped inside and looked around to find his messy den all neat, clean and sparkly. He felt a light slap on his head. He turned around and found his mom standing there. " Mom!" He looked at her with disbelief. " I thought you were coming tomorrow..." " So you thought that you can finish work and clean up before I come here. Am I right? " She asked as her hand found its way to Zander's ear and pinched it. " Ouch! Mom, that hurt!" He said and hissed from the pain radiating from his pink ear that his mom thought was a squeaky toy.

" Won't you welcome your mamma bear with a bear hug? " She pouted. He grinned and hugged her, a big bear hug.

What would he even do without his mother? Sure she was crazy, but he loved her so much.

" Son" He heard an all too familiar and firm voice. " Oh, and I forgot to tell you that I brought your dad with me today." His mom said and he saw him coming out of his room. " Dad" He acknowledged him with a nod.

They stared at each other for long. " Ok, let's do something productive than plotting on how to pop each other's eyes out by just staring." Zander's mother said and pulled both of them to the couch, making them sit across one another.

This was going to be one hell of a long day.