
Chapter 17

2 weeks had gone by and Scarlett was learning to collect herself and be calmer. She didn't exactly know what a tumour was in the beginning, so she used the internet and did a little research on it. Eduardo hadn't told her anything about the precautions that were needed or the life rate. She found that a tumour was something that was serious and it had to be taken out before it becomes too big.

People could live an average of 5 years after they were diagnosed with a tumour and that got her panicked. She had so many things that she had to do in 5 years. Yes, she still didn't want to undergo the surgery. The day was amazing and she decided that it was time she started doing something with her life. She quit college and decided to study art. Her parents supported her and she was happy to have them by her side.

She started talking to people, pushing her introvert self outside her shell. Everyone lived and had a lifetime to do what they wanted before they could die, with a few exceptional cases, of course. But she knew exactly how many years she had approximately, so she had to live to the fullest. She took her phone and called a number that she knew by heart.

The person answered the phone in the first ring as if it was expected that she would call. " Letta!" Zander's voice resonated from the phone. She listened to his voice and smiled. It had been way too long that she had heard anything from him, now she was making a move to make things alright between them again.

"Z... How are you" She asked and bit her lip at the stupid question. She knew that he was hurting as well, then why the obviously stupid question? Maybe it was the much needed awkward question to start an equally awkward conversation. " I've been ok. Are you feeling alright?" He asked and she heard a noise like he just face-palmed himself.

She smiled as she thought about the look on his face. "Would you like to come over?" She asked in a hopeful voice. " OF COURSE! Uh- I mean- uh- sure? " She chuckled and he returned the chuckle. " Wow! That was really awkward huh? " He asked her and she laughed as a response.

Zander's face was red with the excitement that filled his body. He was finally going to see her after 2 weeks. He started grooming himself as soon as the line went dead to look presentable and took a shower. He was dead set on making her undergo the surgery. Today he was going to convince her.

He went to a flower shop and bought a bouquet of fresh red roses for his love with a note that he decided to hand over himself instead of tying it up with the bouquet. He wanted to tell her that he loved her and that's why he wanted to spend his life with her. It wasn't a proposal but it was a confession. He wasn't sure if she would feel the same way about him, but he was going to tell her anyway. He knew that he would be able to persuade her to do the surgery.

Eduardo had contacted him after his outburst and told him about certain risks that they couldn't ignore. Zander had taken a long vacation from work. Mr.Bailer granted him the vacation as soon as he asked for it. He locked himself in his apartment and sulked. He spent sleepless nights thinking about what he would do if he lost her. He was scrolling through their pictures together when she called him herself.

Parking his car in front of the Browns' residence he jogged to the door and waited for someone to answer. Scarlett's father was the one who answered the door. He gave Zander a light hug and asked him to make himself at home. He looked at the red roses in Zander's hands with suspicion. " These are for Scarlett. I know that I've hurt her." He said in a low voice and that earned a smile from her father. " You are a true gentleman, son." And patted his shoulder. " She's upstairs in her room. Go." He gently pushed him and Zander complied.

He knocked on the door and the door opened after he heard shuffling of feet. He looked at the woman who stole his heart with so much of adoration. " Letta... These are for you." He quickly handed her the flowers and she took them in her hand and replaced the flowers on her table with the roses he gave her. He stood by the door frame in awkward silence.

" Come in, Z. " She said and stood there watching Zander taking steps towards her hesitantly. She started taking baby steps towards him and they were standing face to face, only he was too tall for her to maintain eye contact for a long time. She took one more step, invading his personal space and wrapped her arms around his torso. He wrapped his arms around her as soon as she did. After all, he only wanted to know if she was ready for a hug.

" I missed you," Scarlett whispered and he kissed the top of her head slightly and she felt the warmth spread through her body. This was different, the way they were touching was different, it was a touch of love. But neither knew that the feeling was mutual.

" I did too. So much." He finally breathed out and she smiled. " I need to tell you something." They said at the same time. " I'm a gentleman, your father said it himself. So you go first." He said and her eyes grew tiny as she smiled. " Nope. I want you to tell me first. I'm the lady here Mr.Gentleman. So speak up." She said and he chuckled at her. " Alright." He rubbed his clammy hands on his jeans and cleared his throat.

" Did you think about the surgery?" He asked carefully, though it wasn't what he wanted to tell her, and she visibly stiffened. " I did." She said as soon as she realized that that was the conversation that broke them a little. "And?" he asked and she looked at her window. " I'm not doing it." She said and finally looked at Zander. " Why?! " He exclaimed in a whisper tone. " I know that I won't be able to live for long, but I want to live happily till I close my eyes." She stated and it angered him. " You can't do this to everyone, Letta. You can't do this to me!" " But I don't want to hurt everyone around me by asking them who they are after I've spent a meaningful 5 months with them." " You're being selfish. Do you know how all of us are going to feel if you aren't in our lives forever? You're going to break everyone just because you want to be happy." He stated and she knew that he was right.

" Think whatever you want to, Zander. But this is my final decision." She said and waited for his answer. " I know that that isn't the reason. Please tell me why you're doing this, Letta. I promise to help you. " He said which drew a stinging sensation at the back of her eyebrows. " I don't. Can we talk about something else?" She asked with a pleading face. It wasn't going to work on him this time.

" NO! You have to answer me first!" He shouted and she was startled by that. She loved him and that's why she didn't want to undergo the surgery. She wanted to do the surgery, a small part of her wanted to live. But she didn't want to live at the cost of forgetting love. Would he feel the same way if she told him? Would he change his mind after she admitted the real reason?

" Ok. I'll tell you." She said and Zander sighed in relief. " I don't want to live a long life at the cost of forgetting love." She simply said, feeling nervous all of a sudden. " You love somebody? Why didn't you tell me, Letta?! What..." He trailed off and she looked at him with uncertainty. " Yes. I love somebody. I love him too much and I don't want to trade that for my life." She said, without giving away the fact that he was the person she was talking about.

" Who is he? He is crazy if he thinks the same way you do." He gritted his teeth as he said that. Anger clouded her mind and she started getting a small headache. " It's you, you idiot! I love you! Do you think that I would want to forget you and live a normal life? I don't know if you feel that way, but I sure do love you." Tears gathered in her eyes making it hard for her to see clearly.

Zander got up from the bed. " You love me?" He asked in surprise. His heart was beating faster than usual. His stomach flipped at the words she said. If love was the reason that she didn't want to do the surgery, he might as well deny his feelings. If that's what it takes to make her live, then that's what he would do.

" Yes." She said and wiped the tears from her eyes. She noticed that he was looking at her with an angry expression. " What's wrong? " She asked as she stood up and approached him. Her hand shot out to touch his shoulder but he pushed her hand away.

" I don't know how you can feel that way! We are just platonic friends! Get that into your head!" He said and she started shivering with overwhelming emotions. All he wanted to do was pull her into a hug. He was being unjust, but he had to. " I can't" Her lips and voice trembled as the words left her mouth. " Then don't ever look into my face ever again! I don't want to see you anymore! I regret the day I decided to befriend you, I regret meeting you in the first place." He said and walked out, slamming the door on his way out.

She collapsed against the door inside her room and wept. He didn't feel the same way. How unfortunate was she? Zander hadn't stormed out of the house. He sat against the door outside her room. He had tears falling out of his eyes as well. She loved him! He smiled through his tears. He could live with that for the rest of his life even if she forgets him, but not knowing that she is dead and cold in the grave.

Scarlett's headache was getting worse. She made up her mind. She didn't want to live with a broken heart, instead, she could forget the love and feelings she harboured for her friend. She would do the surgery and show him what he was missing out on. Even if she wouldn't know him, it would induce pain in him. She wasn't evil to hurt someone. But she wanted to live a meaningful life instead of a broken and tragic one.

She took her phone and sent a message to her group. ' I'm doing the surgery.' Was the phrase that she texted.

Zander was in the group as well. His phone vibrated and he looked at it. If he was crying, he was sobbing out of happiness when he read the message. He would be able to see her alive! And just maybe... Make her fall for him all over again?