
Chapter 16

The heart feels it,

once and for all preserves it.

Seasons are many,

people, too many.

The heart wanders,

to find its sun,

illuminating the dark chambers.

Don't forget love,

when you wake up from your

deep slumber.

Love will stay,

you will remember what

we shared, though

no confession is granted,

you are entitled to be mine.

Etched in the darkest

chamber is your name,


Don't forget love.

He never liked the idea of poetry, but here he was, scribbling down whatever came to his mind. No, he wasn't drunk, in fact, he was perfectly sober to think and see what he was doing. Why did it have to be him? The question revolved in his mind relentlessly. He was feeling depressed that he had to give up his love even before it started.

He folded the piece of paper and shoved it in his jeans pocket. He thought of how stupid he was to get depressed over the fact that Scarlett would forget him. He could always start afresh. He could try to become friends with her all over again, but would it work?

Now he wondered. Would she be the same girl that she is now? Or was she a totally different person? But he would do anything for her. He had to go through this phase of life to give her a normal life, with no regrets.

He made up his mind and decided what he had to do.

Scarlett was drowning in her own tears. Not able to answer the questions that arose in her mind about the way she felt about Zander.

Her friends had the right to know about this, She knew that she didn't want a surgery that would cost so many people's love. She took her phone and opened it only to look at her wallpaper and cry even more.

It was the picture that Marie and Tania had clicked when they were visiting the outlet mall. Zander was hugging her from behind with a cute expression on his face while she had a small smile on her lips. She was bent forward a little since he was hugging her tightly.

Throwing the uncanny thoughts away she made a conference call to all the girls. " I want all of you here in 15 minutes." She said and end the call before any of them could pose a question. The girls noticed that her voice was muffled as if she had a cold and decided to meet her since they were done with classes.

Scarlett unlocked her room knowing that the girls would barge in and bombard her with questions. Her fingers were shaking violently as they hovered Zander's number. Her lips trembled as she remembered what he had told her in the hospital. He acted as if he couldn't care any less if she forgot that he existed.

She texted him a quick text, pouring whatever she felt into it.

Letta: I'm sorry for being a burden. You don't have to act as if you care. If you didn't care in the first place, then why did you give me the hope that you did? I don't know what to think about you anymore. Again, I'm sorry for being a gunny bag on your shoulders and keeping you away from your work. But again, thank you for all the beautiful days that you gifted me.

As soon as the message was sent her friends entered her room and looked at her in shock. They asked her a load of questions and she was quiet. They needed to calm down if she had to open her mouth. They had never seen her cry in the duration that they had known her. She always had a smile on her face.

As soon as the girls realized that they could get the cat out of the sac only if they were quiet, they all went silent. So she looked at them and started telling them what was happening. " Promise me that you won't interrupt me when I'm talking. I really need to get this out." They were all nodding and stayed quiet as the sat around her to listen to the story she was about to narrate.

Zander's phone chimed and he unlocked it to find a message from his Letta. He read what she had decided to send him and tightened his grip on the phone. His anger wanted him to go and confront her, but he knew that she needed some time to herself. So decided that he wasn't going to reply to the message that she sent. He had hurt her and he was aware of it, but he only intended that for her own good.

He had lots of work pending from the drama that was unravelling and he started out with the first article that he had to verify. His mind kept drifting to the girl that he was obliviously in love with for a long time. A smile took over the grave reality when he looked at his wallpaper. It was the same picture that Scarlett had on her phone. He wanted to hug her and comfort her like a good person, but he had to be the jerk in the story if she had to get the life she deserved.

" Oh my god, Scarlett!" The girls gave her a group hug and she felt better. " I'd say that you should undergo that surgery," Danielle said and the other two nodded with worry written on their face. " How can you guys say that? So you don't even care if I forget who you all are? " Scarlett asked. The events were like a deja-vu. The same argument and confusion, running in her head for the second time.

" That's not how we meant it, honey. We want you to gain your memory back. We are friends, it's not going to take much to get introduced to you again." Tania said as she hugged Scarlett again. " Are you sure that it's going to be as easy as that?" Scarlett pondered out loud. " Of course. You are our best friend, we want the best for you. But it's totally your choice. What did Zander say?" Violet asked. Scarlett skipped the part where she fought with him.

Her throat started choking as she felt the urge to cry again. " We fought. I told him that I don't want to do the surgery because I didn't want to forget him. I don't want to forget him, I can't..." She sobbed and there was another group hug. " It's alright. We'll all try to gain your friendship again." Tania said cheerfully. " That's exactly what I don't want from him!"

They were startled with her little outburst. " You don't want him in your life? " Danielle asked quietly. " No! I don't want him as a friend!" " What are trying to say, Scarlett?" Violet held her hand and rubbed small circles to calm her down. " I love him! " The girls let out a gasp, including Scarlett. Her eyes were wide with the realization of what she had just said. " So you don't want to forget love!" Tania exclaimed and Scarlett nodded. There was no point in trying to push the feeling under a rock. It was out loud and clear.

" I think that's the main reason I don't want the surgery. He might not feel the same way, but what if he actually does and I won't be able to reciprocate the feeling after the surgery? What if..." She trailed off and they sat there in silence. " You love him." A voice said from the doorframe. Marie was standing there with bloodshot eyes, yet, she had a smile on her lips.

" Mom told me everything. I'm so sorry that you have to face this." Marie ran to her sister and hugged her. " I might as well savour these moments with you before you actually return." " What's that?" Scarlett questioned with confusion. " Nothing. Aren't you going to tell him?" Marie changed the topic swiftly. " I have to. I just don't know when and how." The five girls sat in a circle. They looked like they were in a silent movie, talking was the last thing they needed in this situation.