
Don't Divorce Me, My Dear HUSBAND

"I Love You Amyra," he said while cupping her cheeks. "But I hate you, and Don't you even dare to touch me," she said after swatting his hands away rudely. "I am your husband Amyra," he said feeling hurt. "Yes, but I will never accept you as my husband," Amyra said and left the room while Zayn dropped onto the sofa with tears in his eyes as his heart shattered into million pieces. "I accept that I am mistaken, but please forgive me, Daddy," Amyra said pleadingly, "Don't you even dare to call me daddy," Nazeer Ahmed said with hatred in his voice. "You never loved and you will never be, then what is the use of staying with each other under one roof. So I decided we will file divorce in court, I already signed it and now it's your turn. Sign tandend this so called show off relationship" Zayn said to Amyra in a stern voice, then gave a file and left the room with no emotion on his face. While Amyra slided to the ground and felt numb as she didn't even know how to react on this. Zayn Ahmed is 27 yrs old, Handsome, fun-loving, honest, and dedicated to his work, h doe always makes others happy, he believes in LOVE but never fell in love. Amyra is 23 yrs old, a complete introvert, shy, but fun-loving, cute, she can do anything for her parents, she always spread a smile until one incident which shook her to the core, once she believed in LOVE, But now she even hates that word. The person who believes in LOVE and the person who doesn't even want to hear the word LOVE is going to be bound together for a lifetime. Will Zayn divorce Amyra? Will Amyra accept Zayn as her Husband ever? Why does Amyra hate the word LOVE? Will Zayn regret marrying Amyra? Come, let's join and witness their roller coaster journey.

Ehana · Fantasy
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10 Chs



I curtly nodded to them and went to my room, I closed my door and slid to the floor. My heart is screaming NO... NOO... NOOO.... but I can't say it out loud. I cried until I felt breathless, I felt like someone is squeezing my heart hard and it was hurting me so much.

It's not even needed to see his picture as I know very well that I can't get rid of my past, I can't give the love and care as other wives, still, I know I have to say YES to this Marriage Alliance As I have no choice. Even if I say no to this proposal, Mummy and Daddy will come to me with another new proposal. I hope something I can do, something to stop this! or something to postpone this! thinking about this I slowly drifted to sleep on the floor itself.

I opened my eyes when the room is completely dark, I tried to get up but suddenly I hit my leg with my bedside table, I felt a bit of pain, I searched for my mobile as my room is completely dark and I couldn't see anything, when I got it, I unlocked it and tried to turn on flashlight but accidentally my finger tapped on the notification of mail which sissy sent and it opened HIS PICTURE directly.

I stilled and just stared at the picture as I don't know how to feel? What to feel? One thing is sure that he is looking soo handsome and I can feel he is honest by looking into his deep ocean eyes which drowned me in some different emotional ocean. Why the hell am I staring at him? And what exactly happened to me? Maybe he is good looking that's why I was staring right! maybe!!

I shooked my head to remove my stupid thoughts from my brain and I clicked on his biodata. I saw his name is ZAYN AHMED, 6'2", M.Tech, MBA, CEO of ZIYA CONSTRUCTIONS Pvt. Ltd. unintentionally, when I was looking at his picture, I smiled faintly, I don't know why I smiled, but I truly felt some relief in my heart when I saw his picture. But it was merely for a couple of minutes, that's it.

Suddenly I felt a jolt of pain in my heart, No-Nooo, I don't have a heart anymore, I can't love him, I will never love him because I don't have that emotion in me anymore. I don't want to marry him, in fact, now I am hating him for coming into my life, why GOD, why. I scream I cry, I shout whatever I do, Still, I don't have another option apart from saying YES.

I sighed a deep breath and closed my mail, switched on the flashlight then turned on the room lights. When I was about to sit on the bed, I heard a knock on my door, I opened it and saw Sohel Brother-in-law standing with a little tension on his face. "Brother-in-law, what happened? Do u need anything? I asked him in a worried tone. "Yes Amyra, umm can we just walk to the garden for a small talk?" He asked me where I got a little confused but agreed. "Yes Sohel Brother-in-law, Let's go." we both left our room and went to the garden.

While walking I was thinking about what Sohel Brother-in-law wanted to talk to me about? "Are you okay Amyra?" when I was in my deep thoughts suddenly Sohel Brother-in-law questioned me. "Yes, I am fine Brother in law, why did you ask that?" said me to Brother-in-law. "

"Nothing Amyra, Afternoon when Daddy was talking to you about marriage alliance, You were looking a little out of the box. Maybe you and I didn't have a great rapport like you both sisters does. But our rapport is also something stronger where you can share your problems with me. I Don't have Sisters, so I always feel like you are my sister. If anything is bothering you can tell me Amyra. Sohel Brother-in-law said to me briefly with a concerned look as my mouth hung open.

I am surprised. No, more than surprised. I agree with whatever my Brother-in-law said. Even though he always took a stand for me. But, I never expected brother in law to tell this me. I surely do know that he truly cares for me. But I didn't see this coming which made me more emotional.

I felt overwhelmed with love and affection, tears started rolling down my cheeks. Sohel brother-in-law smiled faintly and patted my cheeks not before wiping my tears. "What is bothering you Amyra?" My Brother-in-law asked me with concern. "Brother-in-law, I am worried, I don't know how to handle all this as I feel like I can't do this. I do-don't w-want to m-mar...." I said to brother in law while stuttering.

"Amyra, don't be nervous, it's quite common for every girl. I can understand your nervousness. But you see, your sister when she was also going to marry me, I think she also felt like you right!!" My Brother-in-law said to me making me understand the scenarios.

But how can I say about my dead feelings, I am nothing but a lifeless soul, how can I say about what I went through, why can't I love anyone. if I say also no one can understand me, because according to them I am stuck in my past, being worried with no sense and complicating my life. So I just nodded to my Brother-in-law as an answer.

"So, it's common for most of the girls Amyra. Don't worry we are with you as always, and if you don't want to marry Zayn Ahmed then we can search for any other alliance. There is no need to force yourself into an unlikely marriage. If you want to say NO to this marriage Alliance but are worried due to Daddy, then please let me know, I promise, I will talk to them and no one-" Bhaijan is trying to sort my suffering only if he knows what I am truly suffering but I can't let him know what's going on in me.

"No Bhaijan, it's not like I-I don't l-like hi-him, it's just-just t-that I-I was like-little te-tense Ab-about this ma-marriage" I took a deep breath and said while stuttering to bhaijan. "THANK GOD, I was damn worried that something is bothering you and whether you like Zayn Ahmed or not! Now I am happy" Brother-in-law said giving a relieved smile.

I was confused that why brother in law was worried about whether I liked him or not!

"Professionally, I know him well that he is a good human being but I don't know about his personal life and When Daddy said to me regarding this proposal, I was neutral about him. But after getting to know him through my friends, relatives, and some business partners. I felt a positive vibe towards him and trust me when I say this, he will look after you with so much love and affection that you won't miss us Amyra." brother in law answered my unasked question and said to me how good Zayn Ahmed is.

But why can't I feel anything? why am I crying inside my heart? why am I bearing the unbearable pain of marriage inside my heart?

"who won't miss us!!" Zareena sissy came to us and said while giving us a confused look to me and brother in law. "Ahhh. I was telling her that she won't miss us after her marriage as she will get lots of love and affection from the extended family." Brother-in-law said to sissy where she glared at him back. "I agree you are right but stop teasing my sweetie, let her decide first okay!" Sissy said while glaring at brother in law and side hugged me.

when we three are laughing, my Mummy came into the backyard and said to join us for dinner. We all had our dinner in comfortable silence. After dinner, we all sat in the living room and my daddy asked about my decision regarding this proposal. what should I do, come on come on, think Amyra think. "Umm Daddy, what did they say? I mean, Did they answer? Is he umm I mean Za-Zayn agr-agreed to this pr-proposal?" I asked Daddy with great difficulty while stuttering.

I know I am being stupid right now, but what else can I do. I have only one option to say YES, but I don't want to say it and suddenly I got an idea, nowadays being in a relationship before marriage is quite common and also he is good looking and a billionaire too. Then why the hell, will he marry like me as a scumbag, he can marry anyone, if he is in any relationship then he won't agree to this marriage. So I have to ask what they said? especially ZAYN AHMED! and whether they said it or not? so that I can answer my parents accordingly.

As I asked my stupid question, everyone started laughing at me. ugh, this is so embarrassing. I scrunched my nose and looked at them being confused. " sweetie, woohoo thinking about your future husband from now itself!" Sissy said with a teasing smile and I closed my eyes due to embarrassment. "Stop it Zareena, don't tease my sweet sister-in-law," Sohel Brother-in-law said to Zareena Sissy with a wave of fake anger and all started laughing.

"Sweetie, I can understand what you are feeling! yesterday when I talked to Aziz Ahmed, he was so excited and also said that Zayn will agree to this proposal for sure. Because he has never been in any relationship and truly believes in an arranged marriage. So, we will get their call with a positive reply within no time as Zayn would have been already back at his house and Aziz would have already talked to Zayn. So be cool and you just tell me your answer, don't think about remaining issues." Daddy said to me with a proud smile on his face which made my stomach twist in knots with pain. my heart became heavier and I don't know what to say! Because I feel completely numb right now.

"So, tell us, sweetie. What is your answer?" Mummy asked me with a hopeful look in her eyes, "N-No Mummy, I-" I said with great difficulty, as I don't want to say YES to this proposal.

[To be continued]...