
Don't Divorce Me, My Dear HUSBAND

"I Love You Amyra," he said while cupping her cheeks. "But I hate you, and Don't you even dare to touch me," she said after swatting his hands away rudely. "I am your husband Amyra," he said feeling hurt. "Yes, but I will never accept you as my husband," Amyra said and left the room while Zayn dropped onto the sofa with tears in his eyes as his heart shattered into million pieces. "I accept that I am mistaken, but please forgive me, Daddy," Amyra said pleadingly, "Don't you even dare to call me daddy," Nazeer Ahmed said with hatred in his voice. "You never loved and you will never be, then what is the use of staying with each other under one roof. So I decided we will file divorce in court, I already signed it and now it's your turn. Sign tandend this so called show off relationship" Zayn said to Amyra in a stern voice, then gave a file and left the room with no emotion on his face. While Amyra slided to the ground and felt numb as she didn't even know how to react on this. Zayn Ahmed is 27 yrs old, Handsome, fun-loving, honest, and dedicated to his work, h doe always makes others happy, he believes in LOVE but never fell in love. Amyra is 23 yrs old, a complete introvert, shy, but fun-loving, cute, she can do anything for her parents, she always spread a smile until one incident which shook her to the core, once she believed in LOVE, But now she even hates that word. The person who believes in LOVE and the person who doesn't even want to hear the word LOVE is going to be bound together for a lifetime. Will Zayn divorce Amyra? Will Amyra accept Zayn as her Husband ever? Why does Amyra hate the word LOVE? Will Zayn regret marrying Amyra? Come, let's join and witness their roller coaster journey.

Ehana · Fantasy
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10 Chs



Amyra knows well that if her family gets to know about her lies about being happy with this marriage will hurt them so much but she has to do this for their happiness and also she has to act like she is so happy with this marriage and that too forever, it kills her from inside to enact in front of her loved ones but she had no other option.

".....Ye...Yes..." Amyra said in a low voice with a hung head. "Huh...Yes! For what??" Zayn asked with a confused look on his face. Amyra took a deep breath and said, "you asked me one question a while ago right! So YES is my answer." Amyra said without showing any emotions on her face.

Zayn had no boundaries for his happiness, he was so happy and relieved by hearing it. But still, he wants to be sure so this little happiness can wait. "Are you sure?" Zayn asked with a bit of a serious look on his face, the face which lit up when amyra said YES, was no longer there.

Amyra shuddered due to his question, suddenly she remembered the way how he easily got what she was thinking in her mind in the bedroom and if the same is going to happen again, then oh NO, Noo, she doesn't want that to happen again at any cost but she doesn't want to say YES, yet she can't step back now, she wants to go forward so that her family will be happy. "..Ye...Yes...! I am sure" Amyra said with a fake smile after taking a deep breath, so that Zayn couldn't read her mind again like earlier.

"..Okay..! But I want to ask you one small question what made you give this answer..?" Zayn questioned suspiciously as he can understand that amyra is giving a fake smile and he can sense something different in her eyes which is sadness or maybe it was his feeling!

Amyra couldn't say anything, she won't know what to say to this question as she can't reveal the actual reason that made her give this answer.

So she simply lied, partially! "When I saw your picture, I liked your dignity and when I saw you directly, I liked your simplicity. When My Daddy said about you and your family, I felt this would be good for me as my mummy and daddy's selection will never be wrong, so I chose it." Amyra said with a fake smile and tried to sound as confident as she could.

Zayn don't even know what he felt, He liked whatever she said about him. But somewhere he can sense some sort of uneasiness in her. If she truly likes him, then why this uneasiness! might be he is thinking more about the stuff which is not needed. She is a traditional girl and appears like an introvert she will feel like this. Zayn is not a friend of hers. So how can he expect that she will talk to him freely during a first meeting!! No, right..!!

After debating with his mind and thinking for a while, Zayn felt relieved and sighed a deep breath. He decided to share his feelings honestly with her. "Thank you for your sweet words Amyra and now, I want to tell you something quite important to me and also to this relationship which is going to start between us. I know it's too early to say this. But I couldn't stop myself." Zayn said with honesty and Amyra felt a little nervous that she couldn't understand what Zayn is going to tell! still, she nodded and gave a nervous smile to Zayn.

"When my Dad said about this proposal, I don't know whether I want to go forward with it or not. But when I saw your pic, I liked you and felt some connection towards you. I never had any sort of affairs in my life earlier because I want to wait for THE ONE. When I was looking at your picture, I visualized my whole future with you, when I got to know about your decision I was beyond happy". Zayn is telling his heart out but Amyra is stunned by listening to his words.

Zayn stopped for a second and smiled to himself. He bent his head and scratched the back of his neck as he was hesitating whether to tell further or not. Zayn took a deep breath and said, "When I saw you just before half an hour in the living room, everything around me stopped and umm.. i-ugh, that was the reason why I couldn't properly hold my teacup so it fell. Again, it's not your mistake so don't be sorry.

When I heard your voice for the first time, my heart skipped a beat, and right there I felt in my heart that you are, THE ONE for me." Zayn said everything with a genuine smile on his face and honesty in his words.


Zayn couldn't say this last sentence because he doesn't want to make her feel uncomfortable during their FIRST MEET and also he can feel her being tense. So he doesn't want her to get tenser by telling him his love for her. It could wait, sooner or later he will say these words to her and ONLY HER. Because he can feel that intensity towards her from the bottom of his heart. Even though it is appearing silly to love a person after the first meeting, he couldn't change it, He is loving it.

Amyra stilled after hearing his words and was shocked to the core. She doesn't know what to say or what to feel because she knew that she can't and she can never reciprocate the same feelings. But within the FIRST MEET, she didn't expect these words from him. Absolutely not! But now, what could she answer him! Surely she can't tell that she too feels the same! Then what could she say! Amyra thought It was Better to ignore answering just with a smile.

Zayn smiled heartfully at her while she is fiddling with her dupatta and furrowing her eyebrows as he can sense that she is feeling nervous. "I said about my feelings to you because you have all right to know about me and also I want you to know my true and strong feelings towards you. But, it doesn't mean you have to reciprocate it too. Please don't be tense and I am sorry if I make you feel uncomfortable by telling you about my feelings." Zayn said bending his head down, feeling a little hurt that he made her feel uncomfortable by telling his feelings.

Amyra can see him getting hurt due to her tense behavior if it was old Amyra she would surely feel so happy after hearing his feelings towards her, but now! she doesn't feel happy she doesn't even know how to feel. Now she is just a plastic doll who doesn't have feelings. But it doesn't mean she can see him getting hurt. Zayn said his true feelings. Even though she doesn't feel the same towards him. She doesn't want him to feel bad just for being honest.

"It-it's o-okay, I-I ap-appreciate i-it, Pl-please don't fe-feel bad," Amyra said in a low voice while stuttering. After hearing her words Zayn felt relieved and gave a warm smile.

"umm... Zayn and Amyra, mummy said to call you both for lunch. If you both are done with your cute little talk, then come back. I am leaving." Zareena said with a teasing smile to both of them and left where Zayn was blushing and Amyra nervously stood up and said, "I think we should go back now, as they are waiting for us." Zayn nodded and smiled at her.

Amyra reached the Dining room where Zayn followed her. Everyone was already seated and waiting for them, Amyra quickly went and sat beside her mother's chair, While Zayn was also seated beside his father's chair. Ismail, Ayaan, and Yasir were giving teasing looks to Zayn and he just ignored them with a smile. Everyone ate in silence. When they completed their Lunch, Amyra went to bring dessert from the kitchen room as everyone shifted to the living room. She was about to come out with a tray when her sister Zareena and her mother came inside with tense faces.

"What happened Mummy and Sissy?" Amyra asked with a confused look. "So, what have you decided? how did he talk with you? I can see that he is kind, decent, and respects elders goodly. I feel like he is good for you and I want to know what is your opinion about him is? Do you like him?" Ameena Begum started her questionnaire and Amyra was struck by her questions.

"Mummyyy! Will you please calm down and give her some time. Let me ask her." Zareena begum interrupted her mother. Ameena Begum sighed a breath, went and sat on a kitchen cabinet stool, and looked at Amyra with curiosity as if she wants to know Amyra's answer.

"Sweetie! I know you are feeling tense and couldn't able to answer. But, trust me whatever your decision would be, we will always support you. Now take a deep breath and tell me. What's your decision?" Zareena asked her sister with the utmost affection and concern.

What should Amyra say! She wants to say NO. A big NOOOOO. But she can't, she just couldn't because she knows they are expecting a positive answer from her and Amyra doesn't want to give any positive answer. Her lips quivered to answer, her eyes teared up and tears flowed down her cheeks and Amyra said...!

[To be continued]...