

Claire is too serious with the " don't get too close " rule .she was isolated when she was younger and find it hard to come out of her shell, most importantly there might be another reason why she doesn't want anyone to get too close to her and because dave willson happens to know a bit about that , that makes them sworn enemies and why he mustn't cross the line.....but then....then.... rules are made to be broken right??

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The next morning when Claire stepped out of her house , she saw dave coming out of his too .

That's right , Claire . she told herself. you need to butter him up since he knows your secret .

with a fake smile on her face she called out his name and ran to meet him " Dave "

seeing her , Dave shrieked"you scared me .why are you smiling like that ?"

" you don't like it?"

Then Dave thought maybe she was doing this because she knows know that he knows her secret and how he decided to be nice to her from now on so that he won't " be next " then replied " no , it's not that , you look pretty when you smile "

Dave tried his best not to throw up as he said those words

Claire knowing that he was lying , laughed it off " you are funny , dave"

" anyways , why did you come over to meet me ?"

" since you drive to school everyday I was thinking you could give me a ride . you don't want to ?"

Dave shaked his head very fast "silly me , let's go, let's go , hop in "


As they walked into school premises together , Claire wished she had never suggested that because all eyes were now on her and Dave

" she did like she didn't want anything to do with him and now they come to school together".

" she only acted tough"

" does she have no shame ?"

" I'm sure she's blackmailing Dave or something "

" are you okay ? I'm sure you expected this" Dave said to Claire

" hey, don't act like you are actually worried . I might just barf. anyways when are we going to the movies "

Dave stopped in his tracks" what did you say ?"

" we have to do that history project , shouldn't we ?"

" didn't you say you would drop out ?"

" didn't you say you needed the course , I can still drop out if you don't want to -"

" no, that's not it but being seen together at the movies just for this project might spark up weird rumors , don't you think ?"

Claire shrugged " I don't care , they aren't true by the way sooooo see you at the movies ?"

" okay "

" great "

when Claire walked away , Felix ran up to Dave " dude, what the hell did you just get yourself into ?"

" I don't know man ....I have no clue "