

Claire is too serious with the " don't get too close " rule .she was isolated when she was younger and find it hard to come out of her shell, most importantly there might be another reason why she doesn't want anyone to get too close to her and because dave willson happens to know a bit about that , that makes them sworn enemies and why he mustn't cross the line.....but then....then.... rules are made to be broken right??

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" opt for a change"Claire suggested

" you know as well as I do that no one would want to be partners with you "

" then you would just be wasting your time with me because I'm not doing that group project, especially if it means spending more time with you and seeing you for more than 5 seconds"

" must you be insultive ?"

" is it repulsing you ? then good , my plan is working. anyways I'm out of here "

" hey , I can't bomb this project, i really need this course "

" oh really ?"

" yes "

" then I'll drop out of it , there problem solved "

seriously, what was wrong with this girl and being over active?" you mean it ? don't go back on your word later on "

" yes , so now get lost "

After school , Felix and Dave met .

"how was last period? " Felix asked

" more ill luck, that girl and I were paired partners for an history group assignment but luckily she said she'd be dropping out of it".

"seriously ? wow ,dude. the universe must really want you two to see each other for the rest of the day "

" don't be silly, Felix"

" so you going straight home ?"

" yeah, see you tomorrow ?"

" yeah , bro. bye"


When Dave got to his house he felt a plank hit his head

" ouch"

" who are you ?why are you following me ?"

" what do you mean ?"

" raise your head up this instant "

Dave raised up his head to see Claire " crazy girl ? why would you suddenly hit me on the head ?".

" well, - what about you ?why are you following me ?"

" why on earth would I want to follow you , I live here" Dave shouted , he was suddenly feeling pissed '"and what about you ?"

"I live over there " Claire said pointing opposite his house . Great, the crazy girl was his neighbor m suddenly Felix's voice through his head;the universe must really want you two to see eachother for the rest of the day

" that weirdo "Dave muttered

" anyways , I'm sorry I misunderstood . goodbye " Claire said an ran into her house.

But if Claire remembers clearly....she thinks ..

if Dave remembers clearly....he thinks ....

....13 years ago , there was a small boy standing Infront of Dave's house and saw her as she draggedd her father's body out of house .Claire thinks

...13 years ago , there was a small girl dragging a body onto the front of Claire's house .Dave thinks

.....if that boy was Dave .

...if that girl was Claire

.... it means she would have to be good to him from how on . she concluded

...it means he would have to be good to her from now on . he concluded

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