
How we met

It's 8:00am in the morning,Sun rising at its pace his rays falling in the room on the bed side of Narin,Which makes open her eyes as she open her eyes she's like suddenly sit in bed searching her phone looking what's Time is it, she's like talking to herself while searching phone today also wake up late, shit when I will learn to wake up early oh God.,she get her phone on other side pillow she's like omg omg it's 8:04am I have to run fast,run fast she's like dressing herself abruptly in orderly fashion packing her things setting her hair's which was so disorderd putting band on that wearing shoes she's running down the stairs,with her luggage.wearing her jacket while running talking to herself please please I should not miss the bus today oh God please help me out please please she's like at the door walking on street to take bus the bus is passing and she missed she's like wait wait shouting from far but it doesn't stop it gone away,shes like breathing heavily as she run so far she like sit on the road in tension what to do,shes trying her phone to bisma but she's not lifting phone she turned around at went to bus stop which is on other side of road she's waiting at the bus stop waiting for the bus,or any car passing by so that she can go to airport fast ,As she was with the tour crew her passport is with the team manager she's like still trying her phone but bisma not lifting her phone call yet she's waiting and cursing herself for waking up late and remember her mom word's saying A Good person always wakeup Early and All day goes Good,shes like put her head down thinking those words Irfan Come to bus stop to take taxi or something to go airport he sees her for the first time , First he's like not to disturb anyone but later on he's like excuse me miss are you ok?she didn't respond,so he's like Go near to her,again asking excuse me are you ok? do you need any help? As she hear that she raise her head looking at him,As he see her he's like is she human,he didn't see a beauty like her before even though she's not in good form now but still she's looking so beautiful,his hearting start beating fast looking at her as she raised her head tears was there in her eyes and her eyes looking so beautiful she's like No thanks,Im ok looking down upset looking on the side of road waiting for bus or car,Hes like ok but he can't take off his eyes from her he can't believe that such a beauty exists in world he's feeling sad too like why she's sad he's curious too but he can't force her to tell, so he's like standing minding his own business but still gazing her beauty she's like looking him and smiling saying like I'm ok hiding her things,Hes like smiling in answer and then car came both like run to them and like ok you first,you first both sit and like say at same time to the airport please, In the middle of way she got call from bisma,narin is like where was you I was calling you from last one hour she's like I was with design team where are you,today also you missed bus? narin is like yeahh and my passport is with manager,bisma is like don't worry I will call him,just come fast our flight is there,narin is like yeahh I'm on way only, Irfan sitting beside him Looking at his phone searching on web browsing some song and playing