
don't bother

--------- Synopsis --------- I expected to wake up in one of three places: the hospital, heaven, or hell. Imagine my surprise when I found myself slowly spinning on playground swings, seconds before the massacre of Uzushiogakure was to take place. A young Kushina, who is apparently my little sister, stared at me from across the playground. Male OC --------------------- https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12446766/1/Spirit-of-the-Triage Wrote by Emily4498

SrMori · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Chapter 22 -> Part 22

"Good evening, everyone. Thank you for arriving on time," the Hokage greeted pointedly as a team of three walked in just as he started speaking. They had the decency to look apologetic. "I'm sure you've all heard the rumors of how the war is going. I hope you've noticed that ninety-five percent of the shinobi, and kunoichi, in the village are Genin. I'm here to clarify as much as possible. I will be perfectly straight with you. There is a significant chance that Konoha will lose this war."

Mutterings erupted.

"But we beat Suna and Kumo!" Someone shouted out.

"Yes, we defeated them, but at great cost to ourselves."

"Konoha is stronger than any other village!" A particularly young kunoichi leapt to her feet and shouted above the din.

Agreement echoed around the hall. The Hokage raised a hand for silence.

"We also have a decent chance at winning this war, but that will never happen without your full cooperation. While all of you are not on the war front, you play a very important role: protecting this village and making sure that the Will of Fire burns brightly, fueling those in every role of this village!"

Deafening cheers answered him. He was a good orator, but nothing like Ronald Reagan, Winston Churchill, or Martin Luther King Jr. Frankly, with the 'Will of Fire' propaganda, I couldn't help but subconsciously parallel him with the early pre-Holocaust Hitler. I quickly squashed that thought before I started scowling and noticing more similarities.

"You're not the only shinobi of this village, and right now, others need my personal help more than you."

The room went dead silent. I surveyed the heads of those assembled. Over three-quarters of those assembled were younger than fifteen. Those closer to adulthood looked horrified at the announcement. The younger groups were just confused and apprehensive.

"In my absence, I will be placing Uzumaki Kichiro in charge."

"He's just a little kid!" One teenager exclaimed, outraged.

I was about to respond when I thought better of it.

"He's one of our best medics," the Hokage responded. "And is the most qualified person in this village."

"He's the Spirit!" The kunoichi from before shouted at the teenager. The teen could probably have squashed her under his little finger. "He can fix anything!"


The room exploded in arguments. "Silence!" The Hokage roared. "You are all shinobi of the Leaf! I expect you to act like it!"

They quieted.

"Thank you. Now, Uzumaki-kun has been briefed on his responsibilities and I have given him absolute authority until my return. To subvert him is the equivalent of directly disobeying me and you will be disciplined accordingly. Am I clear?" When everyone had grudgingly acknowledged the order, he continued. "Thank you. Are there any questions for me?"

"How long will you be gone?"

"Indefinitely. Anyone else?" No one spoke up. "Uzumaki-kun, introduce yourself."

I took a step forward and did my best to project my voice throughout the entire room. "Hi, you already know my name, so just call me Kichiro. Just do your job and I'll do mine and we won't have a problem. Any questions?"

"Are you related to the Shodai's wife?" Someone from the back asked.

"Not the question I was expecting, but yes, I am, though I'm not sure how closely. Next."

"Is it true you can heal any poison?"

"No, some poisons act too quickly to be countered."

"Did you raise people from the dead in Iwa?"

"What? No way, that's just asking for trouble."

"So you can raise people from the dead?"

"Where are these questions coming from?"

"Can you?"

Well, I technically could, the Nidaime's Edo Tensei was in the Uzumaki library and out of curiosity, I had looked at it and could most likely perform it, but I sure as hell wouldn't try or even admit to it. "Different question, please."

"Are you the Kyuubi?" One of the Chuunin leaning against the wall asked.

"No, do I look like a giant fox with more tails than should be possible?"

"That's what the Kyuubi would say!" One of the younger Genin exclaimed.

"Actually, the Kyuubi would've killed you for asking in the first place."

More than a few people flinched back at the comment.

I would have killed the whole lot of them before they even said a word, just for being pathetic weaklings.

You need to be nicer. Some people can't help being weak and a good majority of them are children.

You're a child, and you could wipe the floor with all of them.

I have superior resources at my disposal. "Are there any other questions?"

"What happens if we think you're making a bad decision?" Someone in the front row asked. By the boy's pale eyes, he was obviously a Hyuuga and couldn't have been older than seven.

"Finally, a relevant question! If you disagree, politely tell me why and I will take your point of view into consideration." Considering Sakumo put up with my backtalk, it was only fair that I put up with theirs. "Any more questions?"

When no one spoke, the Hokage filled the silence.

"Good job, Uzumaki-kun," he murmured, just loud enough for me to hear before turning to the rest of the room. "If that is all, I will be leaving now. Uzumaki-kun will take over from here."

He vanished dramatically.

"Who's up next for village guard?" Someone asked from the center of the room. I pulled the schedule out of my pouch.

"Group two," I announced and replaced the scroll. "There is an abandoned building on the main street about four blocks into the village generally used for Jōnin assassination training. Once I disable the traps, you'll report there. Any questions?"

"How do you know about a Jōnin training site?"

I shifted, slightly uncomfortable. "I was trying to figure out where my sensei lived and he accidentally led me into the middle of an ANBU practice operation." I could feel the reevaluation of my skill level. "Are there any objections?"

"How do we know you're not asking us to walk into a death trap?"

"If it is, you'll find my dead body in the morning." I rolled my eyes. "If that's all, group two needs to leave for their shift."

"Wait!" Someone burst through the doors as everyone began to stand up. "The Daimyō is about to reach the village gates!"

The Hokage's abrupt departure suddenly made more sense. "I'll take care of it. Everyone should have an idea of what they're supposed to be doing."

I literally bounced off the walls to get to the door and swung out in an acrobatic swing that would have even the best stunt artists and circus performers green with envy. As soon as I was clear, I attempted a Shunshin that landed me just shy of a block away from the main gate. I raced over the rooftops and leapt down, just as the Daimyō and his modest entourage reached the village gates. I shifted my forehead protector nervously to make sure it fully covered the seal on my forehead before marching up to the gates where a flustered Genin was staring at the papers he had been handed. The Daimyō slowly stepped out of the carriage he rode in.

The entourage marched into the village as the Genin handed the papers back and waved them inside the village.

"Where's your Hokage?" He demanded loudly as the Genin started to gather to stare.

"He has left to fight. I am currently the shinobi in charge here," I said firmly.

He focused on me. "I don't appreciate games, little boy. Where is your Hokage?"

"With all due respect, Daimyō-sama, Sandaime-sama is on his way to fight. I assure you, I am in charge. My comrades here will back up my claim." I reached into my pouch and pulled out the scroll I was instructed to give him. "I was instructed to give you this."

I took a step forward and the three guards, who looked to have samurai training blocked my path when the Daimyō inclined his head. One held out a hand for the scroll. I raised an eyebrow at them before leaping up and flipping over them to hand the scroll directly to the Daimyō. Normally, I wouldn't have had any problem with letting them pass on the scroll, but if I was understanding the seal, it would set off a nasty Genjutsu if opened by anyone else. I figured protecting the Daimyō from his own idiocy was part of the 'be nice' order.

He looked down his nose at me and took the scroll, opening it warily. "What's your name, boy?"

"Uzumaki Kichiro."

His nose crinkled in disgust. "You and your clan are better off dead."

One eavesdropping Academy student loudly protested that statement with plenty of unflattering adjectives. Then lunged for the Daimyō. I intercepted him with depressing ease, he was at least three years younger than me. "Say that to my face, old coot! My grandmother was an Uzumaki and she was the best person ever! Say it again and I'll—" I clamped a hand over his mouth.

"Nawaki-san, please calm down," I requested politely. He tried once to jerk out of my grip before going still and licking my hand. It was a disturbing sensation, but I didn't release him. I bent down and murmured in his ear. "Thank you. I'm sure the hospital could use some help and it would make your sister very proud that you went to help out in your free time. I promise I won't tell anyone I suggested it, okay?"

He tried to bite down on my fingers. I dug my fingers in his wrist hard enough that his eyes started to water.

"I'm not asking. That's the Daimyō you're threatening and if you don't do as I say this instant, he can order your execution and both you and I will be in serious trouble, because I'll be forced to defend you and defy him. You are the Senju heir, act like it. Leave now and do not look back."

I released him and after sending the Daimyō a dirty look, Nawaki stomped off.

"Where are you going, boy? You have yet to face your punishment for your disrespect!"

The Genin watching as well the rest of the Academy students watching closed ranks behind me. "Daimyō-sama, I advise you to read the message from Hokage-sama before you continue towards your current goal."

With a glare, he ripped open the scroll and his scowl grew progressively harsher as he continued reading. At the end, he rolled it up with more dignity than I expected him to manage. "I need to talk to you in private about the operations of this village, boy."

I nodded once and turned to the Genin behind me who were decidedly not happy with the Daimyō and several crossed their arms angrily when they realized I was about to order them off. I was touched that they thought I was worth defending, but at the same time, I was a little insulted that they thought I needed it. "Those of you in the Academy, I'm sure you can find tasks to do for your parents or clan. Orphans, the hospital always has need of people to do some heavy lifting. You have no excuse for goofing off while the Chuunin teachers are fighting. Genin, I know some of you should be on shift, and those who just got off should head home for some rest. Those of you without tasks can head to their Genin training grounds and practice their chakra control. I am not asking, I am ordering."

For a long minute, I thought they would refuse, but they scattered.

"This way, Daimyō-sama, the Academy has an empty room we can use."

He tried to lead the way instead. If I was anyone else, or if I appeared older, I would have taken offense to that, but I quite enjoyed sticking him and his cronies with a Genjutsu that made them think they were leading, while in reality, I was walking ahead of them and periodically waiting for them to catch up.

Slowly, I released the Genjutsu as we entered the Academy and pointed out a suitable classroom. An utterly plain-looking Chuunin took up a position just off my left shoulder, shadowing my steps as everyone filed in and I sealed the room from listeners with one of Kushina's seals. I checked his chakra signature and recognized him as one of the ANBU, Rat.

"This is nothing more than a schoolroom!" The Daimyō scoffed.

"Unfortunately, I do not have access to the Hokage's office, nor have I made my own just yet."

"What are the status of your troops?"


"Don't play games with me, boy, how many shinobi are in this village?"

"That is not information I am allowed to give."

"Where has the Hokage gone?"

"To fight."

"You fool!" He roared at me. "To what location is the Hokage going to fight at?"

"That is not information I am allowed to give."

"You are incompetent."

"With all due respect, sir, I have a higher clearance level than you in matters pertaining to this military. I do not withhold information out of spite, but in order to maintain competition with the other nations."

"I am the leader of this land; I order you to tell me what I want to know."

"In the interest of preserving your leadership, I have to deny your request and remind you that you and your guards are civilians thus your ability to protect information is severely limited."

"You, kill him," the Daimyō ordered the disguised ANBU standing behind me. He slowly reached into the pouch on his hip and I struggled to remain relaxed. He pulled out a brand-new Bingo Book and flipped through the pages until he landed on mine, then held it out for the Daimyō to see.

"This is the person you are ordering the death of."

The Daimyō paled. I held back a frown. My entry couldn't have been that impressive. Rat pulled it back and flashed me the entry. I was wanted alive by all the nations with Bijū and several without. I was now considered a B-rank threat, even though my only known abilities were unknown mastery of Uzumaki Fūinjutsu and complete mastery of Iryo-Ninjutsu. I had an impressive list of known associates. The bounty was quite small in comparison to Sakumo or Dan, but it was still a sum worth taking note.

"You're the Spirit of the Triage?"


"You're the best medic in the five nations."

"There's really no way to determine that. Now, I have work I need to do as well as family to take care of, so unless there's anything else, I'll take my leave."

"You are far too young for this to be true."

"In the shinobi world, age is a hallmark of experience, not skill or strength." I turned my back on the Daimyō and stared out the window, outside of which three Academy students trained. One was repeating katas and the other two were engaged in the shinobi version of tag with dulled kunai, moving at speeds civilians would have a hard time tracking.

"Who's your teacher?"

"Hatake Sakumo, Konoha's White Fang."

"And the Hokage left you in charge of this village even though you are a child."

"I have the intelligence and maturity to lead. Unless the civilian sect of this village crosses my leadership, they will operate independently and you can take complete control, if you wish. My focus is on taking care of the people directly under my jurisdiction, no more, no less."

I could feel the Daimyō's eyes on my back and wished I was dealing with regular people-pleasing politicians, not power-hungry, wannabe dictators.

"As long as you don't interfere, we can avoid each other completely, is that agreeable to you?"

He contemplated the offer. "What about my protection?"

"I can assign you two Genin, you can trail after me while I do my job, or I can use Fūinjutsu to create a room no one can enter without authorization."


"Very well, notify me when you have chosen the quarters you wish to sleep in, and I will place the seals. Will that be all?"


I turned to leave, but stopped in the doorway. "The Uzumaki clan now resides in Konoha," I told him pleasantly. "There are seven children being raised in the clan house and if you touch them or their caretakers, directly or not, your life is forfeit, it doesn't matter who you are." I marched out without looking back.

Rat followed me. When the door closed, a boy slightly older than me raced out of his hiding spot as the Henge faded to reveal one of the ANBU. I quickly confirmed the chakra signature before the boy raced off after a few murmured words.

"Good job, kid, you did better than expected in there," Rat, told me then disappeared.

I rolled my eyes and marched out of the building, took to the rooftops, and landed in front of the hospital. Minato sat in a corner of the waiting room, tossing a kunai up in the air and catching it by the ring of the handle. I stayed just outside of Minato's sensing range as I slid behind the receptionist's desk where a harried civilian woman appeared close to tears as she tried to decipher the code of the Chuunin who normally manned the desk.

"You don't have to worry about that log, it's in shinobi code and it logs Jōnin and ANBU injuries. I'm taking care of all of that already." I closed the log and climbed up to the top shelf of the records and stuck it on top.

"Thank Kami, I thought I was going insane!"

"Just take care of the stuff you were taught—"

"I wasn't taught anything!" She all but wailed. "They just told me to take care of this desk and I'm just a trainee nurse, I don't know all of this record stuff, I don't even know how to pull files!"

"Hey, it's fine, all you have to do is write down the names of the injured on this log here, the sick on this one, and the appointments on this one."

"Thank you, shinobi-san!" She gushed.

"You're welcome. The files are organized just like the library. Give it a few days and you'll have it down to pat." I shuffled back to the massive wall of files and fingered through until I found Minato's. Mentally, he was declared clear, which was more than I expected, but the standards were extremely low. He was still injured, so he was restricted to light duty.

"You look a little young to be a doctor, shinobi-san."

"I'm not, I'm a medic-nin."

"You look like a Genin."

I turned around and tapped my vest. "Chuunin." I turned back to the wall to replace Minato's file.

"Does the haori mean something? I've never seen the other medic-nin wear it."

"It makes the enemy nin think twice about attacking me."

"You're just a little kid!"

"In the shinobi world, age is a hallmark of experience, not skill," I repeated.

"You're not very talkative."

"I'm actually in charge while the Hokage's gone, so I'm quite busy. I don't mean to be rude but I have work to do and I can't stop and chat."

I escaped out before she could say anything more and hurried towards the interview room where I figured Kushina would be testing.

I crept into the observation room. She sat in one of the metal chairs, fidgeting with her shoe, and answering the doctor's questions.

She never made eye contact with the doctor. I couldn't hear the questions, but Kushina never seemed to get upset, so I figured everything was mostly okay. After a few minutes of watching, I left and went back to the waiting room, letting Minato pick up on my chakra signature. He brightened and waved at me as I opened the door to the rest of the hospital. I motioned him over, just as Kushina skipped down the hall.

"I passed!" She cheered and slammed into me with a violent hug. "I'm clear for full duty!" I didn't expect that, but I guessed it was a pleasant surprise.

"Good for you, Kushina, any restrictions?"

"None!" She chirped.

"Okay, Minato?" I knew the answer, but I was curious to see if he would share.

"I'm cleared, but still injured," he murmured, staring at my feet.

"Okay. At 0150 there's a meeting in the Academy auditorium, I'll figure out what you'll do then. Get some rest and I'll meet you then, okay?"

Kushina pulled Minato into the hug. In my old world, I wasn't the most touchy-feely person, but after the last week of spending almost every waking hour with two orphans starved for attention, I had no choice in the matter, especially when they both initiated random hug sessions whether I consented or not. I noted that the society was quite devoid of physical contact. I had never been a proponent of 'hugs fix everything' but I was sure they could help a lot more than I originally thought.

"Guys, I have work to do."

"You really are in charge, aren't you, Nii-san?" Minato asked.

"Yes, I am."

"We didn't eat dinner," Kushina mumbled.

"I'm sure there's still one or two shops open."

"Will you come?"

"Sorry, Kushina, I really have to go—"

"Do what?" Minato challenged.

"I have to clear a house of traps and set up a headquarters."


"Minato—" I warned.

"Where?" Kushina echoed. Both of them tightened their grip on me.

"Someplace too dangerous for the two of you. I'll see you at the meeting." I detached myself from them and marched out, feeling like a bit of a jerk.