
Don't Act Naive: You Are Already Mine

For five years Wang ZhiYong still has vivid dreams of his wife, Lin XinYi, who had already died. He loved her so much that when she died, he started living a mechanical life; a life dedicated solely to work, work, and work. He never glanced at any woman until Cheng Jia, a woman who looked like his wife appeared. She piqued his interest as he misses his wife, but she was too naive to make out any conclusions about his generosity, or was she? What life will they have with ZhiYong mistaking her as his wife while Cheng Jia innocently brushed off all malicious intents? Will he delude himself or love her as who she is? ***** The photo used for the cover is not owned by the author. Credits to the owner.

DGDirbyh · Urban
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21 Chs

What Fiance?

After Zhiyong dropped off Madam Lin, he went straight ahead to Grand Empire, the company which was passed to him by his grandfather.

The nature of the business that the Wang family is running is real estate, but they do not stick to that. Grand Empire also expands power in the entertainment industry, since Zhiyong had been once an actor; and fashion and jewelry when he wedded Lin Xinyi, the only heir of the Lin family. Not only that, but this empire also finances other businesses which became the reason why businessmen and women have high regard to the Grand Empire, which put it in the peak of the food chain. Even if this empire is already at the peak, its power is continuously growing.

Due to the power that the Grand Empire holds, Wang Zhiyong also became the most looked-up person in the business world. One can say that nothing can ever stop him if he wants something, having the world on his hand. However, to the heir of this empire, nothing is grander than having someone by his side, and that someone he yearns for is not in his world anymore.

'And she will never be back anymore…' Zhiyong thought while walking past the lobby of his company.

He swallowed the fear he felt as his heart constricted with his thoughts. No matter how true it is, for five long years, he still cannot accept the fact that she no longer belongs to the world he lives in.

Employees of the Grand Empire are all bowing as respect as he passed by but his thoughts are too busy to respond. They are already used to this, of not being noticed by their godly President Wang Zhiyong.

As he and his secretary reached his private elevator, his secretary pressed the button to the highest floor. Then the door closed.

"Are you sure that the lady is President's fiance'?" one of the women in the front desk asked the other.

She was only answered with a shrugged.

"But, we didn't hear the President's father introducing the lady wrongly, right?" the woman added.

Her colleague gently tapped her on the shoulder, "Let us not bother the gods and goddesses' business. We, lowly employees, must just see things unfold without budging."

"You're right. I am just curious, though."

The women went back to their work.

In the President's room at the highest floor, sat his father, Wang Shirong. He stood up and greeted his son as he came in.

"Zhiyong," he placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Dad," Zhiyong replied.

"How are you son?"

"I am good, dad. Thanks for asking," he mustered a small smile.

His father was delighted to hear his son say he is good, then he tapped his shoulder thrice while saying, "That is great to hear, son."

After that, he placed his hand in his pocket, striding back to his seat.

Just then, Zhiyong noticed a lady in a red skimpy dress standing beside his father.

He eyed her intently for a moment as his brows furrowed in confusion. He looked at his father and the lady in front of him.

His father had noticed his gaze and spoke, "Zhiyong, son, this is Liu Meihui, daughter of Mr. Liu of L.K. Corporation," he introduced her then the lady smiled warmly, "Meihui, this is my son, Wang Zhiyong," he gestured.

"Zhiyong, I am glad to see you, at last."

Meihui was only answered with a nod by Zhiyong.

Then, the President walked past the two towards his desk, picked up the phone directly connected to his secretary, "Bring us something to eat," he said to the person on the other line before putting it back.

"Dad, is she the representative that L.K. Corporation sent?" he asked his father, not minding to take a glance at the lady.

"Yes and no," his father answered.

Raising his brows, he looked at his father's countenance.

'What is this old man up to?' he asked inwardly.

Zhiyong took strides towards the sofa, sat down and gestured for the two to do the same.

The lady that his father brought today, sat down with grace even if her skimpy dress is showing off much of her skin.

"Zhiyong," Liu Meihui did not finish what she was about to say when they all heard a knock on the door.

It is the third secretary, Suyin, bringing foods and drinks for the three people inside the room. After placing everything on the table, she took her leave.

"Dad, Ms. Liu, please help yourselves," Zhiyong said, helping himself with a glass of lemon juice, drank it as if it refreshes his soul.

Wang Shirong sighed and shook his head while watching his son, "Zhiyong, you don't have to be very formal with Meihui."

Holding the cold glass of lemon juice, he took a look under his lashes, "What do you mean by that, father? Is it not just right to address the lady of the prospected partner like that?" he asked changing his tone into annoyance.

"Zhiyong," Meihui smiled seductively, reaching for a slice of apple while showing off the size of her breasts, "actually, I don't come here just for business," she said and took a bite.

The man across her raised a brow.

"Meihui is not just the daughter of the business partner, but also your fiance'," Wang Shirong announced.

Zhiyong placed the glass from his hand on the table and chuckle, then little by little, he burst in boisterous laughter like a mad man who has just heard the funniest joke.

As he calmed down, he drank the juice he put down and said to Liu Meihui, "I'm s-sorry, I just thought that was hilarious," he averted his gaze to his father, "Is this the 'very important meeting' you are telling me, father? No wonder you have come here despite your 'busy' schedule," he said mocking him with its hidden meaning.

His father balled his fist with the blow Zhiyong gave him.

Liu Meihui batted her eyelashes, "I admit I came here just for business, opposing my father's orders, but when I saw you, I was smitten. I don't know if you believe in love at first sight, but I think I love you, and I am willing to marry you."

Once again, Zhiyong laughed but this time, it sounded like he was mocking the people in front of him.

"Zhiyong, don't be rude to your fiance'!" Wang Shirong roared while Liu Meihui held her chest as if she was wronged.

The President stopped and composed himself, emitting an unformidable aura, "What fiance' are you talking about, father? Have you talked to me before you agreed on an arrange marriage? No, right? So, with this, I shall say that I have no fiance' at all."

He stood up and adjusted her tie, "Father, if there is nothing more, please take Ms. Liu with you. I don't intend to get married anytime soon."

When he turned his back from them, he stopped his tracks towards his desk when he heard his father say, "Look at how pathetic you are! It has been five years but you still miss that bitch like she took your soul with her. You even serve and drink her favorite lemon juice when she is already gone. Stop wasting your time sulking and missing that woman! She isn't worth it! She is the rust that ruins you!"

Zhiyong was hit by his father blow by blow with his words.

"Zhiyong..." Meihui called out for Zhiyong's name.

He did not know when, but the lady managed to hold his arms like someone who consoles her lover. Zhiyong followed the lady's hands with his gaze and stared at her eyes intently, "Take off your hands from me," he ordered her like she was some kind of a leech.

Liu Meihui, caught by Wang Zhiyong's loathful eyes, instantly let go of Zhiyong.

The man then, dust off the part of his shirt that Meihui touched like some kind of dirt have dirtied it.

Giving his father a full view, he spoke from his heart, "Who are you to talk about my late wife like that? You do not have any right to speak badly of her. It is me she left, not you. It is better to look pathetic like this than to look like an ass like you. Also, the woman you are calling a bitch has a name, she is Lin Xinyi, my wife! So father, if you don't want to lose the little respect I have left for you, please leave with this lady, right now."

His father sneered in anger and asked Liu Meihui to come with him, saying that they will visit some other time.

Knowing his father's attitude, Zhiyong knew that this is just the beginning.

Feeling stressed with just the brief meeting with his father, he slumped on his seat, holding his temple like he is having a headache.

'Isn't worth it? She is absolutely worth it!'

Hi, Readers!

I am thankful for the support you show me in spite of my shortcomings. I am not perfect, but I will do my best to fill your mind.

Love y'all :)

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