
Don't Act Naive: You Are Already Mine

For five years Wang ZhiYong still has vivid dreams of his wife, Lin XinYi, who had already died. He loved her so much that when she died, he started living a mechanical life; a life dedicated solely to work, work, and work. He never glanced at any woman until Cheng Jia, a woman who looked like his wife appeared. She piqued his interest as he misses his wife, but she was too naive to make out any conclusions about his generosity, or was she? What life will they have with ZhiYong mistaking her as his wife while Cheng Jia innocently brushed off all malicious intents? Will he delude himself or love her as who she is? ***** The photo used for the cover is not owned by the author. Credits to the owner.

DGDirbyh · Urban
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21 Chs

Daddy is Better Looking

With a soft expression towards the little guy he was holding, Zhiyong said, "We meet again, little guy."

"Zhiyong, dear, do you know Cheng Jia's son?" Madam Lin asked out of confusion.

'Exactly my thoughts,' Cheng Jia said to herself as she nodded at Madam Lim, bewildered.

Shuyang and Zhiyong looked at each other before they simultaneously shrugged and nodded as an answer to Madam Lin's inquiry.

"How?" Cheng Jia asked.

Just as Zhiyong was about to answer, a good looking guy approached them while loosening up the button of his polo. He stopped beside Cheng Jia, put his arms on her shoulder and give her a kiss on her temple. The lady then glared at him after his act and slightly pushed him away.

Zhiyong, on the other hand, doesn't know why he felt irritated seeing them so close together. Yet he didn't show his irritation.

"This is?" Director Min asked gesturing his hand on Luwei but looked at Cheng Jia, seeking an answer.

"I'm Wen Luwei," he answered for Cheng Jia.

Cheng Jia nodded, "Luwei, this is Director Min, Madam Lin, and President Wang."

Luwei smiled, "Nice to meet you," he uttered bowing. Then, he composed himself, looking at Shuyang with an awkward smile.

Somehow, Zhiiyong felt like Luwei was hiding the incident at the airport. He has the urge to just spill it out despite the fact that he was trying to signal Shuyang with his look not to say anything.

"We meet again," he began.

Cheng Jia gave Luwei a questioning look as she raised a brow, folding her arms on her chest.

"You know President Wang, Luwei?"

The man pressed his lips as he scratched the back of his head and nodded vigorously awkward. Cheng Jia knew him so well. She knew that Luwei is hiding something from her so, she tilts her head a little, "Care to fill me in with details."

"Ahhh.. well, that..." Luwei stuttered trying to find words to say to be able to escape though he knows he is cornered.

Seemingly, as if Zhiyong already has an idea that Luwei didn't want to spill out a thing, he muttered, "We met at the airport in Province X."

Luwei's mouth fell open as if the gateway to doom is slowly opening for him. "Yes, we met there. We just happened to have something in common."

"Something in common?" Cheng Jia asked in suspicion.

Luwei gazed at Shuyang for help but all he got was a sorry look from the little guy. Then, he gave him a 'Didn't we already had an agreement' look, when Shuyang just shrugged and replied to him with a 'Not my fault mommy's smart' look.

Luwei has the urge to roll his eyes on Shuyang, 'This little traitor!' He opened his mouth to answer but he was cut off by Zhiyong's reply.

"We, Shuyang and I, waited for him in the airport's help desk," Zhiyong answered vaguely.

"Help desk? Why?" This time, Madam Lin asked as Cheng Jia nodded.

"I found Shuyang in the middle of the crowd, crying because he can't find his father. I helped him find this man here," He said facing Luwei, "We even tried to..." Zhiyong was about to say they tried to call Cheng Jia but stopped himself when he remembered what he asked her to call him over the phone. "Well... That's that."

All adults looked at him with looks that says 'what an irresponsible person'. At that moment, he just wanted to have a superpower in which he will be able to make himself invisible.

'I'm doomed!' he told himself, 'This man! I will surely get back at you!' he added, cursing Zhiyong silently.

"Why didn't I know this, Luwei?" Cheng Jia asked with an angry tone. Then he turned to Shuyang, "And baby, I can't believe you hide this from me," she continued.

Shuyang felt and knew her mother was upset that he hid something from her and he was guilty. Zhiyong pitied Shuyang who finds comfort in his embrace as he rubs his back.

"Don't be sad, little guy. I believe you will not hide this from your mommy if you are not coaxed," Zhiyong purposely said that as if comforting Shuyang but loud enough for Cheng Jia to hear.

Instantly, the upset mother turned all her disappointment towards Luwei who shook his head slowly upon seeing Cheng Jia's murderous look. She held a finger at him as if he is warning him of the coming bomb which is about to explode.

'Goodbye inheritance,' he thought.

"Mommy..." Shuyang called in a low voice, "please stop being angry," his eyes pleaded while his arms wrapped around Zhiyong's neck.

With that, she relaxed and turned to Luwei, "We will talk later at home."

Luwei just nodded.

Out of confusion, Director Min who has been silent for quite a while asked, "So, who is this man, Ms. Jia? I mean, who is he in your life?"

The Director asked, remembering that Cheng Jia said she doesn't know the whereabouts of her son's father. He wanted to confirm whether the man is the father or not.

President Wang got interested in Cheng Jia's answer. He looked at her intently, like that of an admirer waiting for an answer from the lady she is courting.

Luwei grabbed Cheng Jia's waist as he pulled her close to him which made her gasp, "I am this woman's fiance'," he said proudly.

'Take that, loser!' he looked at Zhiyong intently who, on the other hand, tightened his hold unto Shuyang. For some reason, Zhiyong didn't like seeing Cheng Jia in Luwei's arms.

Cheng Jia pushed Luwei away from her but he tightened his grip on her waist, "Why, dear fiance'? Are you being shy now?"

"Madam, Director, President, this man here is so-called fiance' but..." she paused and caught Zhiyong's intent look, then continued, "Anyway, its a really long story why we ended up so. Rest assured, we are not in an intimate relationship."

'Why do I even bother explaining?'

Zhiyong gazed at Shuyang in confusion and as if the little guy deciphered his look, he said, "Papa is my father in the heart but not my daddy. My daddy is surely better looking than he is," he explained then turned to his mother, "right mommy?"

Luwei's mouth fell as he felt betrayed by Shuyang who he treated as his own. Cheng Jia, on the other hand, doesn't know what to say but managed to answer, "Well, you could say that, since you are a very good looking baby."

Zhiyong is not sure why but he felt at ease at what he heard.

'He should be, judging Shuyang's appearance,' he thought.

Director Min turned his gazed at Zhiyong and Shuyang. He angled his head and hissed as he rubs his chin which caught everyone's attention. He shook his head telling them not to mind him.

'Impossible! Why do I think that the boy resembles the President so much? Could it be...?' Director Min shook his head in denial as he was lost in his thought. What he was thinking just gave him goosebumps so he just dropped it.

Unknown to him, a certain someone, was also drawing conclusions to solve a mystery of life and existence.

I hope you will like this.

Love y'all.

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