
Don’t Just Hit Restart, Change Games.

Follow John, A 30-year-old whose gruelling life ends one cold snowy day. After suffering such an unfortunate end, his fortunes change as he is reincarnated into a new world. Experience this new world along with John as he learns about his RPG system-inspired powers and the ins and outs of his new world. Cheer John on as he gets more than he could have ever hoped. As John finds his place in this world, he discovers new desires, hidden powers, forgotten technology and even some love. Maybe a bit more love than he is expecting. A trope-filled Isekai-Harem romp in a fantasy world. Expect Harems, Ecchi, Systems, Cheats, Elves, Dwarves, Beast-Girls, Lucky Lechers and all the trashy Isekai tropes you have come to expect. Release Schedule: I aim for 1 Chapter per week. *Currently on Hiatus due to health*

OneHugeNinja · Fantasy
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71 Chs

My Baby, My Honey, My Girl

I laid awake with Luna nuzzled up, snoring softly, next to me. As I held her sleeping form in my arms, I was softly stroking her hair as I watched her sleep. I could not believe my luck, that she had the same feelings for me as I did for her. Success in love had not come easy to me in my past life. I had been engaged when I was in my early twenties. I thought I had it all figured out and that it was all going according to plan. I had the ultimate shock hit me when a few weeks before my wedding, my fiance told me that she no longer loved me as a romantic interest any longer. It was a horrible experience that broke my heart. Always trying to be the eternal optimist, I would think that at least she had told me before we wasted a bunch of money on a wedding.

I hand found myself never really able to have my heart heal after that situation. Luna's statement of commitment and love to me last night, though, a confession that was guaranteed by magic no less, to be her honest feelings. I knew that there was no doubt that what she had said was what she honestly felt. I knew it was weak and shallow of me to require that level of a guarantee to believe someone would be in love with me, but luckily in this new world, just that had happened. I felt that a bit of the significant fatigue that had coated my soul on Earth finally receded.

And that lovemaking, what an experience that had been. It was evidently Luna's first time, but yet she took to it with a natural affinity that made her slightly clumsy first time surpass any experience I had had before. We consummated our confession for several hours, almost as if competing to see who had the vaster stamina. Her beast person racial passives would have given her the edge if not for my higher level and melee combatant class. She tapped out first, leaving me to grab the washbasin and towels. I wiped her down as she lay exhausted in the bed before cleaning myself and climbing in next to her. She almost immediately fell asleep as I held her.

With her now asleep, I was able to catch up on a bit of investigation I wanted to do. I opened my AR display before me and read through the unlocked menu options. I saw what I was most excited about; Music. Launching the AR Music app, I came across a familiar interface similar to what I used to have on my smartphone in my old life. I am glad that there are no interplanetary copyright laws. Otherwise, Jupiter would have to make a court appearance. It looked like I could access all the music from my old world, and what was craziest was that I didn't even need to know the song title. Just run a few notes through my brain, and bam, the song is queued. As I played with it, I saw that I could play the music aloud or just to myself. I put on some relaxing folk music that my mother used to play for me. Hey, look, all my playlists are already here. Good, I have all the music from the one FPS, you know the one, with the fantastic Industrial Glitch Metal soundtrack. As I drifted to sleep, I thought it would be a great battle soundtrack to play aloud if I got into a battle and needed to tear through some enemies or rip some monsters apart.

I was awakened the next morning by the feeling of something soft pressing against my cheek. Squinting through my blurry eyes, I was able to figure out that Luna had awoken and was now hugging me tightly. Her face's soft cheek was pressed against my own as she was sniffing my neck and giving it little pecks. "Good Morning," I whispered into her ear, as I felt my body taking stock of her own. We were both still without clothes as we were from the night before, so her impressively soft assets were making their presence know against my chest. This excitement led to a certain early morning men's issue arising. Luna, feeling something bump against her hip, reached a hand down to check what it was. Grasping the root of the 'problem,' she looked me in the eyes and squealed, "John, you're a beast!" Giving me a wink over her pun. Responding with a "Rawr!" I pulled her on top of me entirely so that her hips straddled my own. Feeling her nails run down my chest, I realized we were going to be a bit late for breakfast.

After a couple of hours of light morning exercise, we headed down to the same bathroom we had used the night before. We were wearing the bathrobes from the previous evening and brought our toiletries and fresh civilian clothing for the day. Once we got into the bathroom, I realized I had not seen a toilet other than the one accessible from the front lobby that I had used after dinner. Luna marched through the front entrance into the closet room, where she opened a door in the wall that I had overlooked the night before. Inside was a surprisingly modern-looking toilet and hand sink, along with what looked like a hairdryer. That explains why Luna's hair was dry so quickly after the bath yesterday. I noticed with my Mana Vision that magic crystals were behind the sink, toilet, and hairdryer's operation. I am glad to see that the luxury standard for life here is not that far behind what I had grown accustomed to in my old life.

As my gaze lingered on the appliances of the toilet room in which Luna now stood, I grew aware of Luna's disapproving glare. "You aren't gonna ask to watch, are you?" She demanded to know. "No! I was just intrigued by this country's use of magical tools. Let me get out of your way so you can have some privacy." I closed the door and went to hang up our clothes in the dressing area. I then stripped off the robe and placed it into the laundry baste that I had brought down, alongside the dirty towels and stuff from yesterday. I would need to take advantage of the laundry service that I had overheard Emma telling another patron about. And I would have to request a change of sheets for our bed. Plus a few extra sets for us to have on hand.

After I got the clothes ready, I placed the soap, shampoo and fresh towels back in the shower room. Then I heard a Luna call out, "John?" from over in the dressing area. I went back through, where I saw Luna's face light up as she laid her eyes upon me. I gave her a quick peck on the lips as I passed her towards the toilet room. "The soap and a towel for you are already in the shower room. I was just thinking of a quick shower this morning, then going to grab some food?" Blushing slightly, Luna gave me a quick kiss back and answered, "Thanks, and that sounds good... honey." Luna quickly darted away after trying out her new pet name for me.

Smiling at how cute my adorable little girlfriend(?) is, I headed into the toilet room and grabbed a seat on the toilet. While taking care of business, I tried out the music feature by listening to some suitable music. Finishing up in just a couple of songs, I then headed into the shower. I embraced Luna from behind, cupping her chest with my hands. I gave her neck a trail of kisses. Seeing where this was leading, Luna gave my hand a light slap, "We are gonna miss breakfast if you start that again." She had spun around in my arms, now face to face with me, she held out a soapy washcloth. In her eyes, I could see her determination to scrub me down in the most timely and efficient manner, like a mother bathing her misbehaving kids.

Watching Luna scrub my nether regions, I briefly pondered why this world had the strange disparity of no armpit hair, but I clearly had chest hair, and both Luna and I had pubic hair. I heard a chime. I checked my notifications and found a new side objective next to my main quest. It listed it as follows:

Main Quests:

Free Luna

Side Quests:

Reunite Luna with her people

Eat at Bairee's Egghouse and Breakfast Emporium

Research Body Hair?

Haha. Very funny. I rolled my eyes as the last side quest disappeared from my quest journal. I did notice that I had two completed tasks.

Relax in a hot spring (Complete?)

Find a lover (Complete?)

Consumate a relationship (Complete?)

Hitting the complete button for each, I watched as I got 1100 total experience added to my experience towards level 11. While looking into this, we had finished our showers and had dried off. Luna now sat on a towel in front of me while I sat on the change room bench. I was using the hairdryer and comb to dry her hair. Once I was finished, I helped her dress and showed her how to fasten the clips on the new brassiere she had gotten from the tailors. Then I slipped into the loose pants and sleeveless hoodie and a pair of loafer like shoes I had found at the shop. "Let's go to the egg place from the flyer yesterday. It sounds like they have an all-day breakfast menu. That way, we are not bothering Marcy about food between standard meal times."

Entwining her fingers in mine, Luna nodded. We headed towards the front desk with just a minimum of stuff. I had my wallet and ID, and the ring I was pretending had magical storage abilities. Luna just had a smile on her face and a small pouch of coins. It was going to be a fantastic day on the town with my girl by my side!