
Dominion March

This world has never been calm. The Humans , The Monsters and The beast has been in a race to show their supremacy to the world. They are the creatures who can call upon winds , rip open the skies or bring Tsunami all over the continent. There are also some people who try to veil open the secrets of the world. Join in the adventures of our protagonist as he tries to do something greater in between the struggle of the three species.

Fantexic · Fantasy
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23 Chs

I will show you

Martha had made some medication for Jonas after Silvos had brought about 5 types of magical herb. Those five types were the cure to the different ailment.

She was arranging the new magical herbs in the refrigeration when she noticed something wrong with Silvos as he was watching the magazine in his hand but his eyes were elsewhere. Indicating he was daydreaming.

"What happened," said Martha calling upon Silvos while continuing to work.

"Huh!, What," said Silvos as he got off his stupor hearing Martha's voice.

"I said why are you in a daze," said Martha not caring about his insignificant response.

"Nothing, haha" replied Silvos with a nervous laugh toward Martha.

He didn't want to tell his wife the fact that his job was on the line.

So he got out from the hall walking through the stairs toward the roof on the second floor.

"What's up with him," said Martha as she was getting suspicious.

"Forget it, I will ask him later," said Martha as she resumed her work while humming a tune.

Silvis was getting to the roof as fast as he could. Without any footstep. His training and job as a gunslinger had taught him to be smooth like a wind. Taking away the enemy's advantage by silent walk.

He got to the roof. He inhaled some fresh air and gazed upon the pearl lake. The pearl lake was still, as calm as it could get.

He was inhaling in the beauty of the water as much as he could.

"Sigh, If I tell her how messed up I was on yesterday work, I couldn't guess the look she would give me," said Silvos with a sigh as he knew Martha loved Jonas like a half-mother.

She was working as a chef and a nanny for Jonas since his birth. During the early years, Nasha didn't participate in any mission for his utmost care and development.

Martha was there guiding her and sometimes taking care of Jonas as a mother would.

"I guess I will tell her tomorrow after getting information from Mr Arnas" Silvos steeled his resolve to tell Martha after getting confirmation from Arnas Ramson.


On the other side

Arnas and Nasha were in a mall. The camp base had developed the mall as everyone in the camp, needed some sort of recreational activities to pent up stress build on the battlefield.

In recent years the number of monsters of different size and shapes is getting an influx in their number.

Arnas and Nasha were buying the things required for their journey tomorrow. They were also trying on some gifts they could give as a present for their Little Jonas.

"Ah, this is the toy he has been jumping around for," said Nasha as a smile appeared on her face.

"What do you think, should we buy it for him," said Arnas as he was too excited to meet his kid after half a month but didn't showed much on his face.

"You know, he never plays with those small toys," Nasha said as she continued.

"He always loves to play outdoors, or with us." Said Nasha as she prayed for him to get better.

"Why don't we buy a family game, he asked us to play when we were getting ready to come here," said Arnas as he remembered the time when they were getting ready to go.

"Hmm, good idea," said Nasha as she clapped her hands.

She and Arnas continued to shop, they got some more toys of monsters for the other kids too.

Nothing much happened as they got to their Allocation.

This base was built on the outpost where great numbers of hunters, soldiers and some tourists too come in great numbers.

Many people have opened their markets. The people sometimes roamed around small stalls and some big shops to get their hand on something precious among the trashes in their eyes.

Like malls and the markets, there were many pubs. You can see around a group of hunters coming out drunk, arguing and getting in fights with other hunters.

The hunters generally ignored those people resuming their own bidding. But some hot-headed hunters couldn't take their foul mouthing and starts their fight.

Arnas and Nasha came out of their rooms after packing their stuff

"Let's go to the pub" Arnas proposed.

"Yes," Nasha said as she too wanted to vent her frustration.

Many people were coming and going out of the hotel pub. Their hotel was a famous one, so there were many people you could see in their combat uniform or their casual outfit carrying the weapons in their space rings.

"What do you want sir and mam" came a waitress in her half revealing clothes.

The duo skimmed through the list as the waitress waited for them.

They decided to go with the light ones.

After giving out their order, the duo was waiting when came the voice from the nearby table.

"Did you guys see it?" said a person lifting his liquor and gulping it.

The voice sounded as almost all the people of the pub heard it. Loud and clear. The people got annoyed as the voice sounded very rough and barbarian to their eardrums.

"The monsters raided on The Royal cup qualifying match," said the second person

The people on the table were all tipsy. They had no idea how loud were they talking.

"It's all over the news," said the first person as he burped.

The Bar buzzed with voices. Quite a lot were surprised by the news they just heard, while some other people were calm and irritated at the same time because they had gotten their limelight stolen.

Nasha and Arnas had gotten their liquor and had started to drink when they got stunned. It was the second surprising news since their morning.

They both opened their hologen to find out, it was on the breaking news.

The news stated "The monsters raided in the middle of the match surprising every official present at that moment. But the security was tight, the team of elite Elan Warrior squad intercepted the monsters. Obliterating them."

"They are increasing their attacks," Nasha said as she got fed up with the news resuming her drink.

"Let's leave it for later" Arnas as he didn't want to talk about it.


"Hahaha," Jonas said as he jumped on his bed. He was quite happy as his body returned normal.

It was evening and he was feeling better than ever.

Martha was watching all this with a smile but didn't comment on it.

She had expected her medicine to take away his fever by the evening. But didn't expect him to be this energetic.

"Young master time for another dose" Martha said as fear crept on Jonas's face.

"No, no, don't do this" Jonas tried to hide behind his blanket.

"How will you play with your friends if you don't drink this" Martha said as she insisted on him.

"No, it's too bitter I will not drink it" Jonas as he cried with his fake tears.

A tug of war happened between Martha and Jonas with the Medicinal drink as the rope.

The war was fierce, both parties insisted on their ideals. But at last, Jonas had to succumb.

He drank the medicine with snot and tears filling his face.

"I will show you," said Jonas crying and hiding behind his blanket.

Martha laughed as she replied "I will be waiting"

He would fight with Martha with his tiny fists.