
Domination Providence : I Can Control Everyone

Warning!!! Mature Audience Only! This a plot focused story, with some smut if it's needed for the char arc. Mc have ability to control people body, but have no power over their mind and heart. This is not like other control novel, were mc will just make everyone fall for him with his power. What you can expect from the book : Plot Mystery Crime Organization Building Character progression Three dimensional character _____________________________________________________________ Malacai is a result of an experiment. His parents created him from an embryo in the lab, their goal being to create a superhuman. At first, Malacai showed promise. He was the one with the attractive appearance and potential, but as he grew to five years old, his parents realized his growth was stagnant. After waiting one more year without results, they kicked him out just like the other failures. They put him in an orphanage. Malacai hated his parents because of this; he swore REVENGE!!! Time passed, and he turned seventeen. His life was almost hell now. He was bullied every day. The reason? It was because he was very handsome, but his body was so frail. If others could sprint ten laps, then one lap was enough to make him feel tired; 2 laps and he would collapse. Then, one day, he gets beaten up very badly. As he lay down, feeling his life was leaving him, a black crow landed in front of him. "Do you want to live??? If you want, I could make a deal with you." "Accept this contract, and while you live in this mortal world, you will live unlike any other human. A different time, a different existence, the power of GOD will isolate you." "Make your choice. Once you choose, there is no turning back!" And without hesitation, Malacai agreed. With that, he gained the power of PROVIDENCE! His power allowed him to control other people!!! _______________________________________________________________________

Providence_Lust · Fantasy
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379 Chs

Play With Yourself (R-18)

But, as Nerissa passed Malacai, he extended his palm forward. 

This action confused Nerissa until she heard what he said. "Your phone."

Hesitating for a moment, Nerissa eventually gave her phone to him before leaving the room.

Malacai took a chair and entered Emma's cage, sitting down. He then took the jet shower and directed it at Emma, soaking her completely.

"Kyaa..." Emma screamed in surprise at Malacai's actions, but she didn't dare do anything.

The terror she felt from Malacai was on a completely different level from Darius. 

After witnessing what had happened, she knew better than to underestimate him.

Malacai looked at the bowl of food, still full, and then started to scrutinize Emma's body, looking her up and down. 

Feeling his gaze, Emma placed her hand over her chest despite being kidnapped. 

Darius and his men spent most of their time with the other women, leaving her alone in the cage, ignored.

This was Darius's tactic to force her into submission. 

Being ignored makes the victim anxious, leading her to question her own value and fate. 

So, Emma still felt shy under Malacai's gaze, her cheeks turning a cherry red.

After looking at her, Malacai realized she was a beauty too. 

Her body was a perfect hourglass shape, her hair crimson red, cascading down to her neck. 

She had a pointed nose with chubby cheeks.

Her lips were paler, probably because of her predicament. Her hazel eyes met his, filled with fear and trepidation.

Malacai's gaze lowered, and he could see her breathing quicken, her round breasts heaving up and down. 

The size was just right to fit in his palm. He couldn't see her nipples as she covered them with her hand.

Moving his gaze lower, he noticed her flat stomach, now sunken. 

Her slender waist and her fleshy smooth, tight. She was kneeling, her palms hiding her crotch.

Malacai then turned his focus to Nerissa's phone. 

He knew how to use it, having played with one before at the orphanage. 

Without access to the internet for many years, Malacai started exploring it, his expression turning to a frown.

Emma, watching this, became even more anxious. 

She had offered everything she had, but Malacai only glanced at her once before becoming engrossed with the phone. 

Seconds turned to minutes, each moment feeling like a prisoner waiting for execution.

Her shyness started to disappear, overwhelmed by a sense of dread. 

Many thoughts ran through her mind about how to survive this. 

Her gaze focused on Malacai, watching his every movement, even small actions like the closing of his eyelids. 

'Now that I look at him, he's very handsome. If we hadn't met under these circumstances, I would probably be attracted to him.'

Malacai suddenly shook his head, causing her heart to skip a beat out of fear. 

Her adrenaline rushed as she threw caution to the wind and quickly crawled to Malacai, grabbing his leg. 

Her voice was hoarse, tears streaking down her plump cheeks, "Don't kill me. Please."

Feeling her approach, Malacai looked down.

He had shaken his head not because of her but due to what he had read on the internet.

This realization made him understand that his knowledge of how the world works was too narrow. 

His lips turned into a grin, "Why do you want to live so much?"

"Who wants to die? There are many things I still want to do. I want to visit other countries, try more food, buy more stuff."

"Even as a tool? As a slave? You still prefer living?" Malacai said, his dark eyes gazing deeply at her.

Emma felt like she was staring into a deep abyss. Her voice became small, "Yes, I don't want to die…"

"I have seen some of your videos; you should be able to act right." 

Malacai then pointed at the mattress on the floor. "Smile, don't cry, play with yourself, act like you like it. You should understand what I mean."

He then pointed the phone at the mattress with an evil smile, "Go on, the camera is rolling."

Emma gulped at his request, hesitating. But seeing Malacai raise five fingers and then start counting down one by one, she quickly moved forward, walking on her knees. 

Malacai could see her heart-shaped, perky butt, smooth with a beauty mark on the left cheek.

On the mattress, she sat on her butt and turned around to look at Malacai. She took a few deep breaths, preparing herself. 

Deep inside, she cursed the world for being so unfair. 

She had just escaped Darius's clutches, only to fall into the hands of someone even worse.

At least Darius hadn't killed her or threatened her life, unlike the man in front of her now, who could casually kill someone without batting an eyelid. And he wasn't even a normal human.

She then closed her eyes, imagining her role.

A moment passed, and she raised one of her hands, wiping away the leftover tears from her face. 

She took another deep breath and opened her eyes. 

Her gaze now showed craziness and obsession, her tone turning flirty, "Master, my body is so hot thinking about you."

Emma lowered her hand slowly, revealing her round breasts, her nipples small and pink.

They were already hard, surrounded by brown areolas. 

Her palm began kneading her own breast as her slender finger pinched the pink nipple.

Her pale rose lips parted open, releasing a loud, sultry moan. "Aaah… Master… please use my body as your tool."

She spread her legs, displaying her most intimate part, with some red hair growing on it. 

Malacai guessed this was because she usually shaved. "Aaah... Ah… Master, please touch me here, see how much I want you." 

Her pussy was different from Nerissa's, more plump, with more fat on it.

Malacai didn't compare it with Reina's as he hadn't seen it closely before. "Aaah... Ah…"

Emma started stroking her lower lip, moving her finger around it, creating friction with her clitoris. Her slit began getting wet, her love nectar dripping onto the mattress.

What do You think Makes Malacai Frown when he browses the internet?

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