
Domination Providence : I Can Control Everyone

Warning!!! Mature Audience Only! This a plot focused story, with some smut if it's needed for the char arc. Mc have ability to control people body, but have no power over their mind and heart. This is not like other control novel, were mc will just make everyone fall for him with his power. What you can expect from the book : Plot Mystery Crime Organization Building Character progression Three dimensional character _____________________________________________________________ Malacai is a result of an experiment. His parents created him from an embryo in the lab, their goal being to create a superhuman. At first, Malacai showed promise. He was the one with the attractive appearance and potential, but as he grew to five years old, his parents realized his growth was stagnant. After waiting one more year without results, they kicked him out just like the other failures. They put him in an orphanage. Malacai hated his parents because of this; he swore REVENGE!!! Time passed, and he turned seventeen. His life was almost hell now. He was bullied every day. The reason? It was because he was very handsome, but his body was so frail. If others could sprint ten laps, then one lap was enough to make him feel tired; 2 laps and he would collapse. Then, one day, he gets beaten up very badly. As he lay down, feeling his life was leaving him, a black crow landed in front of him. "Do you want to live??? If you want, I could make a deal with you." "Accept this contract, and while you live in this mortal world, you will live unlike any other human. A different time, a different existence, the power of GOD will isolate you." "Make your choice. Once you choose, there is no turning back!" And without hesitation, Malacai agreed. With that, he gained the power of PROVIDENCE! His power allowed him to control other people!!! _______________________________________________________________________

Providence_Lust · Fantasy
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377 Chs

Ms Reina

"Malacai enters and opens the cage." As he walks closer to her, his hand pulls her chin upward, making their gazes meet.

Upon seeing his face, Ms. Reina's expression changes. "

Ma... Malacai..." Her lifeless eyes dart around, realizing it's just Malacai and Nerissa. 

She quickly stammers, "Why... why are you here? Quickly run... If they find you here..."

Malacai places his finger on her lips, silencing her. His hand moves slowly, caressing her cheek. 

Memories of that day flood back to her. Malacai was bullied by Darius' men, punched, and kicked to the ground as usual.

That day was Ms. Reina's first day teaching in the school.

She hesitated to intervene immediately. 

Every teacher had warned her never to interfere in student conflicts, or she would regret it. 

She watched in silence until Darius' men left, then helped Malacai to the medical room to clean his wounds.

Throughout this ordeal, Malacai remained silent while Ms. Reina, in tears, kept apologizing, saying she was powerless to help. 

Later, Ms. Reina tried to report the incident from the headmaster to the police, but it was no use. 

For the police, her report was just one among hundreds of other bullying reports, especially from a school famous for its gangster students, so they disregarded it.

Weeks passed by, and every day, Ms. Reina did the same: healing his wounds and trying to talk with Malacai.

At first, Malacai remained silent as he wondered about her objective and why she was being kind to him. But with her persistence, Malacai started to open up.

Listening to how his life was hell, even at home, made her bite her lips. 

She even tried to confront his step-parents but was quickly kicked out. 

She felt guilty for not being able to do anything for Malacai. He was suffering, and she couldn't do anything.

After the third month, she had had enough.

When Malacai got bullied again, she moved to protect him, trying to negotiate for them to let him go. 

Darius, in exchange, humiliated her. He promised not to touch Malacai as long as she followed all his orders. 

He took her to an empty class, made her strip in front of him and his goons, humiliated her, gang-raped her in public. 

(Do you want me to write this scene? If yes, comment below)

Ms. Reina lost her virginity that day. But she kept following his orders. Malacai was filled with hate and rage when he saw all of it.

He cursed Ms. Reina, wondering why she trusted Darius. Why was she so dumb? 

Darius would never keep his word. And after that day, Ms. Reina was never seen again.

Malacai tried to look for her afterward, but even her house was empty.

He kept caressing her cheek. 

Seeing his black eyes, Ms. Reina couldn't say anything. 

"Why are you so dumb, Ms. Reina? That day, you sacrificed everything for me, but then the next day, Darius came and bullied me."

Ms. Reina looked down, tears starting to drop from her eyes. "I know, I am stupid. After that day, Darius showed me a video where they bullied you again." 

"I am so stupid for believing his words. If I hadn't done this, I should at least still be with you and could comfort you."

Her words made Malacai's heart clench, a strange sensation of pain filling him. "Why are you so nice to me?"

She looked up, looking into Malacai's black eyes filled with pain. "You remind me of my little brother. He got bullied and committed suicide." 

"He was my only family. That is why I did that much for you. After he died, I regretted that I could not do anything for him."

Malacai turned his gaze to Nerissa, his eyes so cold that they made Nerissa flinch, remembering the atrocities Malacai had committed with those same looks. 

"Look for the key." 

At first, Malacai had wanted to tell her to bring the butler, but he remembered he had ordered her to stay in place, and she wouldn't move regardless of what Nerissa did.

Nerissa nodded and quickly began rummaging through the room for the key.

Many thoughts ran through his mind. 

He then looked deeply into Ms. Reina's brown eyes. "You have sacrificed everything for me, Reina. Can you give me your heart, too?"

"I... I..." Reina stammered, taken aback by the sudden question. 

Her mind raced, replaying the question over and over. 

"You want me... Malacai... I am dirty and soiled. That bastard Darius injected me with drugs every day. I have done so many things. I am just his sex toy now."

Malacai's eyes flickered. "He may have claimed your body, but what I want is your heart and soul." 

His eyes then turned cold, the same look he had given Nerissa but one Reina had never seen before. It was a look that made her soul shudder.

"I have killed them all, Darius, his goons. The whole school is burned down." 

"I didn't let him die quickly, but seeing what he did to you, I should have tortured him a few more days."

The coldness in his eyes and tone as he spoke made Reina realize he had truly done all of it.

Seeing her expression, Malacai added, "Are you afraid of me now?" 

"I know you have sacrificed a lot for me, Reina, but I cannot free you unless you give me your heart and soul, too."

Nerissa, who had found the key and was walking towards Malacai, stopped in her tracks, shocked by his words. 

She realized how cruel he was. 

The woman had sacrificed so much for him, and yet he still demanded more to free her.

Her steps slowed as she approached. Malacai raised his hand without looking back.

Reina and Malacai locked gazes. 

Reina was still confused about what he meant by heart and soul. 

Why did he still want her when she was just a used good, and he already had Nerissa by his side?

In Malacai's mind, he was weighing the benefits and losses. He wanted to understand what it meant to dominate someone's heart.

What do you think Reina's answer will be? If she rejects, what will Malacai do?

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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