

Given a choice. promised to kill the enemies of a goddess. Reincarnated. Lusted after his master and maid. Determined to never become alone. getting the last and most powerful blessing of the goddess of beauty, lust, and battle. Going through hellish training to not get reverse raped. What will happen in the future? Join the adventures of a greedy and lustful boy on his path to becoming the strongest and bending the heads of strong women. What will he do when he becomes the strongest, Well, he has some crazy ideas for the future. AN:* there will be slight grammatical mistakes because this is my first work. *comment on any mistakes and ideas.

lolli_pop66 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Bunny and dinner

Arriving at the food hall again, the staff are getting ready to go home and the night staff are taking their places.

Nova saw the bunny with a face full of energy like she did not sleep like a log while working hours' talking with her co-workers.

Seeing that she was about to go home. He made his way towards her.

Standing at her side

"Miss Snow, have you had your dinner already" he asked.

"Oh, Mr. Moon, it's you. No, I'm going to eat at home," she replied sweetly.

"Then, do you want to eat dinner with me? It's my treat since I just got promoted to B-rank" he said,

he is slightly nervous about getting rejected.

"Hmm, well since you are the one treating me I will take up on your offer" she replied like she did not have any interest in food.

But, Nova already found out this bunny is one of the wild ones. Her primal instinct for food and breeding is high.

That's why she even dreamt of it.

If he does not make the first move, her mating urge will get stronger, and she will become a bunny in heat mating with anyone.

Both of them left the guild and walked through the lively road full of people.

As they chatted about whatever interesting they found in the surroundings, mostly snow was the one that talked while Nova listened.

Like that, they arrived at a restaurant that was not too luxurious and not too normal.

Entering inside, they are guided to one of the private rooms since Nova requested it…

After ordering the food, they waited for a few moments talking with each other until the food arrived.

After the food delivered

The bunny started to get excited, looking at the various foods.

Nova poured two glasses of wine and handed one to her

"let's get along even more in the future, cheers" he toasted with her and they started eating.

After a few minutes of eating, Nova noted the bunny could not decide what to eat first since there was a lot of food on the table.

She can't behave like an animal in front of another person now, can she, so she suppressed her eating urges.

"You know you can eat however you like, I won't judge you for this," he said.

"Are you sure?" she asked confirmation.

"Mm," he nodded with a smile.

Her eyes changed suddenly and got a wild glint in them. Her ear stood straight and she started again. More fiercely than before, devouring every food hurriedly, fiercely, cutely, hungrily like a cute rabbit.

His mind and heart got warmed at the sight of her eating with a smile without any care about the world.

He, too, started devouring the food without any reservation.

They both occasionally glanced at and observed each other and continued to enjoy the world of only a man, woman, and food.

After 2 hours

A bunny and a human slumped on the desk

"I saw heaven," the bunny said.

"Me too" the human replied.

"I can't move," the bunny said.

"Me too" the human replied.

"What to do" the bunny asked.

"Wait" the human replied.

After a few minutes, both of them sat again

"thank you, it's such a nice dinner," the bunny said with a smile.

"Yes, I also enjoyed the dinner" Nova replied.

"Shall we go?" the bunny asked.

"Mm, let's go," Nova said as he stood up.

Then they paid and left the restaurant.

While walking around the streets, Nova saw a weapon store.

"Is this a good weapon store?" he asked the bunny.

"Yes it's one of the best in this kingdom" she replied.

"Ohh, shall we take a look inside" he asked her.

"Alright, I also want to look at the new weapons" the bunny replied.

Then they went inside the shop

"Welcome, please take your time and search for anything" a working beast-men said.

Then they started to look around the shop, Nova went to one side to find any weapons suitable for him.

The bunny looked around for any new useful items available.

While Nova looking around, he sensed someone using universe energy at the bunny location, so he arrived at the location using wind flow movements.

Two minutes before

While Snow looking around for anything useful, suddenly two persons appeared before her.

Looking at them, she saw A human man looking like a young master who was looking at her body perversely and his bodyguard, a huge beast man.

"What do want?" she asked them warily.

"Come with me, and I'll spare your life," the young man said arrogantly.

"Why should I come with you" she asked back, slightly angry.

The young man signaled the beast men with his eyes.

The huge beast-men looked at Snow pitifully and said

"he is the son of a powerful family in the Renvir kingdom. He got interested in your body, so he wants to make you his property. So, stop struggling and come with us" the beast men said.

"I don't want to" Snow replied and unleashed her regular class spell weaver aura.

"Knock her out and take her," the young man said to the beast-man.

The beast man took out his sword and started his magic knight technique.

At that time

"you better go home" a male voice sounded.

Looking at the voice direction, they saw a masked and robed man looking at them.

"Who are you?" the young master asked.

"I am her friend" he replied.

"Is that so, then give her to us, and we will give you anything you want" the young master said.

"Leave" Nova spat out coldly.

"Kill him" the young master ordered his servant.

Next moment

The head of the beast men rolled on the ground.



The young master dropped on his butt seeing his servant getting killed this fast.

"Leave" Nova ordered again.

The young master ran out of the room with shaky legs and beating heart.

Seeing that the young master got out of the vicinity, Nova walked towards Snow and held her shoulder with one arm.

"Are you alright" he asked her seriously.

"Yesh~ I am fine" Snow replied while blushing from seeing his dominating side and feeling his hands in her shoulder.

Nova then burned the corpse with flames and scattered the ashes with his wind.

Then they left the shop.

After walked for a few meters, suddenly nova felt nauseated and held his chest.

"What happened Moon" Snow asked while coming to his side.

"Nothing, this is the first time I killed a person, so I am getting slightly uncomfortable" Nova said while getting on his knees from the unbearable disgust.

"Is that so" she mumbled sadly and guiltily.

"It's not your fault, I would have killed a person sooner or later, it's better this way since I did not get uncomfortable during the battle." he replied while looking at her gently.

Seeing him like that, she resolved her will and hugged him to her chest.

Nova, suddenly enveloped by a smooth, warm and soft things, didn't know how to respond, so he just hugged her back, stayed silent and inhaled the bunny's sweet and soft smell.

"It's fine, you did the right thing" she comforted him in her soothing voice.

The man and bunny nestled in each other's embrace under the shiny black sky with full moon and stars and snow.