
House Warming

Early in the morning callie talked to her landlord to take the money after that she finished packing her belongings she doesn't have too many things but she can fill a huge apartment. she take off her unwanted things and finally kyla arrived..

"callie are you finish?"

" yes i already put it in the car we can go now...". before callie went out the door she look at her apartment reminiscing so many memories but her eyes got dimmed after that..

at the car while callie is driving.... kyla saw a huge screen in the building and said, "callie i know where you can find a new job... you can apply at gu Holdings! would you like to try?The president in miranda holdings is so handsome."

loki's picture is in the screen he is the president of miranda holding an because calllie is driving she's paying attention to the road she didn't notice loki, the man that who she lost her virginity!.

callie and kyla drove to their apartment well luckily kyla don't have a car but she has a parking in her apartment callie's car can stay there you wanna ask why kyla can drive?even though she dont have a car callie taught her how to drive.kyla open the door and give callie spare keys of the apartment.

"callie here's the key to your room, and this is for the front door,and this is for the gate"


"no worries, this is used to be my brother's room he has a family now..already clean it you can settle in first i'll go buy some foods let's have chicken wings, pork barbecue and beer..we can have house warming later hahahaha"

"house warming only the two of us? ..hahaha"

"of course do you have any people in mind that you wanna invite?"

"none! you are my one and only friend.. here take the spare key of my car you can use it every time i don't need it... you can use it now to buy some foods..."

"you sure?callie!" kyla is so happy..

"of course or you can be my driver in exchange hahaha just kidding.."

" okay callie thank i got to go now...." kyla leave wearing a huge smile in her face callie started to unpack her belongings. "thank goodness! kyla's apartment is already have the basic needs so everything that i don't need i sold it early in the morning i'm lucky I've posted it online i can have more budget for a month i hope i can find a job soon.."

after callie finished unpacking her belongings its evening ad kyla is waiting for her in the living room they talk about all things that happen recently to callie and kyla already had a plan where callie can apply the day after tomorrow...

"callie, i hope you don't mind i have a friend from Gu Holdings i already talked to her there's a job opening for president's secretary, she already line you up for the interview the day after tomorrow my friend says you are perfect for the position of course i tell her you are a secretary for five years.."

"of course not that's a huge favor thanks kyla i owe you one..."

"what are friends are for, cheers! to your new beginning!".


hi guys i hope you like my story so far rate this chapter and vote power stones for my book to make it on top thank you for growing readers i have 4000 plus readers already i'm so touched that's huge don't forget to share!

stephaniemyka24creators' thoughts