
Cheating Boyfriend

callie arrived at her apartment around 9am she sigh " oh my i am really shoot this time i'm going to lose my job if not for that man my body hurts its my first time although the that guy is handsome and have abs its still my first time inshould give y virginity to the one i love, if not for that man i'm still a virgin its all vincent's fault if he didn't cheat on me i will not go to the club to drink!".

vincent is callie's boyfriend his job is only selling condominiums he always like to gamble he even get the money that callie hide for her tuition fee for this school year. she's taking up engineering she wants to be an engineer she already imagine her life with his boyfriend getting married having a good life and a loving house wife and then that happen. one evening callie have her overtime in her work she's a secretary. that afternoon one of her colleagues kyla her long time friend for 5 years go home early. "callie i'm not feeling well i going now!  bye!" said kyla.  "okay kyla see you tomorrow get well soon! be careful on the road."

kyla leave the building wave her hand to call a taxi after she settled in the taxi she notice callie's boyfriend with a girl like a snake hooked to vincent's arm and kissing in another taxi. kylie said to the taxi driver " can you please tail that car i'll pay you double!" the driver said "okay!".

they tailed vincent's taxi and they were suprised the taxi led to the hotel kyla get down in the car and still tailing vincent's doing before the couple go to their room in the door they are kissing passionately well you now know whats next when they in. kyla called callie " hello callie, are you done right now? can you go to this hotel i saw vincent with a girl wearing sexy dress!" . "are you sure kyla its vincent?" callie said while her heart stomping really hard "yes callie i'm really sure its him although i only met him twice i am really sure its him you can come over now to see i'll wait for you in the lobby!"

callie didn't waste time after she hung up she get the keys and drove to the hotel that kyla instructed two kilometers away from her work. she parked at the nearest parking lot to the lobby at the door she saw kyla "callie thank god you're here vincent is in room 205 before they in i saw them kissing passionately at the door of the room its already 20 minutes that past do you want me to come with you?" kyla stated.

"no,kyla thank you for telling me i hope its not really him i dont know what to do if he really cheats on me just because he can't get in my pants". "no worries callie im your friend i hate to see you suffer go now and give that bitch a slap make it hard!!!!take care callie" kyla retorted.

callie make a way to the second floor to room 205 she press the door bell really hard praying that its not vincent. the door opened its really vincent half naked so much sweat and only thing he wears under him is towel. vincent is in shocked to see callie he said " honey why are you hear? im with a client now he's a man don't worry i'm just going to take a shower because he accidentally spills juice on me! i'll be leaving in five minutes you're just in time can you wait for me in the lobby?". callie give a smirk she already know that there's a bitch inside this room ans said . "really its a man?  you're lying!" the she push vincent she saw a woman in bed naked while holding a glass of wine. "so this is a man your actually a gay ? do you think i'm a fool? you're actually having sex with her!" then she turned her face to the woman and said, " hello bitch im his girlfriend! this is my gift for you!". callie give her a huge slap across her face vincent is pulling callie and callie gave him a hard slap too. " i work hard for this relationship and you will only see me as a trash i don't want to see your face ever again! i'm lucky i didn't give myself to you bastard!". crying callie run into the parking lot where kyla is waiting kyla give her a tight hug while crying and said  "don't worry callie you can find much more handsome and capable than him he will never break your heart like vincent done!".

kyla drove the car they go to callie's apartment.