
Dominate The Realms

Can you even imagine the possibilities if you have the power to do anything you want ? well who can even stop you? be it a soldier, a general, a king, an emperor and even a god cant stop you... So the only question is whats the point? theres no thrill theres no excitement Follow the Journey of a man with great ambition to dominate all .. Hello ~ im just a newbie at writing a novel so pls bare with me :)

ScaredyCat · Fantasy
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3 Chs

A Name

While traveling in the space he began to increase his proficiency in controlling his energy and then he starts to wonder.

"Is it just me or is this energy is just to compatible for me, Its like its only purpose is to be absorbed by me. Well whatever , as long as i can continiously absorb and use this energy then im fine with it , for now".

And the time passed by for who knows how long. "Are you f*cking kidding me?!! how long should i must travel to find some f*cking planet!!? You know space?! screw you !! .He kept cursing the space like a madman.

After that embarrassing moment he thought of an idea."Oh thats right my energy, although its just a theory but i think this energy is everywhere in space".

"So if i can create a method that can detect a certain amount of energy nearby my surroundings then probably finding a planet is not that hard ".he said while praising himself for thinking that smart idea (Author :well he should done that earlier instead of cursing the space , its also my fault :( ).

After he thought of his "smart ass idea" , he starts to concentrate on his senses and after a minute passed by he detected a large flow of energy in the South at the left side of his route earlier.

"Hehe , well~ lets begin our journey ".he said , with a face full of excitement .

From a far you can see a planet that is three times bigger than the earth with a color that resembled the mars, immediately a man is flying straight at that planet ,it rapidly increases its speed if a person saw this they would think that its a jet .

After he spotted the planet , he stoped mid way. "Hmm this planet is pretty ineresting, i can sense the energy inside the planet but what baffles me, is that its kinda different like its a whole new type of an energy".

"hm eh eh eh hehehe HAHAHAAHA HAHA!!

INTERESTING ~ , well im just going to find out that myself i guess ".he said , the exhilaration he feels right now is over the heavens.

in a barren and desolate land you can see a silhouette on top of a huge rock standing there while looking in a somewhere distant land .

"This place is very peculiar hmm i cant even sense a single person nearby maybe theres no one here id better look somewhere els—" while his mumbling about this place suddenly, a huge beast appeared out of nowhere .This huge beast is like an oversize worm that has a gigantic razor sharp theet .

"Well hello there little fella , can u do me a favor and just ignore me cuz first of all im not that tasty, second i dont like to get eaten by a worm".he said while feeling disgusted by the oversize worm.

Indifferently to the guy infront of it, It started to screech really, really loud "KEKUEGHHHH!!! Keghhh!!! "at the exact moment it rushes straight at him with full speed.

"My ~ my ~ youre a stubborn little fella arent'ya? , well it cant be help".Suddenly a surge of energy released through his body and came straight to the worm with a lightning speed . And in just a few seconds you can hear a crying pain and the oversize worm dropped to the ground lifeless, you can see a huge hole in his body and a green sticky liquid overflowing through the ground.

"A mere worm trying to block my way hmmp!,

i hope theres a human living in this planet not just this filthy worm, or else i would be disappointed ,better continue my journey i guess and i hope i dont bump into this same shit again" he said while continiously walking in this wasteland.

On the second day he arrived at the forest

"Ahhh ~ and here i thought i can finally see something interesting , just a bunch of grass and trees".just an hour ago he stumbled upon a gigantic ape its size is as tall as a building and its body is like its made out of a dense rock, but it all took was just one punch from him , he never knew that the beast he just killed was the one of the most powerful beast in this area .

"Damn, why did i decided to walk in the first place ,I could just fly in the air without thinking of trouble".he said in a tired voice.

Not far from the forest, on top of the plateau an old man seems to be meditating and suddenly he sense someone coming to his way he panic for a second because he felt a huge and heavy pressure in that mysterious individual , the old man opened his eyes just to see a young man standing infront of him and he stood up thinking what he should do in this situation.

"Young lad, can i help you? ,its seems that youre lost ".the old man said in a deep and calm voice.

finally a human hehehe its seems my long and painful journey paid off he thought and suddenly the old man spoke "Young lad, can i help you? , its seems that youre lost" oh what a kind old geezer better ask him about this place .

"Hey old gee— ahhem respectable elder can i ask you about this place where at now?" he said while covering his mistakes for words.

"Oh is that so? well this plateau were standing on is the Grand Plateau and the forest that you came from called the Mystic Jade Forest , young man i dont know why your in that forest but you should stay out of that place theres a hundred of savage beast lurking there, why not come with me into my sect ?.there, you can be safe and far from danger.

Hmm this old geezer dont know who he is talkin to, right now i really want to slap him in the face but caaaalm down~ caalm down~ he is just a lowly mortal you cant act against him, but what is this sect , this old geezer talking about ? better ask him."Elder can you explain to me what is this sect youre talking to? ".

"Hmm for me its like a home and also a shelter for those people who needed it".

the old man said while in a deep thought.

Huuuh interesting but i cant be staying there for to long i still need to explore this world

well im just gonna stay there a couple of days then i can leave. he thought.

"Elder is wise thank you for youre kindness I respectfuly accept youre offer but i cant stay there for to long"he said with a fake worried face.

"Haha not to worry youre welcome anytime you visit the sect , Oh i almost forgot young man what is your name? " said the old man in a kindly manner.

hmm my name? what should i name myself? ahh i know. "Elder you can call me Qing Tian and also can i ask you what is your name Elder? "said Qing Tian.

"Hmm you can just call me Elder Gu, then shall we go now?"Elder Gu said while giving a bright smile to Qing Tian.

Author note ::: 智宇 QingTian (Wise as the cosmos)