
Being Normal

Domains mysterious and marvelous creatures ones ruled the world , the ora energy that flowed through there veins flourished the world with life , it is said that the world was at peace at there era , but as the saying goes 'nothing ever truly exist' , humans who emerged from the ora energy was the dearest to the Domains ,they taught humans how to control there ora to flourish life ,unlike domains, humans could only use ora energy in the form of elemental energy like; pyro(fire) ,hydro( water ),electro( lightning), geo( earth),denro( nature),anemo(wind) and cryo( ice )

or two life energy form like;

flare( light) ,shade( dark)

As time passed ,greed for power started growing in humans , they wanted the world for themself this paved the ways to the battle between the Humans and Domains which shook the world in terror for many years , then arise a hero , the disciple of the Domain King himself ,the special prodigy who could use ora energy itself , He put an end to the war that had terrified both Humans and Domains, but it was too late, the damaged had been done . The ora energy that flourished the earth had faded ,the planet was at the verge of death , to save the world from destruction all Domains shared there ora to the planet core sacrificing there body ,the Hero and the Humans who saw there sacrifice help them to store there soul into relics that's was shattered across the world , there relics then came to be know as " Ressurectes ". The Domains which existed in the Ressurectes choose the Humans who where similar to them as there partner there process came to be know by the name "Ressurectes Link" through this Humans could harvest the power of Domains and Domains could regain there body for some time using the ora energy of the human.

Through Ressurectes Link the world was rebuilt into

a happier one .After many thousand years War was prohibited in the world , the countries showed there might and power through the international sport festival that occurred every year and the main event that decided which country was the mightiest was "Ressurectes Awaken" the fight between the Ressurectes Links , which also decided who was the world's best Link , the champions of the Ressurectes Awaken is called the "Ultra Ressurectes Links " in short we call them "Ultra Links",

"So Grandma isn't Grandpa an Ultra Link " , a child with innocent face and sparkling eyes asked , " Yes my little, he was ,now he is too old for this stuff", the Grandma replied with a smile on her face , " I wanna be like Grandpa when I grow up " the little boy replied with an innocent smile.

8 years later....I am Akio Kiyotaka my dream was to be like my Grandpa an Ultra Link ,but dream never becomes reality as they say ,everyone in the world has ora energy which they could emit as elemental or life energy in which people with life energy are rare to find .But in my case I couldn't emit any of the elemental or life energy. I have undergone every elemental and life energy training but it had no use I couldn't even emit a single wave of any energy . Then people started thinking that I might be the special prodigy that would only be born one in a thousand years or so like the hero who could use ora energy itself , but this is not a anime or a manga this is reality ,I was tested by the countries best ora specialist but all there reports where negative it was confirmed that I was a new prodigy but not like the Hero , a new one who couldn't emit ora energy in any form and as for this sole reason I could never have a Ressurectes or in other words I could never become a Ressurectes Links . The reality was harsh it always has been like that , I haven't seen my parents from the day I was born not even there photo ,I was raced by my Grandfather and Grandmother, as u guys know my my grandpa was an Ultra Link , for that reason people had many hopes in me but my Grandpa and Grandma never saw me different just because I couldn't use any ora energy ,we had been living in the village know as 'Dugon', it's only 1/2 a month or so we moved to the

' Northern City of Ressurect' that also for my College academics .I haven't made not even one friend in my college ,it's like I am a loner like in manga, but unlike it nobody cares about me and all , everyone sees me as a lowlife who couldn't use any ora ,no only that all of my college have there own Ressurectes Link , Reality really sucks u know , all your dreams life goals shattered in an instantance and all these stuff is quiet a feeling that could lead you to depression.

"I wish... I could be normal like the others" this was the only wish I wanted or I needed .

Anyway now on the present time I am going for a field trip or more like a study trip to the "Great Temple Of Ora " which is one of the most ancient and historical plays in all of the world it is also the place where all the best Ressurectes Links train not to mention it is also where the current Ultra Ressurectes Links ,the champions of Ressurectes Awaken trains and stays so for others it is a great opportunity they might even recruit one or two Ressurectes Links who are best .Well for me it's just a trip I was forced into by Professor X who is my current class teacher, a kind and positive man I would say ,he is even bright for me to even look at him so much positiveness.But as science speak Positive attracts Negative he is been me from the start of the college he would put me in group activities too often even if I did agreed .He is really a pain. Akio ...Akio..my thoughts where interpted by the same person I was thinking about 'The pain ' Prof.X ,he told in a loud and energetic voice " Come on come one we have reached the Temple" I yawned in a unpleasant way and got up in a lazy manner ,everyone had already got out of the bus and rushed to the temple I was the only student left out . I started walking the stairs to the temple ,it's was a long way to go . Professor gave a push from my back and told me with a smile " Hey don't be like this, this is really a interesting place you know , Who knows your life might change from this trip!! ". He is so bright and such a pain , suddenly a heavy and deep sound echoed " SO YOU HAVE COME AT LAST . ALL THESE YEARS I HAVE WAITED FOR YOU AKITO" the voice faded in an instance,I got stuck for a while .I looked around and yelled "Who said that who is there " the professor looked confused in a manner and asked" What happened Akio " I asked in a hurry didn't you hear that " professor answered in doubt" Heard what ,you might have imagined something " I was confused the sound felt really

familiar but I have never hear it in my life who can that be? and who is this Akito ? between the thoughts prof.X interpted " You might have imagined something just leave it , we have a long way to climb let's go " . I didn't dwell on it much after that it could have been my imagination . This day just gets weirder and weirder I thought while climbing the long row of stairs