
Domain Of The Vampire

A Universe with a cold so calm you could feel the stillness of pain that lingers off their planets surfaces.Given a chance between Accepting your death or forge a new path with an Unknown Entity in a universe not of your own, In the end they all choose a new path but the truly gifted conquers that path and Create their own Domain. A Revenge plot steeped in Darkness and blood,Motivated by love and lost of it. What would you do to the ones who broke what you love.He became true to the Darkness he was bore from and His True Children will exact his revenge on them all…

Navie · Urban
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13 Chs

XIII-System's challenge


"UV guns active"



A indigo and violet beam shot pass cyprian's left and nicked it which threw him off balance and back into his full body form.

"Fuck this is not good and why does this hurt so much" A damaging burn came crawling up the tips of his left hand burning away his nails and turning his skin to ash..

[Warning..Warning..,Detection of volatile damage to the host]

"Now this is a first why is it appearing now, what happen to when i broke my legs jumping from a cliff"

[Warning..Warning..Because the host has not fully assimilated with this system, System will now take control of the host body]

"Ohh you have got to be kidding me"

The system took over cyprian's body as if it was like flipping a switch and before you know it he was watching him self slamming his left hand as it was increasingly burn away get slammed into the ground..


The wasted now time after the swift slamming of cyprian's fist into ground to stop the burn of the UV ray, it took off running in all that all to 5 seconds and the pattrollers where on his tail not giving up there chance.



They began wising by faster and faster giving the system no room to maneuver a proper escape.


The system came to a sudden stop as it found it self surround on all sides and no room to leap through.


The young new recruit stood atop the building looking down excited shouting out his given orders..The system remained quiet because it did not know how to accurately converse with people,"Want help" Cyprian noticed the situation and offered his help but the system refused."Well at lease look do at your I mean MY! feet that's your exit" Cyprian was referring to the manhole cover that the system found itself standing above.


"Cyprian heard what the guard said and almost panic because that's the worse thing a guard can do is promise to keep anyone safe because the way where shooting awhile ago was to kill so that was a straight lie.. "System whatever you do, do not let them take me"

[System obey's Host commands]

-Activating...Shroud- a field of tangible darken mist envelop cyprian's body and then it began to sink through the pours in the manhole cover.

"I didn't think this skill could be used like this,Well done System"


"YES SIR!!!"

Before they could fully register what happen cyprian's body still in the shroud began floating away pass there border and into another....

[Host assimilation 100%]

[Host does not need this system anymore, System is now apart of the host and all it's knowledge.]


Heyy!! wake up,HEYY WAKE UP do you have any idea of who's land your on, you common bum GET UP AND GET OUT.

"huh whose there with that whiny ass voice"


"damn my head is killing me, the last thing I remember is escaping with the system's help and then everything went blank"

Get up and get out, you lowly dog!!

Cyprian opened his eye's and a sudden shock came over him"Why the hell am i laying in the sun and not dead and who the hell is HE!!" The bright light of the sun loomed over head but he didn't burn and a very slender man with a distained look dressed a clean black tuxedo his white hair swept to the back hovered over him.."Something is different about this guy, why why does he smell almost like me and i don't hear his heart beating"

YOU HAVE ONE MORE TIME YOU LOWLY MONGREL he shouted and dragged cyprian's attention to him."And what if I don't move" The eye's met for the first time and the difference became clear as day.."I'M GOING TO KILL YOU FOR THIS DISRESPECT"

"That's ENOUGH"

A voice with tremendous pressure came approaching from the north and forcing both parties to shut it the moment it came in contact with it. "It's as if my blood is tell me to bow, is this man that great"

"Lower your head you dog, You are in the presence of one of the last 3 Dracula's"

"Who are you newborn" From his words alone the pressure rose and cyprian struggled to his feet.

"Somethings different within you I see" Cyprian felt the Dracula's eye's upon him but he was unable to raise his head."Who is your master"The dracula responded seeing cyprian standing up and " I have nun" cyprian answered.."Ahh I see so you where born a vampire, then where are your parents" he followed up with another question "I have nun" a shallow answer came out cyprian's mouth

"THEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON MY LAND!!" The eruption forced him back to his knee's

"He..hee must be a spy from the Progass coven your lordship and we must deal with him accordingly"

The eye of the dracula wondered over to his cowering servant and then back to the kneeing unknown before him. "Stand up"his tone changed and the pressure dissipated "Tell me your name young one" Finally able to raise his head and the sight before him brought a cold stab to his spin "Cyprian"

"It seems you have been through quiet and ordeal, I can smell the burn of a UV ray on you and the lingering scent of a human's sewer, Graham take him inside and give him something to drink"

"BUT!! your lordship" Graham protested. "DO NOT MAKE ME REPEAT MY SELF" his words even shook cyprian to his core as he turned and walked away a towering 6'4 broad shoulders well build man dressed in a illuminating white suit and his hair kept short only reaching to the edge of his neck and brushed around his head,the wrinkles in his forehead showed his age but an healthy glow as if his time stopped and nothing else mattered to him, a thick beard cascaded down his face and he had no imperfections, the Dracula appeared young and old at the same time..

"Your lordship we can not afford to keep this unknown in the palace"graham kneed down avoiding the gaze of his lord." The Dracula sat solemnly on his throne tapping his index finger and rolling his eye's over his servant."Graham have you every heard of DenTus Dark Yeel" his eye's fell on top of graham as he spoke; "No my lord I have not" graham responded "Hmmm I guess you wouldn't, well Dentus Dark was author back in the early conquering from Kane..Dentus challenged Kane's history and retelling of the beginning,He wrote a series of books depicting not only the who and what created man but also who created us the creatures of the night and upon his last two books before his disappearance he wrote the a collective of individuals who will either bring about a destruction and death of our know universe and everything in it and so on the anniversary of his disappearance and unknown appearance arrived on the planet of Orsh and her appearance shifted Kane's power entirely and so his grip grew stronger and then another significant individual appeared on the anniversary of dentus's disappearance and he devoured the power Kane had on his planet and kicked them out.."

"My lord what does that have to do with that newborn mongre..I mean" Before he could correct himself he was cut off.

"Watch your words in my presence graham i will not say it again"

"Yes lord Savanovic" graham responded lowering himself lower to the ground almost slamming his head into the decorated floor.

"The reason i'm telling you this is for one simple reason" His voice lowered and hallowed out "As of 12 last night the anniversary of dentus's disappearance ended now if my hypnosis is correct and by the way he smelled and was acting his last name should but Yeel and if where not careful this might be the ending of us all.. Give him a room and some clothing and feed him then bring him to me"


"Something is defiantly off about this place, where did that bastered flung me.." The bewildered cyprian stood in a grand hall and observed the scuring of what it seemed to be maids and servants..

The sounds of echoing foot steps came strolling out a thick black hall creating silents with each step.

"Mmmm Welcome to my lord and master Savanovic's home and castle do follow me" Graham lowered his eye as if trying to pin cyprian to the ground with them and with a swift turn and a flick of his fingers for him to follow. The silence became deafening nothing but there foot steps echoed out so cyprian chose to speak first. "Where is your master" he said with a dry and dusty tone, Graham's body stiffened up and a cold and deadly flash rolled over in his eye's his angry towards cyprian already began reaching it's limits. "My Lord had work to attended to, you will grass his presence soon enough." With those words his body released and he continued to walk through the hall.

"This will be your room" Graham stopped and pull the handle of the near by door and it swung open. "The dresa over there has a change of clothing for you and across the room there is a bath and please do you use the stench of a wet sewer dog is just too much" Graham laid it on thick with the insults and cyprian stepped passed him with out responding. "I will come fetch you when my lord is ready fo...." Before he could finch his sentence cyprian slammed the door in graham's face and stood right behind with his gun pull and cocked it he placed it right at the center of the door.. The killing intent from graham reached it's eclipse and a thick black force shot towards door but imeadiately stop at the words of cyprian. "You might kill me but i promise you won't make it out of this alive" The intent disappeared and graham foot steps had a rush behind them till there disappeared. "Shhhhhhiitt, that walked" stood there stiff in disbelief at the fact that his bluff worked, he turn proceeded to the bath..


"Did you see him" a short red haired girl with curves in all the right places stood talking to a young man looking to be in his early twenties like cyprian, he towered over her while his hair hung in a black braid down his back,his eye's where a deep purple with streaks of white running through them.

"Yeah i seen him and smelt him as he entered the castle" the young one said as his eye's rolled away from the girl and to the approaching head butler.

"Silvia!!" Graham wasted no time as he saw the two standing there in idle chat, "Yes head Butler!!" she jumped almost out her skin. "Our new guess has been placed in the Gyantan room, so go fetch him a bloodbag and make sure it's that sickly one" His tone and voice became daggers to her silvia stiffened up and she responded "Yes sir" and flitted away..Graham glanced at the young man who stood there unfazed and they both locked eyes for a moment. Graham nodded his head and proceed to walk forward.

"Now it makes two useless mongrels our lord has taken in" graham spoke low but loud enough so the young man could hear him as he walked pass. The young man lowered his head with a cold and hurt feeling running over his body..

Life has thrown me alot and it ended up messing with my writing but i was able to finish this chapter and push through i'm in Jamaica rn and not on a holiday so thank you for reading...

Naviecreators' thoughts