
Domain Of The Vampire

A Universe with a cold so calm you could feel the stillness of pain that lingers off their planets surfaces.Given a chance between Accepting your death or forge a new path with an Unknown Entity in a universe not of your own, In the end they all choose a new path but the truly gifted conquers that path and Create their own Domain. A Revenge plot steeped in Darkness and blood,Motivated by love and lost of it. What would you do to the ones who broke what you love.He became true to the Darkness he was bore from and His True Children will exact his revenge on them all…

Navie · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter>6. Subjection

The flutter of the wings beneath my wings as ascended the mountain side and to the door of the Cave.

As if intentionally as i got to the door way and thought of how I was going to turn myself back and the word Release popped into my head and the gush of black mist came bursting out of my chest and felt both my feet crash into the floor and the weight my body there carried made buckled onto them,

It looks like i have to work on that landing I spoke out loud as i stood up from the ground.


The mountain shook and i peered down the side of the mountain and there it was the creature shrouded in a grey like mist of energy banging hit's body against the rocky wall.

[Go inside cyprian the sun is coming up and pay it no mind, it will leave of it's own accord shortly.]


The night ended very very eventful and the crash that came was worse, "Thud" my body hit the floor as a gut wrenching pain hit me and pinned me to the ground of my dusty room.The pain was as if someone had taken a branding iron and pressed it in the center of my gut and then rolled it from the center down to my legs and feet.I laid there in a suffocating pain as the lingering voice of the System and Father lingered around int the air.

[Cyprian Wake up!!]

I'm awake, i'm awake

The loud drumming voice of father shook me from my comatose state.

[How was your rest]

What the hell happened to me, I said while holding onto the bed pulling myself to my feet.My vision took a moment to clear and when it did a look at the back of my arms told me what i needed to know. There were thick black lines running down and out from my tattered pants and down my feet. "Rush" The genesis ability I unlocked last night, the markings looked identical to that of the red deer i fed on.

Something dawned on me while looking down at my blooded clothing and ashen feet i don't know what i look like,I need to find a mirror soon, it's like i was particular good looking back home but this not knowing is killing me.

[Cyprian] Father's call cut my thought process in half

[I'll be going away for awhile, a type of hibernation of sorts, pulling you from another dimension takes immense power and strain that needs to be built up that's why you and your other siblings are 1 thousand to 2 thousand years apart, I should be back awake before it's time for your hub jump and so before that i have a few task for you 1. In the next two months your Overall system assimilation must be at lease 30 to 50% complete, 2. In 3 weeks you have to kill that Shrouded jungle cat that attacked you while you were feeding.]

I don't know if he could see my face but the uneven structure it constructed after hearing the 2 task would be horrific sight.

"Understood" I replied and with that father's voice grew silent practically non existent, I sat down on the dust bed and steered off into the air for a moment. What I've notice about the system was that the assimilation rate was slow unless Intent and know how was behind it, meaning i see a lot of trail and error.I stood up taking off the blooded clothing and something jumped at me i wanted to asked father what a genesis is, damn now i'm going to have to wait until he comes back.


[Name: Cyprian Va Yeel]

🠪Species:Vampire/ (Genesis-(Locked)

🠪Rank:Layer 1 (3/100)




•Vitality:Layer 1 (200)

•Strength:Layer 1 (250)

•Agility:Layer 1 (200)

•Defense:Layer 1 (100)

-Nocturnal Shift:Layer 1 (2/50)-Creatures (Bat)

-LayLine Vision:Layer 1 (0/20)

-Pull of the Damned:Layer 1 (0/10)

-Shroud☆:Layer 1 (0/100)

▼Genesis Abilities

Absorption ☆-Layer 1


It's seems some things moved but not by much, it looks for me to move forward in would need to use my body and skills repeatedly to go up a level. Hmm this pull of them damned might be a problem because if i remember correctly there shouldn't be anyone else here on this planet, so i have no idea how it would level to be honest this skill more of Subjection rather than noble blood and air. "Squeak" the little rat like rodent in the jar caught my attention; wait a minute would this skill even work on it, It is just a rodent who couldn't break out of a jar right. I thought to myself while standing up and looking over at it.

Less than 5 steps later i was above the jar with my hand placed on top it's opening and steering directly at the cowering rat in the jar. How do i even activate this skill I thought but it looks as though the system is in twine with my thoughts and it gave me a hand.

[Host wishes to switch activation method of Skill▸Pull of the Damned◂ Skill can be change from Physical to Verbal, Which does the Host prefer]

I was abit take back for a second at the given response by the system, But i knew i wanted something simple for now anyway, Verbal i replied out loud.

[Host has chosen a Verbal activation, Say Activation phrase____________]

Wasn't expecting that at all a activating phrase, damn this is on the spot well the best one i could come up with on at this moment.


[Host has chosen the word subjection as his activating phrase]

[Host Assimilation 2.0/100%]

The systems notifications rang off in my minds which where deafening then everything went quiet,which i took as it was finish. I turned back my attention to the frantic rat in the jar and locked eye's with it.


As my intent lined up with the words spoken a redden pressure came flowing outward from my hand covering the body of the little rodent and the intensity increased suddenly a cracks appeared on the side of the glasses surface and then a loud squeal came flying out the rodent and foam came bubbling from it's mouth and it's body expanded and expanded


I drew my hand back and when i did the body of the little rat exploded into little ting pieces, luck the jar even with all it's crack held all the mess in.For a second there it looked like it was working i thought to my self looking down at the jar and the exploded rat, It looks like i need something stronger to sustain the pressure...I picked up the jar of blood and rat guts and was about to throw it off a cliff when i thought of a faster way. I tilted my head and proceed to drain the crack jar of blood and body parts of the rodent and place the jar back on the table. I head back for the living looking for different clothing to put on.

I found a black coat with a matching pair of shoe's and pants the outfit was as plain as you could get,there was a large absent in shirts as it seems everyone had been ripped to shreds. I slipped into the shoes and pant and then came the jacket, after a brief tweak to make it fit with a couple of rips and cuts the jacket fit like a glove and as i slid my hand down into the inside pocket i found a key bent in a odd shape and with craving cascading down it's shaft,The odd this gave off a familiar vibe as the needles that my mother would leave around the house so I stuffed it back into the pocket an went on with the intention of exploring the place where i will be living for the for see able future.

I Really like how this chapter came out, Tell me what you guy's think....Hope you guys like it..

Naviecreators' thoughts