
Domain Of The Vampire

A Universe with a cold so calm you could feel the stillness of pain that lingers off their planets surfaces.Given a chance between Accepting your death or forge a new path with an Unknown Entity in a universe not of your own, In the end they all choose a new path but the truly gifted conquers that path and Create their own Domain. A Revenge plot steeped in Darkness and blood,Motivated by love and lost of it. What would you do to the ones who broke what you love.He became true to the Darkness he was bore from and His True Children will exact his revenge on them all…

Navie · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter>4. History Lessons(1)

Auha, Auha

I found myself waking up coughing for dear life, it wasn't a dream after all i'm dead and now i'm in another world all together, all I could do was lay there covered in dust and just stared at the ceiling, There was something different i didn't notice when i was awake yesterday or because there was so much happening to me that I couldn't focus on it but there is the urge I feel something I've never once had but this strange hungry gnawing at my throat something ain't right.


What is that, (squeak,squeak) I pounced to my feet and I was greeted by two little creatures scratching at my closed door trying to get out, and without my knowing my body already flew into action grabbing both of them creating deep scratches at the foot of the door. They began squealing and wiggling ferociously,I swept my eye's around the room and there is a little glass jar which looked as if it could hold on and so i placed on in it. I held the tail of the other and it began fighting to run free, I could hear it's tiny heart rapidly beating,It's scent was very complex there was an assortment of this I've never smelled before but there was one that was overpowering them all to me,

I could feel my teeth grow and my saliva thickened, My skin tightened and my jaw stiffened up and before I knew it the little swinging rodent was in my mouth and the pace of his heart sped up faster than before, it's blood had a sharp bitter taste to it as it spread itself around in my mouth and slide down my throat, The thump of it's heart slowly descended and then there was silence and it's blood flowed down my throat and I could feel it spread down my limbs and around wrap around my muscles,even though it's a bit bitter this feeling this was something else it was like a wave washing over a dry desert.

Standing there naked with blood dripping down my lips and down my neck and chest would not be a pretty site. But who cares there was an itch that I had to scratch.I opened took the sucked dry's rodents body and through it down the rest of the hallway.

With a glance downward the red stain flowed down my chest made me feel sick and want to get the blood off me.

1 hour later I found a bath tucked away in the back of all the rooms covered by dust and trash. I made my way back to my room and began searching around for something to cover myself up, There was nothing there so I head out into the living room and searched a few unlabeled boxes,I found a clean shirt and buttoned it up fully On top a vest with 3 buttons a narrow v-line, A pair of pants which have the same color as the vest , but with a slightly different pattern.Something has been bugging me for awhile I have no knowledge of anything world so now that I fed and clothed and with all these books lined around in the wall it's time to learn…

At first glance the living is more dusting than the other rooms either no one reads or this place truly hasn't had any visitors in a long time. I walked around the room grazing my finger tip over the books on the shelves which delivered a sensation of calmness I've never experienced before. A few books caught my eye while I walked around searching for something more informational,

[Recordings By DenTus Dark Yeel],[A Warmongers Rule by Gilliam W. Yeel]

What really caught my eye to tell you the trust I thought to myself was the last names of the authors, if i'm not mistaken that's the same end of last name that the old man gave me, so those must be the other he plucked from other dimensions. I picked them both up and proceed back to the room i had slept in.


[Entry 1]

[Everything and everyone in this Universe of Equilia began in blood, The Love that the Mother of Light had became non existent and what was left where the furries of a plagued old man and his disgruntled kids.In the beginning Equila was the name Mother of Light took to calling the 5 planets that were created; These 5 planets Orsh,Bestea,Utune,Vuniphus,Hecrion all began in the age of darkness and the Mother of light gave them life Orsh was the first to get life and sustain it, then she spread them across all 5 and so Mother of light bore her children the Humans and with the humans ever expanding mind for civilization they began setting together,Mother of Light adored them and gave them the knowledge to accomplish other worldly things, There thirst for even more gave them a breakthrough,There fast cultivation of knowledge brought forth the combination of science and Magic which brought forth there Greed and want for Power. Gyian Kane the first to break the Mothers of LIghts Love and Trust, he lead the humans to revolt against her Guidance and her Wisdom.One by one with each human forsaking her she grew weaker..]

[Entry 2]

[Gyian Kane power and influence grew to an unprecedented record and in a short 50 years he had conquered 5 out of the 10 continents on Orsh and converted a large population of the humans to a religion he concocted with the help of a few magical priest and there followers. By the next hundredth year the Name Kane became a monarch and the Mother of light no existent. Humans fast development and intelligence began to colonize the adjacent worlds but was met with strong resistance when they discovered that other races have already populated them and the Wars of Equilia began. The humans discovered a large mix race on Utune consisting of Orc Tribes who became slavers who enslaved every bread they came across from animals to people but with much resistance the Gyian was able to conquer Utune and enslaved the slavers. Rumors of a science and magic mixure started to appear at the time and when a century went by and King Gyian Kane did not die after Conquering Utune the other worlds where convinced and so his war on the worlds continued his next target became Vuniphus a world ruled and governed by a race of animalistic creatures the Werewolves they possessed an immense aptitude for war and destruction with a high knowledge in science and inter species breading and Gyian wanted every bit of there word from the minerals to the people and he succeeded and held the world for 100 years until and a werewolf cut from the rest rose up and took there world back,Gilliam W. Yeel still sits on the throne of the werewolf empire and and hold a firm grip on it.]

[Entry 3]

Gyian's greed knew no bounds and while the years ran on into decades he set his sites Hecrion it's deep mountains, even larger valley's and lush plant and wild life made the planet and instant attraction to the greed human's eye and his religion,To no fault of there own Gyian's troops encountered strange creatures which would later be know as the Vampires of Heracy. A report showed that a group of swiftly moving creatures decapitated his helpless platoon leader stating the [

[IT WAS AS IF THEY CAME OUT OF THE LIVING SHADOW AND FEASTED ON THE ENTIRE PLATOON. At the time the community of vampires were at a large disarray and can still be said, Gyian found this information and exploited it while fighting with the werewolves he made a deal and acquired elven lands from the Vampires most important monarchies and introduced them to the wold of science and magic and in a turn of events the Kane empire occupied 2 and a half of a planets...Being the chosen child of the Mother of light Gyian knew the fifth planet had to be out in the there universe some where but as time roared on as the wind; it was forgotten by all and removed from the history of man itself.]

Trying to touch up the in's and out of the story, cleaning up the plot holes and such, if you see any inconstant's let me know.

Naviecreators' thoughts