

Festus_Darko_1226 · Sci-fi
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35 Chs


A black muscular being stood in front of Monk with it's hand piecing the bear's chest. "Well isn't this a surprise. I never expected to see humans on this planet and young ones at that." It said looking at Monk before twisting it's head to look at John. The being then ripped it's arm out of the bear's chest and took a step forward. John immediately moved in to attack the being but as he threw his fist the being lifted it's arm blocking his fist. What it didn't expect was the space around it's arm rumbling and the arm starting to bleed. Seeing this snapped Monk out of his shock as he created a giant golden hand to slam onto the being causing dust to spread around the being. Then suddenly the dust was parted as the being moved extremely fast through it appearing by Monk's side so fast he couldn't react and kicked him sending him flying in a random direction. The being then moved fast as before appearing by John's side and doing the same. "Well, that was easy". It said as it tried to move but before it took a step forward a golden figure appeared in front of him sending a fist towards his face. When the fist connected an explosion was set of at the point of contact flinging the being's head back before kicking it in the stomach sending it flying with another explosion. The being was sent flying into a tree and as soon as it hit the tree a giant golden hand had slammed into the tree breaking it and sending the being flying backwards even more. The being flipped in the air and managed to land on it's feet. It then look at where the attack came from and he saw the first kid he had kicked standing there with his arm pointed at him. "I thought you would be injured. I guess you are more durable than I thought." it said as it grabbed a tree by its side and threw it at Monk. Before the tree hit Monk it disappeared and at the location it had been John was there. "It seems this will be a little fun." It said as it dashed forward and threw a fist towards John. John activated spacial Shield while Monk activated a giant golden symbol by his side and out of the symbol came a giant hand. The being's fist slammed into John's stomach and sent him flying backwards as Monk's golden hand swatted the being to the left side. The being jumped up with a fist made ready to hit Monk's head but at that moment a tree was sent flying towards it. It twisted itself out of the way but then the tree was replaced with John who landed a fist covered with spacial energy into the being's side sending it to the ground and before it touched the ground the golden figure from before appeared right under the being and kicked it causing another explosion and sending him flying towards John. John then switched places with the golden figure who then kicked the being in a random direction away from the boys. The being was sent into a tree again and this time it didn't take it laying down as it boosted towards the boys appearing directly between the two before split-kicking them apart. "It seems you guys do very well together. Let's see how you fair apart." It said as it created a clone of itself before each of them picked a partner and chased after them.


Somewhere in the opposite direction of the two boys, the girls Mia and Cora just discovered a cave. Mia decided to walk in but Cora had some concerns. "Hey Mia don't you think it's a bad idea to walk into an unknown cave. This thing isn't registered on the scanner meaning it is an artificial cave created by someone. We don't want to intrude do we?" She asked. "What are you so worried about. The fact that it's an undiscovered cave means two things. First we win the challenge against the boys as we discovered something unique and secondly we get a lot of points on the leaderboard for discovering something even the military didn't know about. Plus if it's man mad the technology would be picked up by the scanner." Mia replied as she walked in and Cora followed nervously behind her.

The cave was quite expansive and from the initial part they entered there were multiple tunnels going off in different directions all around them but they all led deeper into the cave and all went down slightly to allow whatever was being built to not affect the surface. They picked the tunnel in the middle which led to a room that was double the size of the old one with what looked like furniture made from material that can be found on the planet. At the center of the room a symbol similar to the one that is left behind when someone enters their spiritual World was on the ground but it was not activated. Before the girls could explore further footsteps could be heard and in walked a boy who was very handsome and quite muscular with a head covered in the purest silver hair that looked like it had never experienced dust or dirt in it's entire life. The boy walked into the room and as soon as he saw the girls he released a very oppressive aura that made Cora feel like she would drop to her knees any time soon. Mia feeling this pressure and seeing the state Cora was in decided to go on the offensive. "WHO ARE YOU INTRU-" the boy tried to ask but was cut off by an energy beam coming towards him. He moved his head in time dodging the attack but he lost focus and the aura was gone. With no more oppressive feeling Cora immediately created a golden star at the roof of the cave and the star started sending light beams at the boy. The boy dashed and closed the distance between him and Cora so fast she couldn't react and touched her head releasing a silver energy into her body allowing him to control her body along with the star. Now Cora was redirected to battle Mia and she could do nothing to save herself. Cora could see and feel everything happening but couldn't control her body. With this unexpected turn of events Mia was cornered and now she had to fight her best friend. It was a hopeless situation.