

Kim seobang born into a world he thinks his different from with a mum who wants the best for him trying his best to adapt to the new surrounding,new school and new friends will it be easy for him knowing his different and his faith

Gift_Love_3831 · Movies
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Dooms around

(Breaths heavily)

Kim:(he stops running and hides to catch his breath after running for so long as he turns back to see if he is safe,then a dark shadow rises up from his back trying to swallow him up,then he shouts)ahhhhhhh(he wakes up)

Mira:hey Kim are you okay is it one of those nightmares again

Kim:yeah(he speaks almost out of breath and covered in sweat)

Mira:it's okay get up and get ready,I'll be waiting for you down stairs okay??

Kim:okay mum

Mira:it will be alright(she said as she parted his head slowly and stood up to go)be fast Kim(she said almost out of the door)

Kim:okay mum

Mira:so what do you think about your new school?

Kim:I don't really know

Mira:Kim I know it won't be easy for you to adapt to this environment but you have you try okay

Kim:okay mum anything you say

Mira:that's my boy,take you lunch and get into the car (Kim enters the car and his mum follows in,they drove quietly to the school gate)

Mira:hey Kim remember what I said

Kim:y....e....a.....h I remember bye mum

Mira:bye love you

Kim:love you too mum(he said almost out of the car)