
Doki Doki Shrinking Club

DaoistUCnzdJ · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


The walk to the showers was rough on your for sure, but although your position deeply wedged between Sayori's toes shielded you, your ears were still blasted by the booming thuds of each step. But she eventually makes it to the shower area, so she grabs a towel and lazily removes her clothes while saying "I sure could use a hot shower first…" Sayori gradually removes more of her clothes, until only her socks remained, so she peels them off next. And because of your current location, you wind up flung into the air, until you collide with her moderately sized left breast.

Due to the sweat that coated both you and her, you ended up totally stuck, as the radiating heat from her body caused you to fall in and out of consciousness. And the rhythmic thumping of her heartbeat calmed you even further, which made it even more difficult to stay awake in your current location, so much so that you couldn't even appreciate being plastered onto Sayori's nude body.

But as she walked toward one of the shower heads, Sayori turned on the hot water, causing you to wake back up from the roaring noise. Because of that, you flailed about on instinct, causing you to peel off of Sayori's breast and fall down toward the floor. Thankfully, you land on a soft but also rough surface, causing you to look around to see what was going on. But when you look up, you see Sayori's face looking at the stream of water, confusing you as she says "The water feels warm now. Just gotta wet the washcloth…"

That statement clued you in, as you somehow landed on her washcloth, forcing you to grab the strands for your life as she plunged the cloth under the shower. The water blasted you, threatening to wash you away, but you keep your grip as tight as you can manage. It was incredibly warm, and you thought you might drown since you didn't have a chance to take a deep breath, so you can only hope that Sayori stops soon. But then you remember that Monika made it so you didn't actually need to breathe, so you sigh with relief, glad that you only had to worry about staying on the washcloth.

Eventually, though, Sayori moves the cloth, before grabbing a bar of soap and staring down toward you lazily. As she looks in your direction, she smiles and says "Almost ready…" She then presses the bar of soap onto the washcloth, before smearing it all around, occasionally running you over with it. Before long, you were enveloped by a sea of warm suds, as you struggled to keep the bitter taste out of your mouth.

You hope that Sayori would relent soon, but that doesn't happen, as she seems determined to get the washcloth as lathered up as she could manage. It didn't help that she'd occasionally squeeze the washcloth too, which would smother you on all sides, as Sayori continued to be thorough.

And after an unnecessarily long amount of time, Sayori finally feels like she was ready to start the actual shower, so she steps under the warm stream of water...

When Sayori dips her head under the stream, it causes the water to spread about as it descends, lightly wetting you in the process. But you were sure that this calm would not last, and you were correct, as she suddenly squeezes the washcloth again, roughly smothering you in the sudsy material.

Then, she begins to wash off, starting with her face, as she presses the cloth into her cheek, flattening you at the very same time. While she diligently scrubs down her face, you are rolled all around, as she remained completely oblivious to your plight. She rubs all across her face, grinding you against her forehead, nose, and everywhere in-between, leaving you entirely disoriented.

But right as she finishes, Natsuki walks in, also nude, as she says "I can't believe they got such a large bath area…" You didn't expect for Natsuki to show up like this, but you don't question it since things would most definitely get even more exciting for you.

Sayori grins upon seeing her friend, so she replies, saying "I know! I feel like I'm in a fancy bathhouse!"

Unbeknownst to anyone else, Monika was observing them, while keeping a thick layer of steam to prevent her from seeing more than she wanted to, if only for her own conscience...

Upon hearing that, Monika smirks from back at her station, as she says "Sounds like it was a success… I'm really incredibly, aren't I?" But then she suddenly yawns loudly, as she mumbles "But I'm really feeling drained… I think I've earned a short nap…" Then, she starts to type a bit more, causing a house perfectly scaled to your current size to appear on her bedside, as she says "I'm sure Protag will be just fine… And since he's probably still with Natsuki, I'll make it so if he falls down the drain, he'll just be teleported to the house… And with how Natsuki can be, if he gets discovered, I'll have him be teleported in case they get particularly rough with him too..." She then pauses for a moment, before giggling and saying "I'm sure he'd enjoy it if Natsuki punished him a bit, so I can't just give him the easy way out…"

But due to Monika's exhaustion, she failed to set that up properly, and instead set it so that you would be teleported directly to her instead. And since she was so tired, she failed to notice her mistake before meandering over to her bed, stripping down to just a pair of panties and a bra. Monika quickly falls into a deep sleep, unaware of the trouble she just prepared for you, while you had no idea of what awaited you if the shower went poorly for you.

You, on the other hand, had more pressing things to worry about, since you were now going to deal with two titanic beauties as they showered their worries away…

While you had the oddest sensation that someone, somewhere, just made your life far more difficult, Sayori suddenly jumps over to Natsuki and says "Hey! How about I wash your back?"

Natsuki responds by stepping back while glaring and saying "What?? What gave you that idea…?"

Sayori taps her chin while giggling and saying "Ehehe… Isn't that what people do at bathhouses…?"

Natsuki folds her arms and says "How should I know…" But upon looking at Sayori, as she made some powerful puppy dog eyes, she just sighs and says "I guess it'd be easier… I'll wash yours too so I can return the favor…"

Sayori suddenly jumps for joy, before opening up her washcloth, giving you a clear view of Natsuki's bareback, which looked incredibly smooth. You didn't have much time to admire Natsuki's back, as Sayori immediately starts to scrub it, intensely cleaning it all up. As she does this, Natsuki sighs and says "I wouldn't have imagined this, but it feels surprisingly relaxing…" It was intensely satisfying for you too, as the subtle wrinkles in Natsuki's skin would smack against you with Sayori roughly grinded you. And if you didn't know any better, you'd think that she was trying to grind you to dust, but you knew that you'd survive anything.

Sayori giggles and says "Just leave it all to me! You'll wind up with a back so clean you'll be able to see your face in it…"

Natsuki remains silent for a moment, before suddenly saying "But how am I supposed to see my back, unless I'm already using a mirror…?"

Upon hearing that perfectly valid question, Sayori pauses for a bit, before giggling some more and saying "I guess that's true… Oh well!"

But as Sayori continued to scrub Natsuki's back, unintentionally giving you the fullest tour possible, she clears her throat and says "Umm… How's life outside of school these days, Natsuki?"

To her surprise though, given Natsuki's situation, she laughs and says "It's been really awesome, but a little weird…" With that strange answer, Sayori listens, while continuing to scrub you roughly into Natsuki's back, as she explains "I got a call a few hours ago about… my dad…"

Sayori suddenly stops, while leaning on her friend in a concerned manner, squishing you against Natsuki's back, as Sayori says "Are you okay…?"

Natsuki grins and says "I'm great! But apparently he owed millions in taxes, so he was arrested out of nowhere."

Sayori's eyes suddenly widened, as you imagined that Moniki finally intervened on that front, as she says "Wait, what?? What about you…?"

Natsuki smiles and says "Well, I always did things for myself already. But then a few minutes later, I got another call that apparently a relative I never met sent me a crazy amount of money. So I've got a college fund now, and I can support myself while I'm at school."

Sayori grins upon hearing that while saying "Wow! That's so lucky!"

Natsuki agrees and says "Honestly, it all happened so fast. My life always sucked outside of the Literature Club, but now things are finally looking okay for me…" You personally think that Monika did things a bit too quickly, as it all felt a little too contrived to you, but was all for Natsuki's sake, so you can accept it.

But when she looks back at Sayori, she sees that she was tearing up, so she says "Wait, what's wrong…!"

To her surprise, Sayori grins and yells "I'm so happy for you!!" She then creeps closer, causing Natsuki to back away nervously.

While Natsuki does this, she says "Wait… You don't have to hug me… I'm fine!"

Sayori shakes her head, but Natsuki continued to remain on guard, so Sayori smirks suddenly. After that, she tosses the washcloth into the air, causing you to be flung from it and onto Natsuki's left breast. As Natsuki stared up, and you were plastered to her boob, Sayori runs closer and shouts "No, I must HUG!!!"

You could only watch in horror, as Sayori aggressively approached, as she was intent on giving Natsuki one of her signature hugs. But Natsuki seemed pretty worried too, so she continued to step backward, but that only inspires Sayori to leap forward, capturing her in a tight friendship hug.

While Sayori kept her grip firm, Natsuki eventually sighs and wraps her arms around too, as she says "Fine, just this once…"

Sayori giggles, while saying "Ehehe… yay…!"

You, on the other hand, were absolutely smashed between Natsuki's and Sayori's left breasts, as they seemed to battle for dominance. Sayori had larger breasts, so hers were clearly at an advantage, but with their slight height difference, their breasts sort of rested on top of each other once they both stabilized.

Because of that, you were crammed between the upper boob of Natsuki and the underboob of Sayori, which was an indescribable feeling. And they'd occasionally squirm about, causing those breasts to grind against you as if they were attempting to flatten you like a pancake.

This hug lasts almost a minute, as you were starting to feel a bit lightheaded from all the grinding, as Natsuki says "Umm… Are were done here…?"

Sayori shakes her head and says "No! The hug's not over yet!"

Natsuki tries to break away while saying "This is getting annoying…!"

Sayori refuses to let go, however, as she says "But I'm not done yet…!"

She then starts to loudly whine to herself, before she tries to pull Natsuki back again, only to cause them both to slip, as Natsuki falls right on top of Sayori…

To you, the world was constantly shifting as Natsuki and Sayori held an epic battle over their hug, leaving you to deal with the ensuing chaos as an insignificant participant. It was as if you were a tiny nation caught between two vastly larger superpowers battling for dominance. But then, you suddenly feel weightless, as the girls slipped, only for you to be immediately pulverized as if a giant meteor just impacted on top of you.

After that great impact, as you viewed it, Sayori sorely rubbed her behind, as she giggles and says "Oww… That hurt…"

Natsuki quickly got up and helped her friend stand, as she rolled her eyes while saying "That's what you get for goofing around in the shower…"

Sayori just giggles again while saying "I was having too much fun…"

But Natsuki just shrugs and says "Let's finish showering so we can go to the hot tub already…"

Because of that statement, Sayori's eyes light up as she yells "I forgot they had a hot tub!!"

So the girls finish their showers, while you remained smashed onto Natsuki's left breast, due to the supreme impact you experienced. And soon after that, they begin walking toward the hot tub and sauna room, unaware they Natsuki was bringing an uninvited guest with her...