
The ceremony

*knock knock*

'Who's it?' asked a gentle and kind voice.

'Mother it's me.' replied someone in a calm voice.

'Ohh Demian, how many times have I told you just to walk in. I'm your mother you don't have to treat me with such formality.' said a lady sitting inside the room.

The door opened, and a young man walked in. His face was carrying a lot of leisureliness; his eyes were hazel in color, and he had dark brown hair. His attire was pretty simple; he was wearing a long black coat, with a small patch of red on the left side below his chest along with a white shirt underneath. He was also wearing black pants and brown mid-cut boots. He looked at the women sitting in front of the dressing table; she was wearing an emerald green gown; she had long blonde hair and hazel eyes.

'Did you call for me, mother?' asked Demian.

'Come sit.' said the women in a gentle voice while placing a hand on a chair near the dressing table. Demian nodded and reached out for the chair, and sat down beside his mother.

'Big day tomorrow. Scared?' She asked. Demian moved his head in disagreement. His mother Smiled and caressed his face 'No matter what happens; you are destined for greatness, your father is the chief of the Cranel tribe, we worship Bann, the god of thunder, our families weaver have always been of the thunder element, the strongest element in the basic elements, and on the other hand you have always been proficient when it comes to quintessence manipulation, so no matter the result tomorrow you are destined for greatness.' Listening to her Demian smiled and nodded.

They then chatted for a long time, then sometime in the evening Demian went to his own room. He was lying on his bed while looking at the ceiling, he raised his arm and clenched his fist.

'Tomorrow it begins, the day I will avenge you will soon come.' Demian murmured to himself.



*Knock knock*

'Who is it?' asked Demian in an authoritative voice.

'Young master, the chief would like to see you.' said a man from outside the door.

'I will be right outside.' replied Demian.

Demian came out of his room and walked with the guard towards his fathers' room. The guard knocked on the door and entered the room with Demian.

'Father.' greeted Demian while partially bowing. The man standing in front of him had a slender yet muscular build, he had a turquoise colored robe on, his hair was brown, and there was a scar on his right eye. The man turned around and looked at Demian 'The day has finally arrived, I hope you will make our family proud.' said the man, every word that came out of his mouth carried a sense of power, it was as if they were not the words of mortal man but, the words of a god. Demian nodded complacently, the man turned around and said 'If you are ready, then let us head to the ancestral hall for the ceremony.'

'I am ready, father.' replied Demian in a firm voice.

His father smiled and said 'Good, then let's go.'



They arrived in the ancestral hall; the hall was completely packed. Besides Demian, thousands of other disciples were going to be chosen by their weavers today. As soon as the chief arrived with Demian, the whole crown looked at Demian; he was the only son of the chief; thus he was expected to get a powerful weaver with a strong affinity for lightning.

Demian and the Chief walked towards a stage which was situated in the middle of the hall. They reached the stage, and the chief stood on the center of the stage 'Welcome everyone. Today is the day that will decide the course of your life, whether you'll become a great general or just a mere soldier, whether you'll live like a king or just like a common man, whether you will become a great hunter or just a target practice. All of it will be decided today. The rules for this year are the same as always if you are accepted by a weaver that has too low of a potential then you would have two choices either stay in the family, but don't demand a single resource from the family or just leave and join a power that would accept you and would be willing to nurture you. There are no exceptions, no matter what your status is inside the family, you are not exempted from this rule.'

The atmosphere took a hundred and eighty-degree turn, it went from cheerful to fearful in mere moments.

'Without further ado. Let's begin.' said the chief.

The chief stepped aside, and a crystal emerged from the ground below. A young girl walked up to the crystal and placed her hands on it. She closed her eyes, as the crystal starter rumbling loudly, then suddenly she disappeared, a couple of seconds later she reappeared with a short sword in her hand, and the crystal behind her was glowing and rumbling. It was a weaver having an affinity for thunder. One of the Family guardians looked at her and said 'Excellent. The potential of your weaver is not that bad. Be sure to work hard; you will be able to achieve great things. Now go on and meditate only when you learn the name of the weaver would you be able to release its true potential.' The girl nodded and ran off cheerfully. This turn of events caused everyone to be hopeful.

After the girl, thousands of disciples tried their luck, but only eight of them were able to awaken weavers with thunder affinity, the most powerful of them was a girl who was chosen by a thunder scythe, she was the daughter of the family advisor. Short swords chose 2 of the 8; bows chose 3 of them, 1 of them was chosen by a staff, and a mace and shield chose the last one.

After a couple of hours, all of the disciples were done with the ceremony. Only Demian was left, he started walking towards the crystal from the corner of the stage. He placed his hands on the crystal, closed his eyes and let go of all his thoughts.


He disappeared from everyone's line of sight.




Demian landed on something like a rock; he opened his eyes and started looking around. What he saw exceeded all of his expectations, and he took some time processing it. The sky was completely dark; thunder kept on rumbling, the wind was blowing very fast making it difficult to keep your eyes open. In front of him were twenty-four hundred of kilometer long wooden bridges hanging with the help of weak ropes on top of a cliff the bottom of which was not visible. The bridges led to mountains, each with a robust elemental presence of a particular element, and all of them were hundreds of kilometers apart from each other. This place was bigger than two mid-tier kingdoms combined, and something made Demian think that this was not the true expanse of this place, he felt like an ant in this place.

Demian looked at the mountain with the thunder element and then looked at the wooden bridge between him and the mountain; it was swaying left and right due to the wind. Demian thought about how his mother and father have high hopes for him, and he started walking on the bridge. After a few days, he reached the mountain. On top of the mountain was a castle, streaks of lightning were clearly visible on the castle walls, blue colored lights kept popping from the castle. Demian Gulped at this sight; he had never seen such an abundance of elemental energy in a single place. He walked towards the castle door and placed his hands on the door to open it.

Just as he started pushing the door, the clouds above the castle rumbled.


A thunderbolt fell where Demian was standing, and he completely disappeared.



