
Chapter 5

“Oh, that’s understandable.” Allie fell silent. Was she possibly thinking of days without Checkers? “Hey, do you want to go for a walk?”


Allie held out Checkers’ leash. “A walk, do you want to join Checkers and me for one?”

“I, uh, I don’t know.” She tightened her hold on one of the bag’s straps. “What if I’m not ready?” She whispered.

“There’s only one way to find out.” 4

Dusk had arrived by the time Sage slipped her key into the front door lock. Her shoulders slumped and she longed for the comforting embrace of her blankets and pillows. Somehow, while out with Allie and Checkers she managed to keep her bubbling emotions under the lid. They had followed a path around the park that led to the shores of a lake that with its twin formed the isthmus the city called home. They passed the occasional dog walker, cyclist, and jogger, exchanging friend hellos with complete strangers; it was one of the reasons Sage loved her Midwestern city.