
Welcome to my book writing first.

One apon a time, there was a dog; name, Barthesard the small; age 2 and ahalf years; a fearless, goating, determined and insecure small dog, his life was pritty simple, void of excitement. This is because he never once went out into the illustrious world because even if he was fearless, that car shore did scar him for life, not only did he lose his hole family[mother, father, brother and sister) but he lost his will his fredom to be like how a normal dog is ment to be.

So, to confront his fears, Barthesard the small let his loving human, Gaby finally tries to reconstruct Barthesards natrural instincts as a dog by reconstructing his brain( for got to mention Barthesards human companion is an expirianced brain surgeon and won many medals in reconstruction of minds scared by past events, hes fixed, children, men, women and animals alike to be the better version of them self's).

At the end of the operation, Barthesard pulled through, but his brain had to be put into a robotic dog, with a similar size to a husky. However, one Barthesard woke up he did feel more motivated than ever before, In his sudden shok from his new bursh of enthusiasm, he ironically only commented on his bigger size, then paused... AM MASIVE, Barthesard screamed in exitment, in a human voice, turns out Gaby maxe some modifications to the robodog through the past months, however Barthesards goal was as clear as day he went out side for the first time in years giving him not only a massive sence of ego and selfconfidence, but also peace with him self for finally being a the dog he was ment to be.

Gaby was, in the meanwhile, simply proud he could give his dog freedom from his fears and bring out the fearless dog he was when he was 5 and a half months old, all his hard work and dedication to Barthesard the small finally paid off as know they can live happily free from the unwanted past that haunts us all.