
Chapter 7 Sold for 8 Liang

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Transmission Hall Center.

Ye Luo stood here, looking up at the ancient and solemn palace in front of him.

A sense of solemnity naturally arose in his heart.

Especially when he saw the three big characters 'Hall of Law Transmission' above the palace, which were written in a dynamic and powerful script, his mind felt even more shaken.

He vaguely caught a glimpse of life and death illusions, the desolation of the cosmos, and countless scenes emerged from the three characters.

This reminded Ye Luo once again of the extraordinary nature of his sect, and he felt fortunate to have been able to join such a hidden sect.

Thinking this, he involuntarily straightened his clothes and attire.

He stepped into the Hall of Law Transmission.

What came into view was row after row of stone platforms, nine rows in total, with each row housing nine stone platforms.

On each platform rested a tome of secret arts.

"Is anyone there?"

Ye Luo asked softly.

His voice spread out, causing an echo.

But no one responded.

Generally speaking, places like the Hall of Law Transmission where secret arts are taught are major locations in a sect, with strong figures in attendance.

Yet the Wayless Sect's Hall of Law Transmission was unattended, making it feel empty and silent.

This deepened Ye Luo's thoughts.

The powerful ones of Wayless Sect must have already ascended!

His Respected Master was also on the verge of ascension, which was why he emerged to take him as a disciple.

The purpose was to wait for him to grow up and to entrust the Wayless Sect to him, and then ascend to immortality!

He absolutely must not fail his master's expectations, and should thoroughly comprehend and cultivate, to become a prominent figure as soon as possible!

By then, his master would definitely show a relieved smile.

Thinking of this, Ye Luo's resolve strengthened.

He had intended to pick up a tome of secret arts from the stone platform to look at.

In the corner of his eye, he inadvertently swept a glance at the corner.

There, a pile of books lay discarded.

He subconsciously walked over.

He picked up one of them.

Azure Dragon Body Refining Art...

This book...

He had heard of it!

Ye Luo came from a family within a medium-sized city.

His city and family were governed by a powerful sect known as 'Azure Dragon Dao Sect.'

And the Azure Dragon Dao Sect's pillar cultivation technique was the Azure Dragon Body Refining Art!

So why did the Wayless Sect's Hall of Law Transmission have the pillar cultivation technique of Azure Dragon Dao Sect??

And it was treated like garbage, thrown into the corner...

Is this what a hidden sect is like?

Loved it, loved it.

Ye Luo was excited, he put down the book in his hand and then turned to look at the other books in the corner.

With just one look, he began to exclaim in shock.

"Deadwood Spring Fortune Art, isn't this the Spring Wood Sect's guarded secret??"

"Silent Extinguishing Sword Manual, the strongest sword art of East State's only Sword Dao sect..."

"Demon Spirit Curse, the secret art of a Demon Way sect..."


He saw many.

Ye Luo realized that these were all the cultivation techniques and secret texts of various major sects and powers.

Most were guarded secrets or pillar cultivation techniques.

Any single one of these texts could provoke a bloody storm if taken out, with countless strong figures fighting over it; that would be normal.

But to Wayless Sect, these items could only degrade to collecting dust in a corner.

Was this the depth of a hidden major sect?

Ye Luo took a deep breath, suppressing his excitement.

He tried to calm his heart.

He still didn't have a Spirit Root and couldn't cultivate.

No matter how heaven-defying these secret texts were, he could not cultivate them.

On the contrary...

His master knew he lacked a Spirit Root, yet still sent him to the Hall of Law Transmission.

Perhaps the intention was to temper his Dao heart, so that he would not be startled by anything he saw in the future.

He must not get excited!

After all, he was going to be the man who inherited the Wayless Sect!

Ye Luo calmed down.

He flipped through the books in the corners again.

He ignored the cultivation-related books as if they were invisible.

After a long search,

he found one particularly interesting book.

On the Secret Sorrows of Ancient Times!

What kind of book was this?

A book recording events from Ancient Times??

Ye Luo became interested.

Perhaps he could find information about the Wayless Sect within its pages.

He picked up the book and sat down on the floor directly.

He began to read.

The very first sentence of the book made him feel as if in a trance.

"It is rumored that during the Ancient Times, everyone lacked a Spirit Root, and Realms such as Nascent Soul and Divinity Transformation Transcendence were merely thresholds for cultivation. Following a cataclysmic change between heaven and earth, due to the insufficiency of Spiritual Energy, a Heavenly Dao imposed the Spirit Root on the human body, limiting their cultivation speed to prevent the depletion of Spiritual Energy…"

Ye Luo's heart and mind were deeply shaken, as if he had understood something. He quickly turned the pages, not willing to overlook a single word.



In Forest Country within East State,

within a city,

a chase involving cultivators was unfolding.

The one being pursued was none other than the infamous outlaw, Zhang San.

Zhang San used every trick in the book to escape, but he couldn't shake off the numerous experts.

He could only just barely lead them on.

As Zhang San fled, he looked back at the experts from the various great Sects and feigned ease, laughing out loud.

"You call yourselves experts from the great Sects? Is this all you've got? Can't even catch up, what use are you?"

He wanted to infuriate these experts, deplete their Mana, and then take the chance to shake them off.

His plan was sound in theory.

Unfortunately, he was destined not to escape.

Just as Zhang San finished speaking,

a huge palm imprint descended from the sky, smashing him right into the ground.


The whole city shook.

Clouds of dust enveloped the area.

After a short while,

an elder in black robes stepped out of the dust, holding Zhang San, who was as limp as a dead dog.

The black-robed elder tossed Zhang San onto the ground.

Experts from various great Sects crowded around, wanting to speak.

The black-robed elder gestured with his hand, signaling everyone to stay silent. He went forward, lifted Zhang San, and said hoarsely, "Outlaw... Speak, where are the cultivation techniques from my Holy Land and the various great Sects? Tell me, and I might let you die a simpler death."

Zhang San, gasping for breath with blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, shakily took out Eight Liang of Silver from his bosom and handed them to the black-robed elder.

The black-robed elder received the Eight Liang of Silver, scanned them with his Divine Sense, and found nothing.

He frowned and tossed the silver to the people behind him.

"Take a look, see if these Silver pieces are some kind of special storage device."

The many experts took the silver and scrutinized it carefully.

After a long observation, they found nothing.

Zhang San said hauntingly, "Stop dreaming, this is not some kind of storage device. These are just silver coins. The secret manuals and cultivation techniques from your families have all been sold by me, for Eight Liang of Silver."

Black-robed elder: "?"

The many experts: "??"

The secret manuals and cultivation techniques from their great Sects were priceless.

Eight Liang of Silver for their sect's secret manuals and cultivation techniques??

Was he mocking them??

The expressions in the many experts' eyes began to turn hostile as they looked at Zhang San.

Zhang San swallowed a mouthful of blood and quickly said, "It's true, in Misty Mountain! There's a Sect on Misty Mountain called the Wayless Sect. The Sect Master is a Tribulation-Transcending Great Power who forcefully bought those secret manuals and cultivation techniques with Eight Liang of Silver…"

"If you don't believe me, I can take you there. If they're not there, you can take my head off and kick it around like a ball…"