
Chapter 20 Once Again Achieved Enlightenment

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Misty Mountain.

The clouds and mist swirled without dispersing, their beauty was unparalleled.

Great Hall Square of the Wayless Sect.

Ye Luo was still seated in meditation, deriving insights from watching the sky.

He was on the verge of grasping and comprehending the second 'Order Chain' from the sky.

He had a feeling that when he comprehended the second Order Chain, he would undergo some kind of metamorphosis.

However, he had yet to comprehend the second Order Chain.

But Ye Luo, who observed the sky every day, was changing at every moment, especially since the golden characters were constantly nourishing everything about him.

Ye Luo was undergoing changes almost every day.

His aura became more ethereal as if he had merged with heaven and earth at a glance.

On his forehead, there was even a golden mark flashing, which was extraordinary.

"Respected Master is truly admirable; just before leaving, with only a single phrase to look up more, he enabled me to comprehend so much,"

Ye Luo felt a surge of deep emotion in his heart.

Through these days of observing the sky, he had comprehended much.

The sky had traces to follow.

As long as he pursued through these signs, he could comprehend the forces of heaven and earth.

This method was slowly shaped by his deductions.

He named it the Observation Technique!

And the origin of this technique was merely Respected Master's words to 'look up more,' which left him no choice but to marvel at Respected Master's profound and inscrutable wisdom.

Ye Luo exhaled softly, looked up toward the direction outside Misty Mountain, and said slowly, "I wonder when Respected Master will return. If he knew that I have already comprehended what he said, he would surely be very comforted, wouldn't he?"

Thinking of Respected Master's comforting smile,

Ye Luo felt that everything was worth it.

He had never let down his master's expectations!!

Ye Luo smiled, drew his sword, and rose to his feet.

He began to practice his swordsmanship in the square.

A long sword in his hand danced fiercely, its piercing sharpness extreme, and most importantly, his swordsmanship carried a naturally profound rhythm.

Making it so that those who watched couldn't help but be intoxicated by it.

What Ye Luo did not know was that with his rhythmic swordsmanship, an ordinary person at the Foundation Establishment Realm could not withstand a few moves against him.

Because this rhythm was the Dao Yun, the Dao Intent that only existences in the Divinity Transformation Realm possessed!

If outsiders saw it, they would probably be scared to death.

He was clearly not even at the Qi Refinement Stage, yet he was following the path of the Divinity Transformation Realm.

Ye Luo was completely unaware of these facts; he focused on dancing with his sword, swinging it faster and faster until the sword light formed a continuous stream, creating Dao Intent naturally.

And in the midst of sword dancing,

Ye Luo's mind was shaken, and he entered into a sudden enlightenment once again.

Suddenly, he stopped dancing with the sword and sat cross-legged.

An Order Chain from the sky shot down, entering between his eyebrows.

In an instant, new golden characters appeared in Ye Luo's mind.

These golden characters were as enigmatic and incomprehensible as always.

Fortunately, that ethereal and cool voice seemed to come from heaven and earth, explaining the meanings of these golden characters to him.

Ye Luo quickly gained understanding, his eyes tightly shut as his aura surged.

This time, the golden characters did not continue to solidify his foundation or elevate his mental state...

Instead, they taught him how to form a Killing Technique with Dao Intent!

This enlightening guidance

Lasted for several hours.

Until the sky turned pitch black, and the moon rose in the east,

Ye Luo ended his session of enlightenment.

He slowly came to.

He opened his eyes, and a streak of golden light flickered in his pupils.

"So it turns out, this thing I've comprehended is called Dao Intent, which can be condensed into a Killing Technique for attack and offense."

"Respected Master telling me to look up more often might not mean that he wanted me to comprehend the Observation Technique. The Observation Technique might just be incidental. Perhaps Respected Master's original intention was for me to comprehend all of the 'Dao' at an early time!"

"Now, having comprehended just a trace, I have such a great harvest. What kind of scene would it be if I comprehended all of it?"

That was what Ye Luo thought.

He looked up at the sky again.

A sudden jolt went through his mind.

No, that's not right!

I've comprehended it wrong!

Respected Master didn't mean this.

The phrase 'look up more often' left by my Respected Master should be to let me comprehend the Observation Technique rather than some incidental understanding, but Respected Master also wanted me to grasp the second Order Chain!

It was I who had the wrong idea.

Actually, this was a warning from my Respected Master!

Techniques like the Observation Technique are 'minor paths'; they can be learned but shouldn't be taken to heart.

The true 'Great Dao' lies right before him.

He must not lose the greater by grasping for the less!


That's what it means!

Respected Master, I understand now!

"Phew! I almost misunderstood the deep meaning of Respected Master's words, that was a close one!"

Ye Luo took a deep breath, patted his chest, and felt a wave of relief.

After he stabilized his emotions,

he stood up, picked up his long sword again, and his gaze quickly fell upon the Grand Hall Square.

He wanted to try out the power of the swordsmanship imbued with Daoist intent.

Ye Luo took a few steps forward, slowly lifted the long sword in his hand.

He silently exercised the technique of Daoist intent concentration taught by the golden characters in his mind.

After he began circulating it...

A layer of golden light immediately flashed on the long sword, covering the entire blade.

The golden light was filled with a natural charm of Daoist magic, as if the light itself was the transformation of 'Dao', anything it collided with would be shattered to dust.

Ye Luo, looking at the golden light on the sword, his eyes sharpened, and he slashed straight forward.

The golden light gathered on the long sword instantly converged into a sword beam, tearing through the air.

Boom, boom, boom...

The sword beam swept across, striking the ground.

A loud boom resonated, the whole ground trembled as if a meteor had fallen, slamming hard upon the earth.

Billowing dust rose up.

It was quite a while.

Before the dust finally dispersed.

Ye Luo looked intently,

only to see that the ground was completely unscathed, not a single mark was made.

At this, Ye Luo was dumbfounded; he clearly felt that his strike was very powerful.

But it didn't even break the ground of the Grand Hall Square?

Not to speak of breaking,

it hadn't even left a single mark.

Indeed, he was still too weak.

With such meager strength, how could he face Respected Master with good news?

When Respected Master returned, he couldn't even break this ground. What could he use to tell Respected Master that he hadn't let him down?

A bitter smile spread across Ye Luo's lips.

Little did he know,

the Sect was directly provided by the System, and the floor was made of a material that was very sturdy, and not even someone at the Divinity Transformation Realm would find it easy to break.

At this moment, in Ye Luo's heart there was only a sense of disappointment.

Disappointment in himself for not being strong enough,

disappointment in letting down his Respected Master's expectations.

No, he couldn't let down his Respected Master's expectations.

He had to work even harder!

The fighting spirit in Ye Luo's heart flared up even more.



Chu Yuan, who was resting in the Xuantian Mountain Range, suddenly heard the System's notification in his mind...

[Sect under attack detected]

[Scan complete, the attacker is a Sect Disciple]

[Detected irregular Sect development trajectory, commencing early assessment of Sect Disciple's strength, determining whether the instruction of the Worthless Disciple was a success...]