
Chapter 12 Eternal Heritage!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Outside Misty Mountain.

Looking at the old man with the two youngsters.

Ye Luo was somewhat baffled.

This old man who acted like a fawning dog, along with those two dumbstruck young men, had come to visit his Wayless Sect?

They claimed to be from the Qiandi Dao Sect...

Why did the name Qiandi Dao Sect sound so familiar?

It seemed like he had heard it somewhere before.

Where had he heard it...?

If he couldn't remember, then let it be. He would treat them as any other garbage sect.

As for the visit,

since his master wasn't around, he couldn't decide on such matters anyway.

What did he care about what kind of sect the Qiandi Dao Sect was?

However, this old man was... just too... too fawning over him.

All kinds of flattery came out.

Although he knew he was handsome, it was too much for him to handle such praise.

Ye Luo coughed twice and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, this... elder, my master left a few days ago on business and has yet to return. Regarding the visit, I am not in a position to make a decision. Please, elder, come another day."

With the Demon Tiger's tail in his left hand and the sword in his right, he was ready to leave.

The Great Elder's expression stiffened at his side.

Your master isn't here? So the visit is not possible?

He had finally found a clue about a Hidden Sect.

If he let Ye Luo leave now, where would he find the Wayless Sect when he came next time?

Although he knew the Wayless Sect was nearby, his Divine Sense couldn't locate it.

"Young Friend! Wait a moment! I am here on behalf of the Qiandi Dao Sect, Young Friend. If your master isn't here, may I ask if there are any other elders from your sect present?"

The Great Elder was extremely humble.

To think that the Great Elder of the Qiandi Dao Sect, a revered figure in the Holy Ground of the East State, would have to humble himself.

But if it was a Hidden Sect, it would be worth the humility.

Ye Luo paused in his steps, his eyes showing a hint of impatience. He was rushing to eat, then to contemplate the Tao, and at night, he had to practice his swordsmanship. He didn't have time to waste here.

He took a deep breath and said, "I am the only disciple left in the sect, my master is the Sect Master, and there are no elders in our sect anymore. All the elders of our sect have ascended long ago. If you want to pay a visit, wait until my master returns. If there is nothing else, please leave now."


The Great Elder almost knelt before Ye Luo.

There are no more elders in the sect...

All the sect's elders had ascended long ago...

What kind of Hidden Sect is this???

All the sect's elders have already ascended???

Just this statement alone revealed countless messages.

You should know that on the Divinity Continent, there hasn't been an ascension for nearly ten thousand years.

Ever since Spirit Roots appeared ten thousand years ago, it seemed like cultivators just couldn't ascend.

Those who could ascend were all figures from ten thousand years ago. Due to the era being different, they were able to ascend.

From this single statement, it could be determined that the Hidden Sect, the Wayless Sect, had been in existence for at least ten thousand years...

Ten thousand years of heritage.

How powerful would the Wayless Sect's inheritance be??

Perhaps a single fallen hair from it would be more powerful than his entire Qiandi Dao Sect!!

The Great Elder, already with a slightly bent back, now bent it even more, his intention clear as day.

"This handsome, promising, gentle and elegant young friend! Do you need a protector? What do you think about having someone in the Divinity Transformation Realm as your protector?"

The Great Elder licked his lips, his dull eyes flickering with a sharp glint.

The two elite disciples behind him: "..."

My heavens.

This Great Elder must be an impostor.

He usually looks at people through his nostrils.

And now his back is bent like this...

Is this really the Great Elder?

They all had the same odd thought, contemplating the big yellow dog that lived near their cave dwelling, which also liked to lick its lips and bend its back when it saw them holding food...

Yes, just like the Great Elder right now.

Ye Luo was startled by the old man's behavior. Something was off about this old fellow.

Better to leave quickly.

He waved his hands hurriedly and said, "I'm not lacking, I have my Respected Master. Predecessor, I still have tasks my master has entrusted to me, so I won't stay any longer."

He turned to leave.

The Great Elder looked regretful as he stopped Ye Luo and spoke again, "Alright, if you don't need a Protector... then Young Friend Ye, may I have your name? Moreover, our Qiandi Dao Sect sincerely wishes to visit the Wayless Sect."

"Since your esteemed teacher is not here, could you perhaps depict the immortal likeness of your master? It would make it easier for us to seek out your master and thereby visit the Wayless Sect."

Since he couldn't switch sides, he had to continue dealing with the matter of visiting the Hidden Sect.

Ye Luo, dragging the Demon Tiger and looking at this off-putting, plaster-like old man, was truly vexed; he found it impossible to extricate himself.

He had no choice but to conceal his annoyance, putting on a cold front, hoping to get rid of the old man as soon as possible.

"My surname is Ye, with the single character Luo. As for my master's immortal likeness, I'm sorry, but I'm not skilled in the art of painting, so I cannot portray it."

Ye Luo tactfully refused.

Upon hearing this, the Great Elder's hands moved, forming a Secret Art, and a ball of golden light flew out, landing in front of him.

He placed the golden light in front of Ye Luo and said, "Young Friend Ye, to depict your respected master, there is no need for painting skills. This is a small Spell of our Qiandi Dao Sect—just imagine your master's features and imprint it into the golden light, and the painting will automatically be produced."

This is just like a clingy plater.

It just can't be shaken off.

Ye Luo cursed the old man in his heart and, too tired to say anything else, took the golden light, ready to project the imagined image of his master.

After all, this trashy sect posed no threat to his Respected Master.

Let them admire the immortal likeness of the master.

Ye Luo closed his eyes and imprinted his vision of Chu Yuan into the golden light.

As he imprinted,

The ball of golden light began to flicker.

Moments later, the golden light transformed into a painting that floated up into mid-air.

The nearby Great Elder and two Elite Disciples looked up.

On the scroll, there was utter darkness, with neither sun nor moon visible, and the entire scene was enveloped in an aura of mystery.

A figure stood amidst the darkness.

He wore a snow-white robe, his hair flowing in the wind, eyes indifferent, like a supreme deity, commanding all living creatures.

In his hands, the sun, moon, and stars were all within his grasp.

Utterly dominant!

At the bottom of the painting, a line of poetry was boldly inscribed.

With the stars in hand, I pluck the sun and moon!

There is none like me in this world!

This, this, this...

Such overbearing power, such a majestic spirit!>

Not just the two Elite Disciples,

Even the Divinity Transformation Realm Great Elder was taken aback.

His soul fell into a state of shock, unable to recover for a long time.

Not far away.

Ye Luo, looking at the painting, nodded in satisfaction. This was how his master should look—handsome, dominant, swallowing thousands of miles, disdainful of all living beings below heaven.

He was rightfully the sole disciple of his master.

Capable of envisioning such perfection in his mind...