
Doctor Who - Season 15

David Harewood continues the role of The Doctor in the new series of Doctor Who alongside Tilly Keeper and Parry Glasspool as college students Maya and Greg Redburn, following the help of best friends, travelling through time together. Fighting new villains and some returning villains, The Doctor and the Tardis team are about to meet an old friend of The Doctor's.

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39 Chs

Episode 6 - Rescue Operation

Sirens blare off inside of a ship, sparks are flying inside, and explosions are heard going off.

The ship flies through space, on fire, with smoke pouring out of it, but no planets are seen.

Inside the ship, humanoid creatures that have heads like a lizard's head run down a corridor.

The Creatures hold guns, the barrel of the guns are round, and they look like blasters.

One of The Creatures then speaks with a screechy voice "find the man! Before he damages the ship even more" one of the other Creatures nods "yes leader" The Leader then says "head to the escape pod!". The Creatures nod and they all run down the corridor.

Not far from the creatures, a man wearing long trench coat sprints down the corridor towards the escape pod. The man opens up the escape pod, but as he goes to walk in, one of The Creatures then shouts "STOP, OR I WILL SHOOT". The man stands with his back to the creature, but he then turns around, revealing Captain Jack Harkness "you may as well just shoot me" The Creature aims its gun and shoots Jack in the chest. Jack then falls to the floor dead.

(Doctor Who Title Sequence)


David Harewood - The 14th Doctor

Tilly Keeper - Maya Redburn

Parry Glasspool - Greg Redburn

The Tardis starts to materialise inside a small cupboard onboard the crashing spaceship.

The Doctor steps out and he looks at the small cupboard "ah". The Doctor then pushes in front, and a door opens, leading him into a corridor, where the sirens are blaring off.

Maya and Greg run into the corridor with him and Maya looks around in shock "uh, crashing?" The Doctor nods "possibly, come on-" Greg then stops him "what if we're about to crash?" The Doctor looks at him "then we will die very quickly" Greg stares at him, but The Doctor smiles.

The Doctor walks off down the corridor and Maya then looks at Greg "oh, come on! You can't tell me that you didn't miss the danger of it all" Greg stares at her "a lot happened last year, I'm not the same person as I was before, neither are you, you have a boyfriend back at home, what if you don't come back" Maya stares at him and she then goes "shush, we're going to make it back".

Maya and Greg catch up with The Doctor and Maya says "so? Any ideas as to what is going on?" The Doctor looks around nervously "well we're currently on a crashing ship, that could crash at any minute, possible even blow up" Maya nods "very helpful" The Doctor looks around and he says "first of all, where are the crew, or at least a pilot" Greg then hears a noise behind him.

The Doctor, Maya, and Greg walk up to a white metal sliding door. The Doctor points his sonic, and presses the button, and the door starts to slide open. The Doctor walks in and says "right, let's see what we're working wit-".

As The Doctor, Maya, and Greg walk inside, they walk into the center of the room, until realising many of the humanoid creatures with lizard-like heads are standing around the edge of the room trying to control the ship. The Doctor, Maya, and Greg both stand there until the leader then turns around, noticing them, and shouts "INTRUDERS!". All of the creatures turn around, pointing their weapons at The Doctor, Maya, and Greg. The three of them hold their hands up.

The Doctor then looks at the creatures and he smiles "oh wow, you're Garders" Maya looks at The Doctor "they're what?" The Doctor then says "they're called The Garders" Greg nods "they look like lizards" The Doctor looks at them "well to them, you like a weasel" Maya smirks.

The Doctor then looks at The Garder Leader and he says "we don't mean you any harm".

(Commercial Break)

The Doctor, Maya, and Greg walk down a corridor together as three Garders point their guns at them. Greg then looks at The Doctor "we don't mean you any harm? Well, they clearly mean us harm" The Doctor then nods at him "yep, thanks for that".

One of The Garders stops outside of a room and The Garder opens it and says "inside!".

Maya looks inside where she sees a body laying on the ground with a cover over it.

Greg looks in shock as The Doctor then looks at the three Garders and says "how long till this ship crashes?" The Garder goes "we won't crash, we will save it" The Doctor stares at The Garder "and what if you can't? I can help save this ship!" Maya nods "believe him, he can". The Garder points its gun "inside, now!" The Doctor sighs as he walks into the room with Maya and Greg.

The three of them sit inside the room, Greg then lays his eyes upon the body on the floor and says "are they gonna kill us?" The Doctor looks at them "I'm not too sure" Maya then goes "what are they?" The Doctor then says "they're called The Garders as I said, they're a reptilian race from a planet far away from here, they don't live together with their species, families stay together as a group, some are hostile, some are friendly, these don't seem too friendly" Maya then says "but how do they...breed?" The Doctor then goes "they reproduce asexually, on their own, they don't need a partner, there's probably generations and generations of their family in this ship, probably why they're so defensive, I've never seen a group of them this big".

Greg looks down at the body, and he goes to pull the cover but The Doctor says "maybe not the best idea?" Greg looks at The Doctor, but he then pulls the cover back, revealing Captain Jack.

Maya then stands up in shock "oh my god!" The Doctor then sits there smiling.

Greg looks at Maya "what?" Maya then looks at The Doctor, then at Greg "that's Jack".

Jack then sits up taking a deep breath and he turns around and he looks at The Doctor "hey Doctor" The Doctor smiles "I got your distress call, don't worry, we came" Maya then looks at The Doctor "you knew?" The Doctor smiles "of course I did" Jack then stands up and he looks at Greg "Captain Jack Harkness, and you must be Greg-" Greg then shakes his hand as The Doctor says "don't start" Jack laughs "I was only saying hello" Greg nods "I don't mind, really".

(Commercial Break)

The Garder Leader stands in the control room as the spaceship is constantly still pushing out smoke from the engines. The spaceship floats through space, and towards a planet.

The Garder Leader then goes "any updates on the engines?" The Garder shakes its head "nothing yet commander" The Garder Leader then looks at another Garder "anything on the backup engines?" The Garder also shakes its head "nothing, everything is still down" The Garder Leader then asks "how long till we reach the planet?" The Garder says "approximately twenty minutes" The Garder Leader sighs as it looks at another Garder "and the prisoners?" The Garder nods "they're in the room" The Garder Leader says "you said one volunteered to help?" The Garder nods "yes commander" The Garder Leader then nods "go and get him!".

Back in the room, The Doctor looks at the door and he points his sonic, and opens the door.

Greg then says "so, you met him whilst I was meeting Shakespeare?" Maya nods at him "yep, we had the far better journey than you did" Greg smiles at her until Jack goes "Doctor, we have to get out of here, those Garder aren't who I thought they were" Maya looks at him "what does that mean?" The Doctor turns around he looks at Jack. Jack goes "I came here trying to trade with them, my vortex manipulator broke, and they had the parts, but I soon realised these aren't family members, these are a rogue group of Garders, they're criminals!" The Doctor stares at him until a Garder appears behind him. The Garder grabs The Doctor and shuts the door behind him.

Maya runs up to the door and bangs on it "NO!". Jack looks at her "leave it, we'll get outta here, not the first time I have had to break out of a cell" Maya looks at him and he nods at him.

The Garder pushes The Doctor into the control room as The Garder Leader looks at The Doctor "you told one of my guards that you could help save this ship? Well?" The Doctor nods "if I'm to do that, I need your complete trust" The Doctor looks behind him as a Garder points a gun at him. The Garder Leader nods at he says "put the gun down" The Doctor nods "thank you, also, no harm comes to friends?" The Garder Leader goes "well, they'll die if you don't fix the ship, fix the ship, and they'll live" The Doctor and walks over to a control panel and he goes "right, let's have a look at what we are dealing with, shall we?" The Doctor points his Sonic Screwdriver.

Inside the room, Jack looks around until he sees a vent in the roof and he smiles "jackpot!".

Jack pushes the vent open and he smiles "so, let's get outta here".

Greg looks at Maya and she nods "we're right behind you" Jack smiles at the two of them.

The three of them crawl through the vent, Jack then goes "whew! It stinks up here!" Maya looks over at Jack "so why did you need The Doctor to come here and help? You seem like you know your way out" Jack says "even if I could get out on my own, this spaceship is crashing, and I need someone to help me escape" Greg nods "but I thought you can't die?" Jack then stops moving and he turns around and looks at Greg "I may not be able to die, but I can still feel the pain, and crashing into a planet doesn't exactly sound like it's going to be like stubbing my toe".

Jack continues to climb through the vent and Maya goes to say something, but the vent starts to creak. Greg then looks over at her and says "Maya?" Maya turns her head until the vent collapses and the three of them fall through the vent, and onto a metal cold floor inside a room.

The Doctor stands looking at a control panel and he nods "right, I see now".

One of The Garders then says "commander, ten minutes" The Garder Leader nods "Doctor? We have ten minutes?" The Doctor nods "you seem to have a blockage in your main engines, and in your backup engines-" The Doctor then sighs "well, that's your own fault" The Garder Leader looks at him "what?" The Doctor says "you've kept your secondary engines turned off haven't you?" The Garder Leader nods "we've never needed them, and we needed a room for the eggs" The Doctor then nods "keeping them off for so long has frozen them, they won't work, but...the main engines are fixable, but it'll take me ten minutes to get down because this ship is huge".

Maya stands up inside the room, rubbing her head, and as she looks around she sees a massive turbine that isn't moving. Maya then sees a metal pipe in the middle of the turbine.

Jack and Greg both look at the turbine too. Jack smiles "well, I'm not an expert, but this seems like a good reason as to why the engines aren't working" Maya then looks at them "how do we get it out?" Greg looks at the pipe and he then says "we're going to have to pull it out...together" Jack smiles at him "teamwork! I love it, it'll be like working back at Torchwood".

(Commercial Break)

Inside the control room, red light lights light up in the entire spaceship as sirens blare off again loudly. The Doctor looks around and he then looks at The Garder Leader "listen to me, I have a ship, it can save you all, I can save everyone on this spaceship!" The Garder Leader glares at him "no, it'll just be a way for you to escape! AIM YOUR WEAPONS AT HIM!".

The Doctor stares in shock as The Garders aim their guns at The Doctor. The Doctor shakes his head "don't do this" The Garder Leader then says "save this ship then, Doctor!".

Inside the engine room, Jack stands with Maya and Greg as the two of them holding onto the massive pipe and they start to pull on it. Jack then looks at Maya and Greg "so, how's life with The Doctor been?" Maya goes "not great, he told us he'd be three days, and he came back a year later, we weren't happy" Jack looks at the two of them "is that all? A year?" Greg looks at him. Jack then smiles "listen, I've seen so many faces of The Doctor, but he...well sometimes she, has been through so much, lost so much, I don't believe for a second that here's any dislike for you in his hearts, he loves you both, he loves anyone who travels with him, and you can take my word on that, before you start and get angry with him, just remember what he has been through because it's more than you'll ever go through". Maya and Greg both stand there looking at him.

Greg then looks at Jack "so, how did you meet The Doctor?" Jack pulls on the pipe and he stares at Greg for a moment "well...I-I, you know, how everyone does" Maya looks at Jack "what does that mean?" Jack then lets go of the pipe "I can't actually remember...why can't I remember?" Jack stands there confused for a moment until the sirens start to blare off inside the engine room. Jack then grabs onto the pipe "COME ON, PULL!". Maya and Greg both start to scream as they pull on the pipe with all their energy.

Inside the control room, The Doctor turns around as he sees the planet not too far away. The Garder Leader looks in shock and it says "no, we cannot die! WE CANNOT DIE!".

Jack screams as he, Maya, and Greg then pull the pipe out of the turbine, and it starts to turn.

Control panels light up in the control room and a Garder then shouts "ENGINES ARE WORKING!". The Doctor then watches as The Garder run to their posts, and they start to control the ship.

(Commercial Break)

The Doctor stands smiling as the spaceship flies over the planet. The Doctor turns around and he looks at The Garder Leader, who aims a gun at The Doctor. The Doctor then sighs at him.

The Garder Leader says "we don't promise, we kill and we take" The Doctor stares at him.

The Doctor then closes his eyes, and as he takes a deep breath, he stands there waiting.

Moments later, The Doctor then opens his eyes and sees himself stood in the console room of the Tardis. The Doctor turns around, looking at the console where Jack stands there smiling "turns out, I saved you twice Doctor" The Doctor smiles at him and he runs over to the console.

The Tardis flies through the vortex and The Doctor says "Cardiff?" Jack smiles "yep".

The Tardis starts to land on Earth, in Cardiff, on present-day Earth.

The four of them walk out of the Tardis together and Jack smells the air and smiles.

The Doctor goes "so, no more vortex manipulator? What will you do?" Jack looks at him "well, I was talking to Gwen a while back, we might rebuild Torchwood, but it's something me and her need to discuss, if so, you'll have us back keeping an eye on the planet for you" The Doctor smiles "you know how to find me if you need me" Jack then nods "oh, of course, I do".

Maya and Greg watch as The Doctor walks into the Tardis. Jack then looks at the two of them "if you two ever need a job, let me know, Torchwood will have some openings once it's rebuilt" Maya smiles "thank's Jack" Jack smiles "no worries, just remember what I said though, be nice to him" Maya then nods at him. Greg hugs Jack and Jack goes "just stay alive, that's something I don't have a choice over" Jack then laughs and he runs off down the street.

Inside the Tardis, The Doctor stands near the console and he looks at Maya and Greg as they walk in. The Doctor then says "I never apologised to you, I'm sorry I didn't come back at the right time, you spent a year without me, I can understand that you're both upset with me" Maya walks up to him, staring at him, but she then leans in, and she hugs him "you don't need to apologise, you came back, it's all that matters" The Doctor smiles and he hugs Maya. Greg then stands there smiling at The Doctor "I forgive you too". The Doctor lets go of Maya and he says "right then, onwards" Maya nods at him. The Doctor runs back over to the console laughing.

Greg then looks at The Doctor "Doctor, there's something else Jack didn't tell you" The Doctor then looks at Greg "what is it?" Greg then goes "he couldn't remember when he met you, I know he can't die, and he's probably lived a while, but I thought meeting you would be something he remembers, you know?" The Doctor laughs "yeah, it's probably just his age, he's old".

The Doctor looks at the Tardis monitor, as he stands there trying to remember how he met Jack.

Notes: I obviously know how Jack and The Doctor met, but the memories are a part of the story arc that will play through this season, just wanted to put this here in case anyone was worried! :D

Also Starring:

John Barrowman - Captain Jack Harkness

Scene From Next Time: The First Half of the Mid-Series Finale Multi-Doctor Story:

A humongous explosion goes off, fire blasts through from the floor, and the Tardis becomes erratic.

One of the Tardis columns collapses onto the ground and Greg steps back near the console.

The Doctor looks around at the Tardis nervously as he takes control of the console. Maya then screams "WHAT'S HAPPENING?". The Doctor presses a button and the Tardis lands.

The Doctor, Maya, and Greg both stand there breathing heavily.

Greg turns around and he then says "Doctor, who's that?" The Doctor steps forward with Maya as a man stands in the Tardis with their back to them. The Doctor then says "hello?".

Maya and Greg both stand there watching as the man turns around, and it's revealed to be The 8th Doctor. The 14th Doctor stands there staring in shock "oh dear".

Next Time - Thrash in Time - Part 1 - When two Tardis' collide together, merging into one, a split in the universe causes a bleed from another universe, where a deadly race of beings that The Doctor hasn't faced before becoming a deadly threat. The Doctor teams up with an old face.