
Doctor Who - Season 15

David Harewood continues the role of The Doctor in the new series of Doctor Who alongside Tilly Keeper and Parry Glasspool as college students Maya and Greg Redburn, following the help of best friends, travelling through time together. Fighting new villains and some returning villains, The Doctor and the Tardis team are about to meet an old friend of The Doctor's.

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Episode 2 - The Sand Queen

Waves splash together on a beach, causing water to wash up against the sand on a beach. Two people, who both have bright green skin, walk together holding hands. One of the people smile at the other "Shanda, we've been together for ninety-seven years, I have spent almost a quarter of my life with you, and I can't think of anyone else I want to spend the rest of my life with, so Shanda, will you marry me?" Shanda smiles at him "oh, Hanka, I will! I will!". Hanka smiles.

Behind Hanka and Shanda, a humanoid-creature starts to emerge out of the sand, it's skin is a dark yellow colour, and it holds a spear with a green tip. The creature then screeches "DIE!".

Hanka and Shanda turn around, as the creature throws the spear towards Shanda, the spear hits Shanda, and Shanda's body starts to turn into sand. Hanka looks in shock "NO!".

More of the creatures start to emerge from the beach, but one of them is slightly different, one of them has a crown on its head. One of the creatures looks at the one with the crown and it says "Queen!" The Queen Creature then goes "kill him". Hanka stares at The Queen as a spear is then thrown at him. The Queen smiles as Hanka's body melts into sand. The Queen then turns around and she looks at a massive city behind her "it's time, time to take this planet!".

(Doctor Who Title Sequence)


David Harewood - The 14th Doctor

Tilly Keeper - Maya Redburn

Parry Glasspool - Greg Redburn

Greg stands inside the Tardis and he looks at Maya and The Doctor "just wait here, I'll deal with it". Maya and The Doctor look at each other as Greg walks out of the Tardis, looking at his house.

Karla, Frank, and Billy sit around the TV as Greg walks into the house "hey guys". Karla turns around and she looks at him "good to see you're still alive" Greg nods at her and he hugs Karla. Frank looks at Greg "you're back with him, aren't you?" Greg nods "I know, I'm sorry mum" Karla sighs "you're old enough now to make your own decisions now, we can't stop you anymore".

Inside the Tardis, Maya and The Doctor stand together. Greg then enters the Tardis with Karla, Frank, and Billy. Billy smiles "Maya!" Maya laughs and she runs over, hugging her brother Billy.

The Doctor pulls the dematerialise lever as Frank walks over to The Doctor "nice to see you again, Doctor" The Doctor then smiles "you too Frank" Frank smiles at The Doctor. The Doctor goes "so, we thought it would be nice to treat you all to a nice little planet, a few galaxies away from yours, it's such a nice planet I'm taking you too, never actually been before, but Romana once told me about it" Greg looks at The Doctor "who?" The Doctor smiles "oh, never mind".

The Tardis materialises in a massive city, tall, glass skyscrapers fill the surrounding area, not seeing where the city ends, the sky is orange, with two suns, and the trees are also orange.

Karla and Frank walk out of the Tardis holding hands and Karla smiles "oh my, look at this!" Frank smiles "it's...it's...it's real" Karla pulls her phone out, taking a photo of the city "my friends at book club are never going to believe this" Greg then walks out behind her "I wouldn't go telling your friends, that you are on another planet" Karla smiles "I'll just tell them we went to Greece" Frank smiles at Greg. The Doctor, Maya, and Billy then walk out of the Tardis and Maya smiles "woah, it's hot" The Doctor nods "that would be because of the two suns, and believe it or not, this is winter, why do you think everything's orange, winter is the only time of the year I can bring you to this planet" Greg looks at Karla and Frank who are looking at the beach.

Maya and Billy walk together, Billy looks at her and he goes "and I met some new friends, and I start some of my exams soon" Maya shakes her head "you are growing up too fast!" Frank nods at her "tell me about it" Maya laughs until she sees The Doctor, who is ahead of her stop walking. Maya then stops beside him, where they see the beach, which is surrounded by soldiers.

(Commercial Break)

Surrounding the beach, soldiers stand with guns. The Doctor looks at one of the soldiers "what's going on?" the soldier looks at The Doctor "sorry sir, but I have to ask you to stay away from the beach, it's unsafe" The Doctor nods and he pulls his psychic paper out, showing it to the soldier. The soldier smiles "oh, my apologies Beach Safety Regulator" The Doctor nods "these are all my plus ones, they'll be helping me" the soldier nods, watching The Doctor, Maya, Greg, Karla, Frank, and Billy walking towards the beach. The soldier shakes his head "I never knew we had a Beach Safety Regulator". The Soldier then aims his gun again, protecting the beach from others.

Walking along a concrete pavement, The Doctor and the others look out to the beach and the sea in the distance. Greg looks at The Doctor "what do you think is wrong?" The Doctor smiles "well if it's the usual, you know what's wrong" Greg smiles at him, Karla looks at Maya "aliens?" Maya nods "probably, well, most definitely" Karla looks at Billy, and then at Frank nervously.

The Doctor walks over to a set of stairs that lead onto the beach. The Doctor looks at Maya and he goes "all of you wait here". The Doctor walks down the set of stairs, and onto the beach.

Maya, Greg, Karla, Frank, and Billy all stand waiting and watching The Doctor on the beach.

The Doctor continues walking along the beach, and he whispers to himself "so, what seems to be the issue then?". The Doctor pulls his sonic screwdriver out, and he scans the surrounding area, he then looks down, reading the results on his sonic screwdriver and he goes "all seems fine" The Doctor looks over at Maya and the others and he goes to shout something until he then sees Maya and Greg staring in shock at something behind The Doctor. The Doctor slowly turns his head and he lays his eyes upon a humanoid-creature, it's skin is a dark yellow colour, and it holds a spear with a green tip. The Doctor gulps and he then goes "well, hello there, I'm the Doctor". The creature looks at The Doctor "you are not of this world" The Doctor nods "you can tell?" The creature looks at The Doctor "I can hear two hearts beating in your chest-".

From the distance, Maya and Greg both stand watching The Doctor and The creature. Maya goes "think he'll be okay?" Greg nods at her "yeah, I'm sure he will be fine" Maya nods at him until she starts to see movement coming from beneath the sand. Greg looks at Maya "what is that".

More of The creatures start to emerge from the sand, surrounding The Doctor.

(Commercial Break)

Maya stares in shock as the creatures all start surrounding The Doctor. Maya then runs down the stairs, and she starts running over to him. Karla stares in shock and she screams "MAYA!". Karla goes running after her but Greg and Frank grab Karla, stopping her. Billy goes "is she going to be okay?" Greg looks down at Billy worried. Frank goes "Billy, just stay away from the sand".

Maya screams "DOCTOR!". The Doctor looks over at her as the creatures continue to surround him. One of the creatures then puts its hand onto The Doctor's head and The Doctor falls through the sand with the creature. Maya stands there in shock "DOCTOR!". One of the creatures then puts its hand on Maya's head, and she also falls through the sand. The creatures all then start to disappear as they fall through the sand. Greg and the others all stand together in shock.

Greg stands with his family who is all in shock. Greg takes a step back and he goes "they're gone" Frank looks at Greg "they're dead?" Greg looks up at him "I-I don't know" Karla sits on the floor in tears, whilst Billy kneels on the floor hugging him. Greg stands there and he whispers to himself "alright, time to be The Doctor-" Greg takes a deep breath and he goes "I don't know if they're gone, but we need to do what The Doctor would do" Frank looks at him "and what is that?" Greg turns around and he looks at his family "this planet is in danger by whatever these are, and we have to do something about it" Karla shakes her head "you've become too involved with that Doctor, and look what it did to you" Greg stares at her "I help people, I care about people, how is that a bad thing? If I died trying to help, then it was worth it, I spent all my life in college helping Maya because she got bullied all the time-" Karla nods "we know-" Greg shakes his head "you don't though! You don't! I was there helping her because I wanted to help her, I didn't have to, just like this, I don't have to be here helping all these people, or helping anyone I haven't helped in the past, but I am now...because I want too, that's what The Doctor did to me". Frank stands there and he nods at Greg proudly. Karla then stands up and she goes "could Maya be alive?" Greg nods at Karla "yes" Billy smiles at Greg as Karla then goes "then let's save these people". Greg walks over to the stairs, and kneels over and grabs a handful of sand. Frank then holds Karla's hand and the four of them start walking away from the beach together. Frank goes "what do we do now?" Greg goes "get back to the Tardis, we'll work it out there, but it's up to us now to save these people.

(Commercial Break)

Going down, below the sand, massive sand structures are seen and an underground sand nation is revealed. In the sand nation, many of the creatures are seen roaming around.

A group of the creatures starts walking towards a massive thrown where the Queen Creature is sat. Within the group, The Doctor and Maya are being dragged towards her. The Queen smiles.

The Doctor and Maya are thrown to their knees, and they kneel on the floor before the queen.

The Doctor looks up at The Queen and he goes "so, who are you then" The Queen then goes "I am The Sand Queen, Queen of my Sand Army" Maya looks at her worriedly. The Doctor nods.

Inside the Tardis, Greg stands near the console, and he opens up a small compartment and he sprinkles a bit of the sand into it. Greg then closes the compartment, and he walks over to the monitor near the console and he waits. Frank looks at him "what will that do" Greg looks at him "I'm just thinking like The Doctor, and the first thing he'd do is take a sample and test it for any irregularities" Frank nods "so? Found anything?" Greg stands staring at the monitor and he shakes his head "not yet, it takes a minute" Karla walks over to him "you'd think a ship like this would be fairly quick" Greg looks at Karla, and the tardis then makes a strange noise. Greg smiles "sorry about that" Karla stares at him "are you talking to it?" Greg nods "this ship is alive".

Greg then looks down at the monitor which starts to show some images. Greg stares at the monitor and he goes "I have no idea what these are" Frank walks over and he looks at the monitor "they're DNA strands" Greg looks at him "what do you mean DNA strands? This is sand" Frank nods "trust the science teacher, these are DNA strands, so somewhere in the sand, DNA has managed to find its way into the sand" Greg looks at Frank and he goes "something's off".

Back down below the sand, The Doctor kneels with Maya as The Sand Queen stands above them. The Doctor goes "why are you attacking the locals on this planet?" The Sand Queen then starts to laugh "for fun" Maya then goes "how did you create a city this under here, I mean sand pillars, how?" The Sand Queen looks at her "the pillars are not made of sand" Maya stares at her as The Doctor then goes "what are they made of?" The Sand Queen smiles, revealing sharp teeth "the pillars are the bones of the people that we have killed" Maya and The Doctor stare in shock.

(Commercial Break)

Greg continues to look at the monitor, which then turns blue, and starts to show some red blinking dots. Frank goes "what is that?" Greg goes "heat signatures, there are thousands, it's as if there's an entire race under the beach" Karla then goes "Maya has to be there!" Billy nods "and The Doctor" Greg goes "but we can't get under there, so we have to figure a way out to give them a distraction". Karla stands there thinking until she goes "I have an idea, but I don't know how safe it's going to be" Greg and Frank both look at her and Karla smiles "I think it'll work".

Back underground, The Doctor watches as one of The Sand Creatures holds it's spear and it aims it up, causing it to teleport up to the surface. The Doctor looks back at The Sand Queen "you won't get away with this, this is a Level Five planet, and they're totally defenceless, and you aren't supposed to be here" The Sand Queen stands up and she glares at The Doctor "you question me? YOU HAVE NO AUTHORITY AGAINST ME. Me and my race are the most supreme in the universe" The Doctor stares at her "I highly doubt that" The Sand Queen glares at The Doctor "we'll see how your reaction changes once your female friend has been removed" Maya stares at her "remov-".

Suddenly, two Sand Creatures aim spears at Maya, getting closer to her, Maya looks in shock.

Back on the surface, Greg, Karla, Frank and Billy run over to the crowd near the beach, who are wanting to get on, Greg runs up to the soldier. The soldier goes "you again?" Greg smiles "yeah, so, the beach is now safe, all public people...um, can go back on" the soldier stares at him for a moment until he nods "alright, okay". The soldier then looks at the other soldiers "THE BEACH IS OPEN". Greg smiles as he watches hundreds of people running towards the beach, looking for a spot to sit. Karla, Frank and Billy walk over to him and Greg goes "this better work".

Under the sand, The Doctor shouts "LET HER GO, I MEAN IT!". The Sand Creatures get even closer to Maya until suddenly, sand starts to fall from above. The Sand Queen then goes "what is happening?" The Doctor runs over to Maya and he then looks at The Sand Queen "hopefully our dear friend Greg has something to do with it" Maya smiles at The Doctor. The Doctor then grabs one of the spears and he aims it up, teleporting him and Maya from underneath the sand.

(Commercial Break)

The Doctor and Maya stand on the beach as they see loads of people on the beach. The Doctor smiles watching people running across the beach searching for a place to sit. Maya then sees Greg and her family running over, and they all hug. The Doctor smiles "oh, Greg...who would have thought you'd save us" Greg then goes "actually, it was mum" The Doctor then looks at Karla who smiles. Greg goes "what was it like under there?" The Doctor goes "they used the bones of their victims to create a whole city under there" Frank smiles "that explains the DNA".

Maya then goes "what about them though? They're still down there" The Doctor goes "that place was collapsing, if they're smart they'll move on, or they'll die down there" Maya nods.

The Doctor then smiles at Karla, Frank and Billy "listen, I know sometimes it can be dangerous, I won't lie and say it isn't, but having these two with me, makes these adventures so much better, I'll respect your wishes if you want them to return home". Karla then looks at Maya and Greg. Karla then smiles "well, I'm thinking we still have a week to explore this place and to relax, and I'm sure I can be convinced by the end of it to give them my consent to stay with you".

Maya and Greg both smile at Karla. Karla then laughs "alright, let's go and enjoy this place".

The Doctor watches as Maya, Greg, Karla, Frank and Billy walk off together on the beach.

The Doctor looks around and he smiles.

Also Starring:

Dawn French - Karla Redburn

Mark Kermode - Frank Redburn

Noah Jupe - Billy Redburn

Next Time:

Outside of the city in the forest, The Doctor, Maya, Greg, Temmosus, Petra, Davio and two others stand.

Maya then goes "this is the home planet of The Daleks?" The Doctor nods "one of the most dangerous planets in the universe" Greg then goes "and we're on it?".

The Doctor nods "I suppose you want me to go in there and try to reason with The Daleks?" Davio then looks at Temmosus. Temmosus nods "we do" The Doctor sighs "fine, but I go in alone!".

Maya stands smiling as she watches Greg. Temmosus, Petra and Katrep walk over to her. Maya looks at them "is everything okay?" Katrep goes "noises heard coming from the trees, might be a problem".

Maya, Temmosus, Petra and Katrep watch as Silver and Black Dalek's emerge from the forest.

Greg and Oprah stand together watching as Dalek's shoot the Thals as they emerge.

Three Dalek's start moving towards them, all shouting "EXTERMINATE". Oprah holds onto Greg screaming.

Maya then goes "we need to make a plan to break them out of there, it's literally up to us now, their lives are in our hands" Katrep then goes "good job we have you then, a friend of The Doctor's, and a friend of The Doctor's is a friend ours".

The Doctor reads something and he then goes "no, what are you doing out there!".

As The Doctor turns around, he goes to run towards the door, but as he turns, Davros sits in his chair behind him. The Doctor stares in shock "Davros" Davros smiles in his Silver and Black chair "Doctor, how it's so good to see you again, after all this time"

Next Time - Renewal of The Daleks - Part 1 - Landing on Skaro, The Doctor and his companions find themselves on the planet of The Daleks. The Daleks who were brought there by The Doctor, search for Davros. The Doctor meets some old foes, who remember him from before.