
Doctor Who - Season 15

David Harewood continues the role of The Doctor in the new series of Doctor Who alongside Tilly Keeper and Parry Glasspool as college students Maya and Greg Redburn, following the help of best friends, travelling through time together. Fighting new villains and some returning villains, The Doctor and the Tardis team are about to meet an old friend of The Doctor's.

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39 Chs

Episode 1 - The Horror Events of Doctor Who

Outside, thunder blasts in the air and lightning lighten the night sky, a large Manor that is called 'Somnum Exterri Manor,' stands in the middle of a graveyard, a man stands at the door knocking "hello? It's Mr Braydon". The man goes to walk away until the door then opens and an eerie voice goes "come inside". The man walks into the Manor, seeing cobwebs covering the photographs of ancient photos. The man looks around and he goes "I'm looking for my son, he came by this way, is he here? I know your land is private property, but I needed to find him". The man continues looking around until he sees a door opening into a living room that has a lit fire.

The man walks inside where he then sees a creepy man sitting in an armchair. The man looks at the Creepy Man and he goes "hello?" the Creepy Man turns around and his face is white, with eyes that are black. The Creepy Man smiles "welcome to my Manor-". The Creepy Man then jumps up, sprinting towards the man, and the man starts to scream "HELP ME!".

(Doctor Who Title Sequence)


David Harewood - The 14th Doctor

Tilly Keeper - Maya Redburn

Parry Glasspool - Greg Redburn

Music plays inside the Tardis Console room, the room has slightly changed, there are more blue lights, brightening the console room, and there are bookshelves around the Tardis, as well as some chairs. The Doctor stands flying the console as Maya and Greg dance together.

Suddenly, a beeping noise is heard coming from the Tardis Monitor and The Doctor walks over and he checks it. The Doctor then walks back over to the console and turns the music off.

Maya laughs at Greg and she turns around "everything alright?" The Doctor smiles at her "of course, even better now, we've got a distress call" Greg smiles "the usual job?" The Doctor nods "I do love distress calls". The Doctor pulls the materialise lever and the Tardis starts shaking.

The Doctor steps out of the Tardis and he walks up a cobbly pathway with Maya and Greg towards Somnum Exterri Manor. The Doctor knocks on the door. Maya looks at Greg "looks creepy" Greg nods "most manors usually are" Maya smiles at him. The Doctor looks at Maya and Greg "what do you two do now then? The last time I saw you, you were at college, and we haven't really spoken about it" Maya nods at him "yeah, three years ago" Greg smirks "Maya's at university, and I'm just helping around" The Doctor looks at Greg "what do you mean?" Greg goes "after you left I wanted to be a good citizen, help the people around me, save the world from aliens, but Maya's at university-" Maya nods at him "I'm doing History at university, I wanted to learn more about the people who helped create our world" The Doctor smiles at the two of them until he sighs and knocks on the door again "come on-" The Doctor pulls out his sonic screwdriver and he sonics the door and the lock opens. Maya goes "Doctor, that's called breaking into a house?" The Doctor goes "no, it's called doing the world a favour". The Doctor pushes the door open and he walks inside as Greg goes "what? Breaking into a manor?" The Doctor then nods "yeah, a manor that's called nightmare" Maya and Greg walk inside with him.

Maya and Greg look at cobwebs covering the photographs of ancient photos and a red staircase. The Doctor walks over to a door, and he opens it, walking into a living room. Maya and Greg follow him inside where they see a creepy man sitting in an armchair. The creepy man smiles at the three of them. Maya and Greg stand together uncomfortable. The Creepy Man then goes "hello Doctor, Maya...Greg. Welcome to my Manor" The Doctor stares in shock.

(Commercial Break)

Thunder and Lightning strike outside in the skies, causing the lights inside the manor to flicker.

Maya and Greg look around in shock. Until all of a sudden, the thunder and lightning then calms down, but as they look around, they see The Doctor is gone, and so is the creepy man. Maya looks at Greg "Doctor? D-Doctor? Where is he?" Greg shakes his head "I don't know" Maya looks around and screams "DOCTOR? DOCTOR? WHERE ARE YOU?" Greg looks around terrified.

The Doctor's eyes open and he sees himself surrounded by nothing but whiteness. The Doctor goes to pull out his sonic screwdriver but he realises it's not there. The Doctor looks around "Greg? Maya?" the creepy man then goes "they aren't here, but I am" The Doctor glares at him "who are you? What have you done!" The creepy man smiles "I'm The Nightmare Man, and I can create forever lasting nightmares, well forever...depending on how long you survive the nightmares" The Doctor looks at The Nightmare Man until he pushes The Doctor to the floor.

The Doctor sits up and he looks around, where he sees a forest. The Doctor stands up, but as he stands up he then comes face to face with a Weeping Angel. The Doctor looks in shock "no".

The Doctor stands there staring at an Angel, and he starts to back up and away from the Angel. The Doctor then turns around and starts to run through the forest. Weeping Angels start coming after him from behind. The Doctor then stops as he sees Weeping Angels coming towards him.

The Doctor looks around, and he sees Weeping Angels circling him. The Doctor looks at the sky and he goes "well, not how I imagined going out, but...here we go I suppose-" The Doctor closes his eyes until he hears The Nightmare Man say "but killing you this quickly, isn't any fun" The Doctor opens his eyes and he's back inside the white room. The Doctor takes a deep breath.

Maya and Greg run out of the room, and they look around the manor but they see the door to leave has disappeared. Maya and Greg stare in shock. The Nightmare Man then appears behind them "you can't leave, not ever" Maya screams. Greg grabs Maya's hand and they run up the red staircase. The Nightmare Man stands at the bottom of the staircase laughing at them "you're both in my nightmare...trapped inside THIS MANOR!". Maya and Greg stand at the top of the staircase and they look down at The Nightmare Man. Maya goes "You're trapped inside here?" The Nightmare Man giggles "forever". Greg then looks at Maya "come on! RUN!".

(Commercial Break)

The Doctor's eyes open and he sits up inside a room that has metal walls and a metal floor.

The Doctor hears the sound of talking coming from behind a door. The Doctor opens the door, and he walks into a Tardis console room, very much like the original console, but the walls are black and red. The Doctor then goes "hello?". A woman's voice goes "oh, you're awake then". The Doctor looks behind him and he sees The Rani stood there. The Rani goes "he's awake-" The Doctor looks at her "who are you talking to?" a male's voice then goes "your best friend, Doctor" The Doctor turns around quickly again, where he sees Sacha Dhawan's Master stood there smiling at him. The Master looks at him "did you miss me?" The Doctor glares at him "you're a nightmare! You're not real". The Rani stands beside The Master and she smiles at him.

The Doctor runs down a corridor panicking, the sounds of different foes and friends are heard all around him. The Doctor kicks down a door, but as he runs inside, he sees a Vervoid stood looking at him. The Vervoid points its arm at The Doctor, where a sharp leaf-like knife emerges from it. The Doctor runs out of the room, shutting the door and he continues down the corridor.

Behind The Doctor, as he runs, Toclafane start appearing, Slitheen, The Ponjeries, and many other foes. The Doctor then opens another door and he runs inside. The Doctor stands out of breath inside the room, and as he turns around, he sees a blue-lit light not far in front of him. The Doctor then goes "hello, is something there? My name is the Doctor". A Dalek's voice then goes "Doctor?" The Doctor shakes his head "no-". The light inside the room turns on and a Silver and Black Dalek sits in the room, in chains and it screams "you are an enemy of The Daleks, Exterminate! Exterminate!". The Doctor tries to open the door, but it doesn't open.

Maya and Greg stand together inside a room. Maya looks at Greg "he said he was trapped" Greg nods at her "and?" Maya stares at Greg "it's time to start thinking like The Doctor, we might be the only ones who can save him" Greg nods "except how do we do that?" Maya goes "somehow, we need to set that man free" Greg looks at her. Maya sits there thinking of a plan.

The Doctor stands there staring at The Dalek and he laughs "you can't kill me, you feed off memories, your feeding of a particular memory of mine...and that Dalek couldn't shoot" The Dalek stares at The Doctor. The Doctor looks around the room "there must be a way out".

(Commercial Break)

Maya looks at Greg and she goes to talk until The Nightmare Man walks into the room that they are in, The Nightmare Man looks at Maya and Greg "once The Doctor has perished, it'll be Maya's turn, then you, Greg" Maya goes "why can't you take us now?" The Nightmare Man goes "My powers are limited inside here, I can only do one person at a time, I can feel The Doctor's memories, his memories, that are turning into nightmares, he has so many memories, it's as if he's lived for thousands of years" Maya and Greg both stand in the room together. Maya then goes "where are the windows" Greg looks at Maya, The Nightmare Man stares at Maya. Maya then looks around "there are no windows in this manor, and the door is missing, where are they!" The Nightmare Man goes "they wouldn't put windows and a door inside a prison!".

The Doctor stands looking at The Dalek and he then smiles "wait, I've got it...this place feeds of memories, and they turn them into nightmares, turns them into something I'd wanna run away from. But you picked a memory, a memory where one of my biggest foes were at their weakest, which makes you weak" The Doctor walks up to The Dalek. The Dalek goes "step away from me, do not approach me" The Doctor smiles "you're made to make us run away from you because you're really the way out of here-" The Doctor then puts his hand through The Dalek. The Doctor then takes a step forward and walks through the Dalek, where he finds himself inside the manor.

Maya and Greg run along the hallway together, and they reach the red staircase. The two of them run down the staircase together, until they see The Doctor walk out of a room. Maya smiles "Doctor!" The Doctor then goes "thank god". Greg looks at The Doctor "what do we do?" The Doctor goes "well, first of all, we need to figure out how to get out of here, actually...where we even are-" Maya looks at The Doctor "you know, I know you are usually the one to figure it out, but I actually think I've worked this one out" The Doctor stands there and he nods "alright, tell me" Maya goes "we're inside a prison, a prison with no escape, when we entered this place, we walked and locked ourselves into a prison, a prison that holds The Nightmare Man, a man living in his own nightmare, entrapment. But he has the ability to create nightmares for people, that's where you were" The Doctor nods "I got that end part, but the prison part makes sense" Greg goes "so how do we escape a prison?" The Doctor goes "well, it won't be as easy as last time".

(Commercial Break)

The Doctor, Maya, and Greg stand in a room together. Greg looks at The Doctor "so, are you even going to explain to us what The Nightmare Man even is?" The Doctor goes to speak until The Nightmare Man then goes "yes Doctor, what am I?" The Doctor glares at The Nightmare Man and The Doctor then goes "The Nightmare Man comes from the Seretti dimension, it was a plane of existence outside of...what you would call normal space, and in that dimension, it was home to a race called the Vishklar, who fed on fear and could manipulate dreams. But The Nightmare Man is the ancestor to the Vishklar, instead, he fed on fear, and could manipulate memories and turn them into nightmares" The Nightmare Man looks at The Doctor "you know my race? And you'll know that my race is at the end of their time, I'm the last of my kind" The Doctor nods "so why are you in prison?" The Nightmare Man starts to laugh creepily "prison? You don't understand, do you Doctor? It may feel like a prison, and I hate being in here, but I was saved, I am the last of my kind, and I have been preserved, left to lure my prey and feed on them" The Doctor stares at him "wait a minute, it was a trap, like a spider and it's web, you led us here to feed on us, but you chose the wrong people" The Nightmare Man smiles "really?" Maya and Greg nod at him. The Nightmare Man's eyes then glow red as he stares at The Doctor "and so I'll feast".

The manor starts to shake, like an earthquake hitting into it. Maya and Greg both stand near a fireplace, holding onto a pillar. The Doctor stands watching as he sees Vervoids, Toclafane, Cybermen, Silents and The Stenza all appearing beside The Nightmare man. The Master and The Rani both then walk out from the shadows together. The Master smiles "surprise, Doctor!".

Maya goes "what's going on?" The Doctor goes "The Nightmare Man is feeding on my fears, things that terrify me" The Doctor looks at The Master, then at The Rani. The Doctor sighs and he goes "the only way we escape from this place, is if we fight our fears, fight the things that terrify us". The Nightmare Man watches as The Vervoids, The Stenza, and all the other fears start to disappear. The Doctor goes "I've seen so much, lost so much, it is so easy for me to become numb to certain things, these don't scare me anymore". The Nightmare Man goes "if I can't feed on you, then I'll feed on THEM!". The Nightmare Man turns around and his eyes glow red at Maya and Greg. The Doctor shouts "FIGHT THROUGH IT, I KNOW YOU CAN!". Maya looks around in fear.

(Commercial Break)

Maya watches as The Massarians start appearing around the room. Maya screams "DOCTOR!". The Doctor looks at her "they aren't real! Fight through it, and we can get out of this place".

Greg looks around as he then sees The Unknown appear. Greg stares in shock and he shakes his head "Doctor! I CAN'T!" The Doctor walks over to Greg and he goes "think of someone who you believe in, somebody who you trust to keep you safe". Greg then watches The Unknown disappear. Greg turns his head and he looks at The Doctor "it worked" The Doctor smiles.

Maya then goes "Doctor, they're gone!". The Doctor then turns around and he watches as The Nightmare Man falls to the floor exhausted. The Doctor goes "you've used up too much energy, you're powerless, well for a few years maybe" The Nightmare Man goes "then kill me" The Doctor shakes his head "I think that's probably the wrong thing to do". The Doctor looks at Greg.

The Doctor steps out of the manor and he walks down a cobbly pathway with Maya and Greg. Greg walks and talks to Maya. The Doctor goes "right, let's get you guys back to the Tardis".

The Doctor walks up to the Tardis Exterior and he unlocks the door. The Doctor opens the door, and the blue light of the Tardis brightens The Doctor's face. The Doctor turns around and he looks at Greg "who did you think about?" Greg goes "what do you mean?" The Doctor then goes "when I told you to believe in someone" Greg smiles "oh, it was easy...I thought about my mum and dad, they've kept me safe all throughout my childhood" The Doctor then smiles "good".

Greg walks into the Tardis and Maya stands outside with The Doctor "why's it good?" The Doctor looks at Maya "I can't have you both believing in me too much, it can change you" Maya stands there nodding and she watches The Doctor enter the Tardis. Maya sighs "I believe in you".

The time rotor moves up and down as the Tardis flies through the vortex. Greg walks over to The Doctor "what happens to that The Nightmare Man?" The Doctor goes "he'll now spend the next few hundred years gathering enough strength to stand" Greg nods "but he'll just lure people again?" The Doctor shakes his head "I locked the manor door, for good, nobody's getting in, and nobody is getting out" Greg nods at him. Maya walks over to the console and she smiles "where next?" The Doctor looks at the two of them "it's time we pay someone a visit, don't you think?".

Also Starring:

Sean Bean - The Nightmare Man

Parminder Nagra - The Rani

Sacha Dhawan - The Master

Next Time:

The Tardis materialises in a massive city, tall, glass skyscrapers fill the surrounding area, not seeing where the city ends, the sky is orange, with two suns, and the trees are also orange.

Karla pulls her phone out, taking a photo of the city "my friends at book club are never going to believe this" Greg then walks out behind her "I wouldn't go telling your friends, that you are on another planet" Karla smiles.

Waves splash together on a beach, causing water to wash up against the sand on a beach. Two people, who both have bright green skin, walk together holding hands.

the soldier looks at The Doctor "sorry sir, but I have to ask you to stay away from the beach, it's unsafe".

More of the creatures start to emerge from the beach, but one of them is slightly different, one of them has a crown on its head. One of the creatures looks at the one with the crown and it says "Queen!" The Queen Creature then goes "kill him".

Next Time - The Sand Queen - The Doctor invites the Redburn's out on a family trip, where they arrive at a village that is in the middle of a desert. Creatures rise from the sand when spooked, leaving The Doctor and the others to try and work out what the creatures want.