
Chaper 1

Opening her eyes she witnessed the beautiful view in front of her, the birds chirping outside the window, the trees blooming, the weather was enchanting, She was just admiring the view and then she realized that she has to wake up and do the preparations so that she wouldn't be late for the office. She hurriedly got up from the bed and went towards the bathroom for her morning routine, after spending a nice one hour in the bathroom she went to the kitchen prepared her lunch and went straight towards the bus station so that she would catch the bus on time. This was her daily routine from the last few months although she was busy with her work but she was happy that she could help her family finantially. Although the family didn't give a damn about her presence she loved them they were her first priority. She was really pretty not only the appearance but also her heart. Her name was 'Lily Smith', she was pure and gentle, spreading her fragrance wherever she go just like her name suggests.

Lily had to reach the office a earliar today, as today's day was an important day for the 'CNS Technologies' where Lily worked, the workplace was finally going to be a part of a corporation called 'Tech Mars' or 'TM'. 'TM' is the well known or the best tech corporation across the country which had improved a lot since the last 5 years and crossed the boundaries of success in a shorter period of time. Getting a job in that company was every engineer's dream, as 'CNS' was going to be controlled by the 'TM' now the employees of CNS along with Lily were too contended and excided to work under the guidance of TM.

"When will the CEO and the Chairman will arrive" Lily asked her collegue.

"They will be right here up till evening, we have made all the arrangements and  you just need to check them and report to the manager" the collegue replied.

Listening to his words she straightly went to check up the arrangements.

Andrew Mars, the Chairman of TM and Chris Mars who was the son of the chairman as well as the CEO of the TM had now landed on the ground, stepping out of their luxurious respective private jett they examined their surroundings and soon went to their respective cars which would further take them to their hotel. Both the father and son had a great aura, a different vibe which a normal person would never have their bond was great but their was a difference between them Mr. Andrew Mars was a really kind and humble person whereas Chris was totally opposite to his father he was so cold that his one stare would even freeze the fire, he was a perfectionist he wanted everything according to him and was so dominating that it would piss anyone off but his pleasing appearance was so appealing that one would definitely tolerate all his tantrums only to get a look of his admirable handsomeness. In short he was an arrogant soul in a greek god's body.

After reaching the hotel Chris went to his room ro get some rest, after reaching the room he went to take a shower and then he settled himself on the bed so that he could take a quick nap but before this could happen his eyes went ro his wallet which was lying on the table near hus bed, he picked up the wallet thinking something, he opened the wallet revealing the photograph of a beautiful girl, he kissed it.

"I hope you're fine wherever you are" he said and placed the wallet back on the nightstand safely.

Lily on the other hand managed everything sincerely. She made the reports of all the important files needed and had also checked the arrangements of the party after the meeting of which she was given the responsibility for. She was walking through the hallway to submit all the reports to the manager.

Suddenly she got the call from her stepbrother Louis.

"Mom's breaths are heavy, you need to come. We need money, I am taking her to the hospital" he said and cut the call rudely not even waiting for her reply.

She got shocked after hearing this, she started returning back to her worktable to pack her things, but she realized that today was a big day for the company and the presence of each and every employee was important for today. After taking over CNS, Tech Mars had all the rights to fire all the old employees and fill in new ones but they didn't and running away like this would be like disrespecting them.

She called her brother.

"Will it be okay if I send you the money, Is mom's condition that bad?"

"Are you out of your mind" he yelled.

"How am I going to manage everything, It would waste so much of my time, I have my own plans and yes her condition is too poor and she is unconcious so just shutup and come as soon as possible".

Lily got anxious hearing that she went straight to the manager's office but noticed a big crowd there.

"If I'll wait here It will take an hour to sort things out" she thought.

She closed her eyes and turned around and started leaving for the metro station ignoring the fact that her job could be affected because of her decision but even If she did lose her job, she would have no regrets because she loves her stepmother and stepbrother even if all they care about is money, she prioritize them the most as she promised her father to take care of their family whatever the circumstances. Her father passed away during her college day, she missed him as nobody cared about her like he did.

She took the train to her hometown It was a two hour long journey, she had already persuaded her manager for a leave and she did get a day off.


to be continued....