
do task get points and wake up

Amrin_Faaria · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

[ wind blowing slowly]

[ It's starting of summer]

[ Many schools getting summer vacation]

[ Yellen also get summer vacation]

[She is coming back home from school with her best friend]

Daisy: yellen What's your plan in this summer vacation.

yellen: I don't have any plans.

*Suddenly notice a game shop*

yellen: Daisy looks at that .

Daisy: where?

Yellen: stup*d! I am talking about that shop.

Daisy: oh ! I also didn't notice it when I come to school.

Yellen: let's go in.

Daisy: no . You go I am tired. Today is summer and gym class drain my whole energy.

Yellen: ok. You go home lazy fat cat.

Daisy:I am not fat cat.

Yellen:no you are.

Daisy:I have no energy to argue with you. Go wherever you want. But be careful.

Yellen: humph!! think about yourself I can take care of myself well .

[ Daisy leaves yellen on the road and start walking on the way to her house]

Yellen: nothing to do now. Let me go and see there.

[ Ai Game shop]

[At entrance]

Yellen: / opens the door/

Hello? Anybody here

Manager: welcome to Ai Game shop

Yellen: thank you

Manager: what gene do you like to play

Yellen: campus... Like high school one

Manager: okay.put this suit for playing game.

Yellen:/takes suit/ by the way where is dressing room

To be continue...

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