
Do NOT Let The ROB Become The Dimensional Chat Group Admin!!!

《DISCLAIMER》 The following is non-profit fan fiction. I do not own Naruto, Tensura, Kenja no Mago, Kaguya-sama: love is war, and a bunch of other stuff in this fanfiction. Please support the official release. (Under rewrite) . . . DING* 《Message: Welcome to the Dimensional Chat Group》 “Kufufufu...” ["Administrator Y" Just joined the server] I remember now. DING* 《You have become an Admin.》 That's right... “I was annoying, cringy, and crazy” DING* 《3 Random members will be selected in 24 hours.》 DING* ["Good Slime" Just joined the Server] ["Pervy Sage" Just joined the Server] ["Wise Grandson" Just joined the server] . . . Additional tags: Kaguya-sama: love is war, Tensura, Naruto, Kenja no Mago, Dimensional group chat, Persona 5, Bungou Stray dogs, Gender bender (〃゚3゚〃) PS: This book WILL contain spoilers!

Door_kun · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs



≪『Group Quest: Konoha Crush』 will begin in 15 Minutes.≫

Ah~ it has been fun in this slow life of Rom-com student Council life.

But now I should deal with those trio bastards.


Who the heck is that Z-guy anyway!?

Finishing my inner Tsukkomi, I packed food and clothing into my backpack.

I wore a black hoodie jacket with pink- NO, "Magenta" Linings and a white T-shirt inside them,

A Black tracksuit pants, and finally...

A mask.

NO, I ain't trying to be spiderman.

The mask I wore kinda looks like Rimuru's anti-magic mask.

Of course, a black edgy one with no holes and neon magenta lines forming a spiderman's eyes.

And that is it.

Now that that's done...


≪『Group Quest: Konoha Crush』 Has begun.≫




Mount Myōboku, also known as the "Mountain of Bewilderment" and the "Land of Toads", is one of the big three unexplored sage regions, a legendary place that is equally as famous as the other two, Shikkotsu Forest and Ryūchi Cave.

It's the land of toads and the place where all the toads that Naruto, Minato, and Jiraiya have summoned live. It is home for huge and small toads alike. Mount Myōboku is a rich and beautiful land, whose ultimate authority seems to be the Great Toad Sage.

"So you're that Y-guy huh?"These words are voiced by none other than Jiraiya himself.

"Ishigami Yu-san right? Rimuru-desu, a pleasure to meet you."I look at the hand of the silver-haired bishoujo with a mask on her(his?) face before shaking it.

(A/N: Bshoujo means beautiful girl btw)

" Ishigami Yu. "That's how we ignored the Toad sennin.

"Oi oi! I need a bit of your attention here!"The sage exclaimed which successfully gained our attention.

" First off, I wanted you all to meet-" His sentence was cut off by me. "Fukasaku. Humu, I should've known I would encounter the toads. Rather, I should've known Jiraiya pinpointed our teleportation to this exact location."

The toad in front of us with wrinkles on his face frowned in dissatisfaction. "Youー you are... The Catalyst..."This brought the others to frown also.

"Catalyst?" Shin who was screaming "SUGOI!" (So cool!) at everything earlier brought himself into the conversation. Well, he IS seven years old right now...

So we were expected to be here...


Humu, humu... How Intriguing.

"That's intriguing. Let's meet the Great Toad Sage, shall we? Maybe he knows what the heck is going on." I stated.

"..." After a slight pause due to the intense atmosphere I had just created, Fukasaku opened his mouth.

"Very well." From that, the trio follows me from behind, and we followed Fukasaku to meet The Gamamaru.

"But before that let's eat first!" The moment Fukasaku stated this, Jiraiya went gloomy,"Pa! I-I'm not really hungry! I'll go meet bunta first!" he left us with that.

Rimuru also twitched a little wanting to try to say something while Shin was oblivious as he tilted his head at Jiraiya's stuttering.

But as the humanoid slime was about to say something, I cut in " Sure. "

Even though the slime has a mask on her/his face, I can feel his/her "WHAT THE F#CK ARE YOU THINKING" face stabbing me like daggers.




Internally, Shin was screaming bloody murder.

While Rimuru sits silently, probably asking for his skills to save him.

While me, I'm eating actively.

"How is it, Yu-chan?"(Fukasaku)

" Well, so-so." I nonchalantly stated that whilst taking an insect larva with a chopstick and eating them behind my mask like a certain conqueror of flames. (A/N: Bruh, if this was Japanese it would be "Maa, Ma-ma". Ah, Ishigami's right. I do have a poor sense of humor...)

I can tell Rimuru and Shin gave me a weird look on their faces even though Rimuru's face is covered with a white mask.

" I see, I see, that's a relief!!!"That, along with a smile, was Fukasaku's words.

"You...are you even human?" (Shin)

Noticing the group member's gaze, I turned to them.

"Just try one, though the soup is definitely a no-go for you" I stated thus.

Well~ the nature energy in this place is a very interesting specimen indeed.

That's why...


≪The skill, 『Chakra Control』 has been annihilated≫


≪The skill, 『Chakra Affinity』 has been acquired. ≫


≪『Magic Affinity』 has leveled up.≫


"Hmmm... As I thought, not everyone is enjoying it..." These words were voiced by Fukasaku-san's wife, Shima-san.

" N-NO NO! THAT'S NOT TRUE MA'AM!" Shin can be a really good kid sometimes.

If one looked at me closely, my hand transformed back and forth from normal to webbed hands. The condition of one to evolve into a sage/enlightened, is to understand both external energy and internal ones. Well, that was what I concluded at least.

"I-it's sweet!" Shin exclaimed after taking a larva.

The toads in the room somehow smiled at that.

Either way, experiment success!



Name: Shin Walford

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Lv: 5

HP: 36/30

MP: 207/207

CP: 3/0 [Locked]



『Wise Grandson』


『Mana Affinity Lv52』

『Calligraphy Lv2』

Humu. That's enough to make him taste bugs as candy.

He doesn't have webbed hands, but when I look closely, his tongue turns purple.




[Third Person's POV]

There, Rimuru sat down.

Whilst in front of him/her, are plates full of insects.

'Great sage!'

≪Notice. What he said is probable.≫

≪Report. Individual: Ishigami Yu, manipulate the unique energy in the air into the master's and Shin's body. Data interpreted as; Natural Energy. Alternate interpretations are; Mutated Magicules.≫

"Mutated Magicules?" was what Rimuru thought.

But after a bit of an explanation, he/she figured it all out.

And finally, he/she took a bite on the hellish-looking larvae.

"Well, I'm already immune to this by this point" This Is what Rimuru's thinking whilst remembering a certain purple-haired Kijin's cooking.

"You sure are knowledgeable at this, Admin- no, Ishigami-san." (Rimuru)

""Yu" is fine." (Ishigami)

Shin looks at both of them back and forth from Ishigami to Rimuru repeatedly.

"And of course I am knowledgeable. I am also a Sage after all. Like you, if you had paid attention."

"...Are you both really going to eat with those masks on?" Their conversation was interrupted by Shin.

This statement also gained the toad couple's curiosity.

"... Isn't that right... We've been very impolite aren't we?" (Rimuru)

"Seems like so..."(Ishigami)

"..." "..."

After those lines, they expected the two masked individuals to take off their masks.

But, they didn't move an inch to take that mask off.

Rather, even though their chopsticks keep on moving, the masks on their face always stare at each other.

"If you know that, then take them off!" Shin exclaimed with a raised eyebrow.

""Shin/Shin-kun, the adults are talking."" This is what the two masked individuals responded with.

'YOU DON'T LOOK LIKE YOU'RE TALKING THOUGH!?' was what was in Shin's mind right now.

'Rather, 'ADULTS'!?'

He continued his thoughts.

And suddenly, The admin and Rimuru stand up, ""Thank you for the food/ I'm full""

They stated as they walks outside. Shin and the toads look behind their backs with the face of confusion.




The group admin and slime face each other with their masked faces.

"You are quite rude, not even showing your face to the members" (Ishigami)

"Well, aren't you the same? Rather, you're the admin, you don't even bother to answer our questions." (Rimuru)

"Any sane person would know that notifications occasionally appeared on the group. You just need to read it then I am useless." (Ishigami)

"Does that mean not telling us a thing about we could trust each other and leave us hanging over time? What would you do if somehow a misunderstanding happens between us, members, and we tried to kill each other?" (Rimuru)

This passive-aggressive banter has been lasting for 5 minutes and none of them wants to back down.

" You won't, We admins knew how your life has been, even your past lives. We know it won't end up chaotic." That lie came out from Yu.

"Ah. is that so? then I believe showing your face is enough to show formality." (Rimuru)

"Says the masked slime." (Ishigami)

"If you won't show your face then at least respond to our calls. Either you do that, or show your face." (Rimuru)

"I RESPONDED to you all! Rather, I can throw all those points you've said right back at you!" (Ishigami)

"Then we'll show our faces to each other, simple right!?" (Rimuru)

"Sure let's do that!"(Ishigami)

Their hands-on their mask, in a gesture, to take their mask off. But even though they have reached this point, none of them are moving. They don't seem to be able to trust each other.

Even though Rimuru was very carefree about the other members. The "admins" successfully gain Rimuru's suspicions. After all, they could've been exactly the reasons why he reincarnated.

But the "We admins knew how your life has been, even your past lives" Response Ishigami gave him just gave it away so much attention that even Great Sage has to say it.

≪Report. Individuals wielding the title "Administrator" inside the object: Group chat, has a high chance probability to be connected with Individual: Shizue Izawa's summoning event.≫

This is the cause of his/her distrust.

But Ishigami isn't having it either.

That's why...

Their hands twitched.

In their minds, "I'll only do it If he does it first!"

And so they thought.

"Weren't you going to take that off?" (Rimuru)

"Oya? Then why don't you do it first?" (Ishigami)




After devouring a bowl full of insect larvae that somehow taste like candy, Shin sat there with a full stomach.

"Thank you for the food." He claps his hands while he said that.

"Ahaha... You are a good boy, Shin-chan" Now that suffix made Shin cringe a little.

After a while, the door burst out open. This is Jiraiya. "I need you guys to follow-! Where's Rimuru and the admin?" He asked thus.

"They were outside, supposedly." Shin responded.

"Then let's g-" He wants to finish his sentence, but then he looks at the empty plates in front of Shin.

Now that he paid attention to it, there are more emptied plates on the table. "Kid... Did you... eat those?"

"Um? Ah, yeah...?" Shin nodded affirmatively to the gaping sage.




After being dumbfounded by the oblivious Shin, Jiraiya told Fukasaku and Shin to come with him.

He intended to take the otherworlders to Gamamaru.

But even after getting dumbfounded by the insects eating shin, there was another scene not only he, but also everyone doesn't expect to see.

It was the scene where Ishigami Yu the admin of the chat group, tried to take off the "Good slime"'s white mask with a hand while the "Good slime" on the other hand, gripped the admin's mask with two hands to pull them off.

"Take your mask off first, moron!" (Rimuru)

"You're the one who suggests taking off our mask! so unmask yourself first, slime!" (Ishigami)

"What, you got problems with slime, lazy admin!?" (Rimuru)

"It seems to me that, YOU have some problems with me! " (Ishigami)

" Oh, you bet I do!" (Rimuru)

How does it end up like this? That was the question that appears on Jiraiya's mind.

Shin tried to calm them down. "G-Guys... Calm down, this is not your home-!"


Well, at least the toads are happy to know not all the humans hated their cuisines and delicacy.





To be continued.

Sorry there... their banter is just too perfect to be change, and I'll just change the part where they save Hayate. Yes, they will save Hayate, and Yes, they will prevent the invasion from happening. So Gaara's and Naruto's character development will goes BRR for a moment, and the plot will changes from there on out.

Door_kuncreators' thoughts