
1. The fallen angels

I walked through many halls of the mansion that didn't belong to me. I am an outsider, someone that's not welcome here, not welcome anywhere.

But in despite of that, I walked as if i owned the place. I did not show any signs of an intruder. All the workers thought that i was one of them, as i didn't try to hide, as if I've been here for a long time.

I was going to the biggest room in the building, already knowing where it is.

I opened the door to find a person i was looking for, the owner of this place, sir. Moner.

"Who are you? "

He asked, surprised slightly. Not blaming him for being surprised, there is a uninvited stranger in his room.

"I'm here to do my job sir. "

I answered with a closed eyed smile. Opening my eyes, they turned red for a second, Moners eyes did the same just the moment after. His slightly opened mouth closed shut as both my and his eyes turned to their original colour.

I walked out of the mansion the same way I entered. As I walked further away from it the women's screaming could be heard in the direction of the mansion, but i just continued walking as if i didn't her it.


"So, you're coming back to Cloud today? "

"Yes, I'm planing to return this evening. Did you finish what you were assigned to do yet? "

I asked the red haired women that was sitting on the opposite end of a table at a café. She was typing something on her laptop as i was reading newspaper.

"Almost, I will most likely join you in a couple of days. "

"Sure. No need to hurry. We have time. "

"When did they call us to assamble again? "

"By the end of this week. "

"Oh, I'll be back by then. I assume by your early leave that you finnished your assignment? "

I fliped a page of the newspaper seeing the news i was searching for. My lips curled upward in a mischievous smile.

"Of course!"

I said as i read the big letters of todays big news.

[Moner Albert committed suicide at his mansion. Reasons unknown. Investigation by detective.... ]

I had nothing agints you, sorry.

My smile turned in a grimm expression just by remembering why i do this.

"Well, I'll see you in a couple of days than. "

I said as i jumped out of my seat, taking the newspaper with me.

"That hobby of yours is creepy!"

Redhead yelled behind me.

I just snorted at her as i rushed through the door. Afterwards i just ran.

I ran faster than a car, wind blowing my black hair as i went faster and faster. I passed streets ignoring traffic lights and not caring for cars. At one moment, as expected, a car hit me.

I wasn't there anymore but i can imagine what is happening. The driver thought he hit something so he stopped abruptly as soon as he could, just to find nothing there. Or, he didn't stop due to his reasons, who knows, and i don't care.

I'm in a place humans like to call 'afterlife'. As my body was flying upwards as my hair grew longer and my green eyes shining, turning forest green, something found rarely on humans. The wight light that surrounded me slowly turned red as i entere the dark part of heaven, purgatory. As i entered in the reddest part of my flight wings with black feathers grew on my back and a black castle like building appeared. I stopped in midair gazing at it.

This little place is what i like to call Gods prison, Organization of failures, a place where dropouts gather.

Humans would think that peoole that do wrong in life go to hell after death, but that's wrong, they all go to heaven, God is forgiving.

Only those who did something bad in afterlife or some... rare cases, such as myself, go here.

Our names wary Shinegami, Reapers, Had,....all in all, we are gods of death. Our job is to kill, well, not kill but... end someones lifespan. We are sent bu God himself to do this worst kind of 'dirty work'. And there ist that many of us, not many dare defy God, but there is enough of us to be responsible for every natural and unnatural fenomen that coses human life to end.

We are known as fallen angels.