
Meera in her fairy world

like almost every girl,She always gets lost in her fairy land dreaming about the life she wanted to have ahead ,she was having hundreds dreams for her family,her dream of becoming an entrepreneur ,she was fearless and a big dreamer ! she has her own charm of attracting people with her nature! she was helpful and very sensitive.. she gives support to her friends when they feel down or when they need something..she used to make people happy with her really good sense of humour ! her friends and family loved her deeply ..she was a lovely daughter to her parents ...her father used to support her in every stupid things she used to do ! her little achievement he made a big one by celebrating it in a grand way ! Everything was so good, n she used to thought of how she can bring change to the world by becoming a young entrepreneur! she gets easily disturbed whenever she sees poor people..she gets hurt when she sees nobody helping a poor because they don't feel like to help! thousands of thoughts kills her everyday why people don't want to help humanity...she often thought of the history class in school where she used to teach the fundamental rights and many other things which she loved to read and adapted...while others used to talk with expressions with each other ,escaping themselves to the teachers eyes,she used to think that whenever and wherever possible she would be a unbiased girl wihouts fearing anyone to anything! she never did injustice to the people based on cast or any other things ! she promised herself she is never gonna judge anyone for anything !she used to be very supportive and understanding since her school days ,,she was almost everyone favourite at her school time ...though she was intelligent but she was a keen learner of becoming a super human first ,,she was joyful to spend time with,,she used to mimic her friends ,she was a bold person when it comes to explain what is going on in her mind !