
He looks familiar

Chapter 13: He looks familiar

April is seen at the airport, ready for the next available flight heading to Florida, where she was to start her new job.

“Oh God! I pray this day that you come before me and make every crooked way straight. Florida brought me lots of pain years back, but as I'm about to return I pray for a fresh start.” April muttered these words as she entered the plane and it took off. Right inside the plane, her countenance changed, her face seeming all moody and stressed out. It was as though she was having a migraine. She slowly took out the medical report of the doctor which read…

“Ma'am April, we are sorry to inform you that due to the emotional stress you've been through lately, you might take a while to recover, and you will have symptoms like short-term memory, fatigue etc.”

She soliloquized to herself again as these words from the doctor were echoed in her head over and over again with tears slowly dripping down her chin.