

Getting a few miles away from the village I looked around as I spoke.

"Stealth SHD bike ISAC, I'm going to level up before heading to Orario."


A sleek black motorcycle with the Division logo and everything materialized a few inches away. Sighing as I got onto the bike a few things popped up to pick before my status updated. As Cthulhu wants me to pick at least one of both Development and Sub skills. Looking at my choices I selected my choices and then my new status pulled up.

[Falna of Cthulhu

Name: Dakota Levi Carter

Title(s): Division Agent, Eldritch Champion, Hunter, Sociopathic Butcher, Monster Master

Level - Four

Age: 1600

Strength: I 0 (73,600)

Endurance: I 0 (999,999)

Vitality: I 0 (60,764)

Agility: I 0 (254,800)

Arcane: I 0 (54,678)

Wisdom: I 0 (20,000)

Charisma: I 0 - (16,000)

Luck: I 0 (4,000)

Unique Skills: ISAC, SHD Tech, Status Check, Eldritch Magic, Gunsmith, Infinity Ammo, Adaptability, Charm Nullification

Development Skills: Healing S, Marksman SS, Mage A, Mystery B, Stealth A, Fire Resistance B, Lightning Resistance EX, Swimming A, Keen Sight S, Stab Resistance SS, Slash Resistance S, Blunt Resistance S, Parkour I

Sub Skills: Iron Stomach, Magic Sensitivity, Hunter Senses, Sociopathic, Monster Taming, Enslave, Multilingual, Archaean Infection, Rapid Regeneration, Night Vision]

With that done I started revving the engine but no sound echoed out, only a silent rumble. Leaning forward, ISAC scanned the surroundings while I drove off. My duster flapped in the wind slightly but my weapons and hidden bag of holding I had made were secured to my person. Pulling my lower face mask up I drove through the woods swaying through the trees. Occasionally quick drawing my revolver and blowing a random monster's head off. Exiting the woods a bit I parked and scanned the area with my eyes while ISAC reports nothing new. The tower of Babel off in the distance acting as a beacon to the dungeon of Tartarus.

"ISAC be wary of any dangerous looks at me from Babel. I've heard stories of Freya, both here and my ex-life, and I just hope my preemptive measures will save me."


Starting the bike back up I drove towards Orario once more going slower the closer I got to the gates. Getting off my bike eventually I easily lifted it up and stored it into my bag. Popping my back I headed towards the gates. As I approached them I looked around pretty relaxed while entering under the bored but cautious gazes of the guards. The place is pretty damn lively but I don't pay it much mind I headed towards the guild. While I have money, I don't feel hungry currently so to the guild I go. Along the way I clotheslined a Werewolf stealing something but I didn't really stick around I just kept walking.

Entering the guild I looked around I walked to the freest guild counter, an Avian Beastkin perking up as she saw me. Stopping at the counter I take note of her characteristic Blue hair with red green highlights, same for the feathers on her arms and neck, chocolate tanned skin, green eyes, and a more motherly body type. Her rather energetic voice rang out as she giggled.

"Welcome to the Orario Adventurer's guild! My name is Gialia, how may I help you?"

"Looking to become an adventurer, I got a Falna already but my deity is one not really liked. Since well they're an Eldritch...."

A tired chirp interrupted me, causing me to look at the now waking up Thunder Phoenix. Who honestly has been pretty steadfast in one position. But her chirp catches the receptionist's attention who for some reason pulls a mouse out from somewhere. Throwing it at my familiar who's eyes brighten up, beak snapping around the mouse as she gobbles it up.

"That's fine, honestly, just follow me and I'll copy your Falna down for you. As for your cute little friend, is she liable to attack? And what is she?"

"Ah I actually have a copy of my Falna already, here."

Sticking my hand deeper into a pocket I pulled out a freshly materialized folded Falna paper. Handing it to Gialia while Pandora pressed her head into my cheek, talons digging into my duster and shoulder a bit.

"As for her, this is Pandora, my familiar, a God I had grown up with gifted her to me. She's a Thunder Phoenix but has been pretty sleepy since she was just born. Is there anything I should know though?"

"Well she's beautiful for a hatchling~! As for what to know…. Well there are Fighting, Support, Craftsman, Tamer, and Hybrid as adventurer sub divisions that specific people fit. Any you think you're particularly inclined to?"

"Hm.. Hybrid as I can be a fighter and support with a pension for controlling monsters, along with small personal crafting."

"Alright that should be everything~! Stay safe little hatchlings!"

"Pff you sound like a mom."

"Ehehe well I do have twelve children."

"Twelve….? How are you still sane?"

"Because I made some amazing friends~!"

"Okay… don't die of exhaustion…."

Turning around I left as some guild employees and adventures chuckled wryly. Is she well known for her bubbly personality and THAT many kids? Eh sounds fun honestly. Although I'm liable to strangle a bitch or brat. Walking towards the dungeon I passed by a guild employee who's monitoring the entrance. Heading down into it I reach behind my back inside my duster pulling a Stoner 63 LMG from a hidden holster. Checking its ammo box I used an attachment strap to put it around my torso. Pulling my Colt Python out I cocked the hammer back and blew a Kobold's brains out as soon as I stepped off the stairs. The monster's head snaps back while it turns to dust.

The loud bang startled several monsters and adventurer's. But I continued walking into the dungeon blowing heads apart or holes in chest cavities.

"Pandora, can you collect the drops? ISAC, give me a SHD Carrier Drone."

At my request ISAC materialized a medium sized mostly boxy spider drone, as it dropped with a thud beside me. Pandora's wings flapping before she takes off and snatches the stones up. Eyeing the carrier before flying over it and dropping the magical stones into it as the drone's top opens. Cocking the hammer rapidly to fan fire, my finger squeezed the trigger firing five shots off. Three Goblins and two Kobolds drop with their heads snapping back or sideways.

Gotta love modified guns to carry more rounds in them for some shooting. Pandora collects every drop with some visible enthusiasm. After depositing them she landed back onto one of my shoulders so I scratched under her beak while praising her. She's still rather young and thus deserves positive encouragement for her work. This actually seemed to make her shy somewhat but she enjoyed it nonetheless.

Popping the cylinder of my revolver free it smokes before fresh rounds refill it. Thirty-two monsters dead, thirty-two new rounds reloaded. Popping it back in place we skulked around the first floor to scout it out completely. In doing so for a few hours and scaring a few other adventurers, it was fucking hilarious. Though along with disposing of a few greedier ones secretly, we did map everything out.

Each time I did kill someone getting greedy enough to not think, I talked to the dungeon itself. As I was curious what'd happen so saying these are in return for everything I've earned today. ISAC copied anything interesting for research and improvement opportunities.

The dungeon in a strange response to this gave a feeling of being surprised, but also pleased. As if it well never expected someone to repay it by feeding it people. After ten hours inside the dungeon and thirty dead, very stupid, greedy adventures the dungeon as if to repay me. Opened up a secret passage to a treasure chest? Down a narrow passage area with some crystal lighting. I approached it cautiously, gun at the ready, D&D taught me never to trust any chest, before opening it after tapping it a few times. NEVER trust a chest, fucking mimics.

Inside was a book labeled "Assassination", and some money, enough to live for a few months off of. I stored it inside a secret pocket, but a literal skill book? All for assassinating some greedy fucks the dungeon gave me a skill book to make it more likely? Well who am I to say no to such a gift? Taking the book I whispered a thanks towards the dungeon before quickly learning the skill. Leaving the dungeon shortly afterwards with a calm stride. As I left the monsters temporarily seemed to avoid me, probably dungeons orders seeing that I was leaving.

Which confused the adventurer's around me to watch the monsters just plainly ignore me. But returning to the guild and turning in everything from the monsters, besides a hundred fifty of the cores for mystery work, I earned a little over thirty thousand. Taking the pay I headed to a recommended street stall for a late dinner with Pandora.