
Divinity Pact

Leo Rhynehart is no one special. Average strength. Average mind. No special abilities. None of the Guardians of the temples accepted him for the Blessing of the Gods. Fate intervened. Random chance altered his destiny. And a Fool's Luck is all that keeps him going. Set in the world of Aether, heroes and adventurers known as Blessed explore the dungeons of this world, collecting magic stones from the monsters within. In this world, the balance of light and dark is maintained through Guardians, the ones who test those who would be blessed, and the Fae, those outside of the mortal coil. Leo has unknowingly thrust himself into the center of this conflict, lacking power, resources or even good standing, every moment he struggles to survive. ---------------‐ First time writing on this platform. Feel free to post *constructive* notes in the chapters. If it takes off, I'll see about finding a translator for the novel from English to languages used on this platform. Adult themes, foul language and violence advisory. If you are looking for a hero who always wins, This is not your novel. Leo is below average in everything, and relies on sheer dumb luck to succeed. The story plotline will move ahead in the later chapters, and hopefully develop into a fully fleshed world with multiple characters and novels eventually.

Aaron_McLeod_1690 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

You shall not Pass

Counting the coins Leo collected for his work in the sewers, he had a miraculous 55 gold in his pouch. With that, he easily managed to set himself up in a cheap inn near the poorer section of the town. Arriving late at night, he was greeted by a tired looking man running a nearly empty bar.

The bar was scrupulously clean, however the cheap oak tables and stools were well worn, and the few mugs held by the limited patrons were of a cheap clay, more chipped than not. Even the barkeeps clothing was threadbare, showing that this was neither a prosperous nor desired pub or inn. 'Feels like home already,' Leo thought as he paid a gold for his room for the next two nights.

Waking late, and with a day left to spare, Leo decided to browse the shops and see about getting armor or a better quality weapon. He also had to figure out what good the red mana stone was. Being a novice, he had no clue it's purpose or value, and being young, he was too embarrassed to ask the receptionist when he received it.

He decided his first trip would be to see if Alexis could fill him in on it's value. If nothing else, he could hawk it to a vendor for some extra cash.


It took Leo a short time to find the Rosary Inn. Just off the market, the brickwork inn coasted wide windows with well varnished eaves and shutters. Inside, a polished hardwood floor made of warm-colored woods, comfortable padded chairs and booths, and a bustling business, even in the midmorning. It took Leo several minutes to get the morning servers attention, and several longer to be told that patrons of the inn were not to be disturbed without an appointment.

Looking at his clothing and general appearance, the server had relegated him to one of the lower classes in an instant, and the last thing she wanted was to lose her high paying job and tips for letting a street rat bother a patron.

It was only almost an hour after almost shoving him out the door that she bothered to check the inn registry, and see that Leo Rhynehart was listed as a guest of the Guardian of the Grey, Alexis, with rights to the servants room adjacent to his. The server decided she would spend the next several days sick in bed, just in case the boy happened to recognize her and point her out to his master.


Leo, however, had no idea Alexis had arranged for a room for him, nor did he know his standing amongst the various Guardians in the country of Magdona. All he knew was even with the blessing, his status hadn't changed much. "Guess I'll have to take care of myself then," he muttered under his breath, walking towards the guild hall.

"Did you say something?" An attractive, young blonde woman turned to him on the street. Wearing clean, serviceable clothes, she looked like she could fit in amongst any of the social spheres. With a slim figure, olive tinged skin, and slightly slanted brows, her appearance seemed to be slightly foreign to the typically pale skinned humans found in this part of Magdona.

"No, sorry. Talking to myself. It's a habit I picked up from when I was younger, I guess. Have a good day," Leo replied blushing, quickly turning and walking away.

As he left, the woman casually pushed her bangs behind her ears, revealing their pointed tips. "Strange. He almost has the feeling of home to him," she muttered. Pausing to think for a moment, the elf decided to follow the young man, to figure out why he seemed to smell like of Alvanar.

Added a preface chapter called background at the first chapter, to avoid constant dribbles of information/exposition throughout the novel

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