
Divinity Pact

Leo Rhynehart is no one special. Average strength. Average mind. No special abilities. None of the Guardians of the temples accepted him for the Blessing of the Gods. Fate intervened. Random chance altered his destiny. And a Fool's Luck is all that keeps him going. Set in the world of Aether, heroes and adventurers known as Blessed explore the dungeons of this world, collecting magic stones from the monsters within. In this world, the balance of light and dark is maintained through Guardians, the ones who test those who would be blessed, and the Fae, those outside of the mortal coil. Leo has unknowingly thrust himself into the center of this conflict, lacking power, resources or even good standing, every moment he struggles to survive. ---------------‐ First time writing on this platform. Feel free to post *constructive* notes in the chapters. If it takes off, I'll see about finding a translator for the novel from English to languages used on this platform. Adult themes, foul language and violence advisory. If you are looking for a hero who always wins, This is not your novel. Leo is below average in everything, and relies on sheer dumb luck to succeed. The story plotline will move ahead in the later chapters, and hopefully develop into a fully fleshed world with multiple characters and novels eventually.

Aaron_McLeod_1690 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

First Trial

Leo found himself back in the charred meadow. A burnt tree stood near the center of the clearing. No moon lit the night, no fireflies danced in the air. The place seemed empty, devoid of life or hope.

"How did I get here?"

(Another Comes For The Test)

(Fae Power Runs Through Its Veins)

(Why Would We Bless A Fae Tainted Thing)

Words echoed in Leo's head, making him gasp in pain and fall to the ground. Clutching his skull, he squinted his eyes, looking for the source of the sound.

(Look At The Poor Mortal. He Cannot Even Withstand Our Voices, How Could He Withstand Our Blessing)

(It Is Weak And Useless)

(I Withhold My Blessing)



To a chorus of voices hammering into his head, all seeming to say he was worthless, Leo forced himself up slowly. "I may be weak," he said weakly. "I may have a contract with a faerie. I may feel pain and be unable to even stand when you speak.

"But I am Not A THING!" He finished with a roar. Standing upright, he turned his gaze to the heavens. "This destruction is what your Blessing did. This meadow was filled with life, and gave me hope. You created the monster who did this.

"This is your responsibility, and I am asking you to give me the power to make it right!"

The voices suddenly stopped speaking. A quiet voice, feminine, gentle, yet with steel in it spoke.

(Do You Seek Vengeance? Do You Wish For Power To Destroy The One Who Did This)

Leo shook his head. "I wish to repair the damage, and bring the destroyer to justice." A slight murmur of voices occurred.

(I Will Not Grant My Blessing)

(Do We All Agree Then? If So, Let The Mortal Perish)

Leo paled at the voice's words, being forced back to his knees. They all agreed, one by one, then as a tumultuous group. Leo began to despair, knowing that if one did not speak in favor of him, he would die.


The voices suddenly stopped at the sound of gentle bells tinkling and the sound of a mature woman's voice.

(You Wish To Heal This Place. Why)

"It was my home. It was beautiful. And because of me it was destroyed. I promised I would try to save it."

There was silence for a moment.

(Should You Call Upon My Name, I Shall Give You My Blessing. Know This, However. You Shall Walk Alone Among My Guild, With No Brothers Or Sisters With My Blessing. Do You Accept)

In an abrupt motion, Leo stood, saying, "I accept."

(Then Hear My Name, Mortal, And Gain My Blessing, For I Am The Lady Of Forests And Meadows, She Of The Bells, Goddess Aranyani Of The Wild)

With a flash of green light, Leo gasped as his back seemed to burn from within, as if vines were growing within his flesh.