
Divinity Pact

Leo Rhynehart is no one special. Average strength. Average mind. No special abilities. None of the Guardians of the temples accepted him for the Blessing of the Gods. Fate intervened. Random chance altered his destiny. And a Fool's Luck is all that keeps him going. Set in the world of Aether, heroes and adventurers known as Blessed explore the dungeons of this world, collecting magic stones from the monsters within. In this world, the balance of light and dark is maintained through Guardians, the ones who test those who would be blessed, and the Fae, those outside of the mortal coil. Leo has unknowingly thrust himself into the center of this conflict, lacking power, resources or even good standing, every moment he struggles to survive. ---------------‐ First time writing on this platform. Feel free to post *constructive* notes in the chapters. If it takes off, I'll see about finding a translator for the novel from English to languages used on this platform. Adult themes, foul language and violence advisory. If you are looking for a hero who always wins, This is not your novel. Leo is below average in everything, and relies on sheer dumb luck to succeed. The story plotline will move ahead in the later chapters, and hopefully develop into a fully fleshed world with multiple characters and novels eventually.

Aaron_McLeod_1690 · Fantasy
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28 Chs


The history of Aether varies region to region, depending upon which historian wrote the tale, and which viewpoint they truly believe.

To the humans of Magdona, history came as a long line of Kings, Emperors, Nobles and even merchants, stretching back hundreds of years, describing their feats of valour, commerce, war and peace.

To the half-fae humanoids of Alvanar, called elvenkind, history is written in the boles of their sacred forests, detailing the growth and changes of the land, it's creatures, and the steady balance of life and death.

To the beastkin of Vershaal, history is a tribal chant, stories and legends of champions who arose and challenged their enemies, engaging in combat between various tribes, constantly struggling for dominance, all while maintaining freedom and isolation from others.

All the histories told and recorded show various sides of the same story, and few points align with the stories told by the other races.

However one point across all histories remains.

When Aether first came to be, three races of higher beings existed;

The Elementals, beings of the natural world, embodying the primal elements, creating solid form, birthing the world from the void,

The Fae, faerie creatures embodying nature and wild life, filling the planet with flora and fauna, driving the seasons,

And finally, the Deities, beings of god-like power, embodying the greater aspects and concepts, creating conscious beings from the living beasts.

Of the three founders, two laid claim to the world, while one stood apart. The Fae, having birthed all life, claimed the world as theirs, for without them, it would simply be an empty shell. The Deities, however, contested that the gift of consciousness allowed the living creatures to grow, develop, and change the world from wild to tame.

The Elementals, tired from their work of creation, entered the core of the world to rest. From their very presence, mana began to slowly filter upwards, slowly filling the world. It is speculated that these beings are the source of both our mana stones

Each side refused their claim to the world, and the peoples created eventually split. To the Deities, called Gods, humankind of pure stock was born. With the formation of dungeons, the Gods granted their Blessing to humans, allowing them to surpass their limits.

To the Fae, Elvenkind, beings connected to the primal nature of the earth. To those of elvish blood, mana and magic are second nature, bearing a deep connection to the primal and natural forces of this world. Their kingdom in the forests of the world spread quickly, some live their lives in an attempt to maintain the balance of nature, while others reject this peaceful life, instead becoming adventurers alongside humans.

And to the Elementals, Beastkin, a race apart from others for centuries. Bearing powers of both consciousness and beast-traits, several varieties of beast-like humanoids appeared. With heightened physical form, and unique abilities, many historians comment that if not for their isolationist policies, the human empire would never have formed.

Excerpt from Aether, History of the Dungeon, by Adeimus Lanchard