
Divinity: Against the Godly System

Bracelet of Immortality, the mysterious sealed item that needed 26 fragments to completely unseal. Every unsealing giving an incredible power to the user. First Fragment, the power of Time. Second Fragment, the Power of healing. Third Fragment, the power of... What happens when Ryder Flynn finds the item inside the first Fully Immersive VRMMO. Why did the item follow him to the real world? Why is the Virtual World so real? **** A human-like System that knows too much? Why does it feel like my family member? Is it related to my strange memories? The System used to annoy me so much with its threatening quests but why is it that now I feel each of his quest saved me and my loved one indirectly? **** The memories of the past? Why do I remember being a god that created this bracelet? Why did I want to destroy everything. What did the other gods do? **** ... Instagram: @Author_demonic_angel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Buy me a coffee and support me on Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/deangel Patreon: Patreon.com/DeAngel Join my discord:https://discord.gg/2AGkydg ______________________________________ PS: I don't own the cover artwork. All rights of the cover belong to the Original artist. I wasn't able to find the artist. If you are the artist, you can contact me.

Demonic_angel · Games
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671 Chs

Chapter 597: Invitation

Ryder stepped inside the hall where Rale was practicing to see Rale staring at him. 

"Is something wrong?" Ryder asked, wondering if Rale was stunned because of his different aura and looks. 

"Your Majesty? Is that you?" Rale exclaimed, stunned. 

"Who else could it be if not me?" Ryder asked, waving his Moon Scythe in the air. 

"I'm lost practicing my new aura skill. I need to stay in this aura for quite some time to master this skill. Same for my disguise skills. Anyways, how's everything going?" he asked Rale after giving a short explanation. 

Rale was still stunned as he found it strange and unfamiliar, but he understood that it was Ryder. Despite that, he still decided to take the test. 

"Everything's going good. I was just training my men," Rale answered.

"By the way, Your Majesty. Have you looked at the documents I gave you a few days ago? What are your thoughts about that? Should we go forward with that?" He further inquired.