
Divine Seal of Chaos

Arc-1 Synopsis: It's been 10,000 years since the Fiends appeared on the human continent. 'Where did they come from?' 'Why did they come and for what purpose?' 'No one knows!' Countless humans united together and banished the Fiends to the lost continent of what now is called 'Fiend continent.' ==== Story Synopsis: Chaos Expanse—a home of ten beautiful universes. 5 million years ago, the experts of Spirit universe waged war upon the Supreme being, discovering their Expanse was sealed by him. - Even though they lost the war, a powerful expert of the Spirit universe was able to heavily wound the supreme being and trap him using an otherwordly treasure. - Gin Reyhart, our MC who failed to awaken his spirit seal. Follow his footsteps to witness his legend and how he rises above all by overcoming the trials and tribulations that come in his way.

Tricxter · Fantasy
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141 Chs

Heaven Fall Academy

Gin followed Dean Alfin, they entered the building at the middle, climbed the stairs and arrived at the first floor.

Dean Alfin is an old man of average height with grey-white hair and beard. He wore a traditional white martial robe with golden linings. Even so, he was surprisingly fit and muscular for his age.

They soon entered an office looking room, located at the far corner of the first floor.

The room was neat and tidy with a single bookshelf filled with books, an office desk with three chairs.

"It's my office. Have a seat." Dean Alfin said settling in his seat. Gin occupied a chair opposite of the Dean's seat.

"Show me your hand," Dean Alfin asked.

Gin hesitantly showed his hand, which was swiftly grabbed by Alfin. As soon as his hand was grabbed, he sensed warm energy from Dean which was coursing through his body.

Gin panicked, he was afraid that Dean Alfin will find out about the existence of the 'magical space' present inside his heart.

Alfin thought Gin was scared by his sudden action, so he quickly freed Gin's hand and said, "Don't worry, I was just checking your physique."

Unknown to Alfin, Gin breathed a sigh of relief hearing the Dean's words. Look like his worry was unnecessary, as Dean Alfin couldn't detect the magical space presence.

"Even though you don't have any spirit seal, you already reached the Physique Enrichment stage. It's unusual!" Dean Alfin spoke and pondered.

"Do you know anything about Physique Cultivation?" Dean Alfin suddenly asked.

"Yes," Gin said, without hiding it. He knows someone with a slight knowledge of Physique cultivation will be able to discover his cultivation.

"It's astonishing that you were able to reach the 'Physique Enrichment' stage by cultivating your physique."

"In my younger days, I met many people who practiced Physique Cultivation like yourself. But, it's my first time seeing someone improving this fast."

"Sigh, I know you have no choice but to train your physique as you don't have any spirit seal."

"But, as far as I know, no physique cultivator has ever advanced to the next stage - Seal Opening stage."

"I am not saying this to discourage you, I am telling this so that you can mentally prepare yourself for the outcome."

"Mn, I understand." Gin smiled.

"Good, you have a strong heart. Our academy will be fortunate if someone like you joins us, but it's up to you to decide."

"If you want, I can recommend you to any academies other than Skyfire Academy," Dean Alfin kindly stated.

"No need, Dean Alfin. I decided to join your academy, I like the environment around here."

"Is there any procedure before I can join?" Gin asked.

Alfin was surprised by Gin's answer, he thought the youth before him will leave like other students who come here. "W-well, we will conduct a small test."

"Sure, I will wait outside..." Saying this, Gin left the Dean's room.


As soon as Gin left the office, another figure appeared inside – it's none other than Baste.

"Dean, do you plan on accepting him?" Baste asked. Unlike before, his temperament looked different, solemn and gave a dangerous demeanor.

"He's a good child. I could see the thirst in his eyes, something different from others." Dean Alfin expressed.

"It's a pity that he didn't have any spirit seal," Baste said.

"No, you are underestimating him. I have a feeling he will become someone that we can't even look up to, soon."

"But -"

"Don't worry, I believe in my judgment. You will be responsible for testing him a little. Now, let's go." Dean Alfin interrupted Baste and said.

"What? Dean, he's just a child, I won't fight him." Baste refused.

"Haha, Baste, why don't we make a small bet?" Dean Alfin said with a crafty gleam in his eyes.

Bate took a few steps back, clutching the pant pocket where his wallet is located. "What bet?"

"I noticed he only recently advanced to the Physique Enrichment stage. I suppose you already know that?" Dean Alfin asked.


"If you can defeat him within five minutes by limiting your strength to the second level of Physique Enrichment, consider it as my loss."

"If you somehow win, I will let you take a peek at the 3rd stage of the skill you always coveted. What do you say?" Dean Alfin asked.

"Really?" Bate exclaimed but soon he recovered and warily looked at his Dean. "What you want if I lose?"

He knows his Dean very well if the offer is enticing then he's sure of his victory. But, he couldn't foresee a loss facing a child.

"It will be your responsibility to keep our academy clean for a year. Deal?" Alfin asked.

"One year? It's okay, I will manage." Baste agreed as the reward is something he always desired.


Gin waited downstairs, trying to see if he was able to find any interesting things. After 5 mins, Dean Alfin and Baste arrived before Gin.

"Let's go to the combat ground," Baste spoke.

The combat ground was located at the left side of the academy, it was a grass field perfect for combat.

"Gin, you will fight Baste. If you can survive under his attacks for more than five minutes, you win." Dean Alfin explained.

"Both of you aren't allowed to use any martial skills, you can only use hand-hand combat techniques. And Gin, don't worry, Baste will restrict his strength to level 2 of the Physique Enrichment stage."

"Ready?" Dean Alfin explained and asked.

"Yes," Gin said while his blood boiled with excitement.

When Gin first noticed Baste, he already knows he's someone powerful with vast experience and terrifying strength.

"I won't show any leniency, so please be careful," Baste said while Gin nodded.

Both Gin and Baste stood facing one another, ready to storm upon Dean's signal.


The battle started.

A terrifying momentum released from Baste, while he lunged at Gin. A kick packed with power reached Gin's face.

Gin easily blocked the attack with his left hand, it didn't even scratch him as he's someone who cultivates the body. He was surprised by how weak Baste's kick was.

"What?" Baste retreated before Gin could launch an attack.

'I already used fifty percent of my strength, but it didn't harm him in the slightest. How is he this strong without a spirit seal?' Baste was troubled.

'I was tricked by Dean, again.'

Dean Alfin watched the battle with a smile. When he examined Gin, he was also surprised by his strength like Baste.

A normal person executing a good martial skill can bring forth 3500 Kg of physical strength in the 2nd level of the Physique Enrichment stage.

If you are fighting without any skills, you can only bring out around half of your original strength without utilizing the essence energy in your body.

But Gin's different, his strength comes from his flesh, bones, and every cell in his body. Because that's where the essence energy he absorbs goes.

Unlike Physique Cultivation, Martial cultivation follows the path of absorbing essence energy and store it in their spirit seal. After that, they can use it whenever and however they want.

Baste, who restricted his strength to the 2nd level wasn't Gin's match as he can only exert around 1800Kg of strength.

Even so, it didn't stop Baste from charging again. He has vast combat experience and the ability to control his strength efficiently.

This time, Gin dashed forward and punched at Baste using his right hand with full strength.

His fist carried a powerful force, enough to shatter large rocks but Baste nimbly avoided the attack.

At the same time, Gin punched using his left-hand aiming at Baste's face. When Baste noticed the attack, it was too late.

Even so, he calmly deflected the attack by gently hitting Gin's arm. Gin's blow traveled past his right ear, producing a 'Whoosh' sound.

'What a strong punch!' Baste gulped, if he was second later in deflecting the attack, his face would have lost few teeth by now.

'He doesn't look like someone who had just advanced to the 1st level of Physique Enrichment stage.' Baste thought.

He knows he's not Gin's match with his current strength so immediately raised his strength to the 4th level.

Baste's strength and speed increased twice as before. Gin also sensed it but he didn't care.

Dean Alfin who's at the distance narrowed his eyes a little but he didn't stop Baste.

Gin and Baste clashed once again, both of their fists collided in mid-air creating a 'BOOM' sound.

Gin took two steps back, while Baste took four steps back flailing his hand in pain.

The battle between them continued for ten more minutes while neither gained an advantage over the other.

Since it's a hand to hand combat, it's nothing surprising.

"You win," Baste yielded while Gin nodded and stopped his attack.

"Dean, are all the Physique cultivators this strong? or is it just Gin?!" Baste whined, helpless about the loss.

"Haha, I once saw a physique cultivator defeating a 'Seal Opening' stage practitioner while being in the Physique Enrichment stage." Dean Alfin shared his thoughts.